Gulf Coast Oil Devastation After The Next Hurricane? - **************************************************************************************
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"9mm Hi Powers Won't Feed JHP's"...
This statement was sometimes true enough with the classic style Hi Powers predating the Mk II, which debuted in 1982. At that time, FN "throated" the old "humped" feed ramp. This change took the Hi Power pistol from being potentially "picky" about which JHP's it would feed to one that has proven not to be particular at all. In other words, Hi Powers in the Mk II or current Mk III designs are very reliable with expanding ammunition having blunt bullet shapes.
Can there be the individual Hi Power that fails to feed? Probaby so; individual specimens that are not up to snuff occassionally seem to slip past the QC personnel of more than one manufacturer. I have shot more than a few Hi Powers over the past 4 decades. From my very first Mk II to my current Mk III's, I have yet to see a single one that wouldn't feed FMJ or JHP's in bullet weights of about 90 grains to 158 grains (heavy Israeli subsonic loads).
Current 9mm Hi Powers feed reliably and the old saying that they are "jamamatics" with other than FMJ ammunition just is no longer true...and and hasn't been for 28 years!
The Hi Power may or may not be a 9mm pistol that curries your favor, but if weighing factors in making that decision, don't buy into to the outdated "facts" that Hi Powers won't feed other than ball rounds. 9mm Hi Powers made from '82 onward will...and those made before 1982 can be made to without much difficulty! (Having said that, I fully understand that some shooters will simply prefer other designs to the Hi Power; there are many quality 9mm autoloaders to choose from; go with what works for you in my view.)
Reported by Thomas Costanzo
Date: 07-01-2009
Subject: Government
Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U. S. needs to know....
Something happened... H.R. 1388 was passed yesterday, behind our backs. You may want to read about it. It wasn't mentioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen.
Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA . This is the news that didn' t make the headlines...
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza .
The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States, was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.
Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order
provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
Let ' s review....itemized list of some of Barack Obama ' s most recent actions since his inauguration:
His first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud
Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.
His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.
His first executive order was to fund/facilitate abortion(s) not just here within the U. S. , but within the world, using U. S. tax payer funds.
He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.
He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.
He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the "terror attack" on 9/11.
Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to, and live in, the US at American taxpayer expense.
These important, and insightful, issues are being "lost" in the
blinding bail-outs and "stimulation" packages.
Doubtful? To verify this for yourself:
WE are losing this country at a rapid pace.
Psalms Chapter 109 תְּהִלִּים
The Spill, The Scandal and the President
...................................................................................New York Governor Warns Of Anarchy If Budget Isn't Passed Right Away
Hillary Clinton Is A Traitor To America
Hillary Clinton Is A Vicious Jew-Hater
Hillary Clinton Is A Pathological Liar

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis June 12, 2010, 1:26 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Israel Saudi air corridor
The Saudi air corridor offered Israel for an attack on Iran reported in the London Times of Saturday, June 12, was an old story rehashed by Riyadh in the hope of egging the US and Israel on to break free of their self-imposed restraints and halt Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb before it is too late.
debkafile's Middle East sources report the explosive developments of the last two weeks, primarily the meteoric rise of a thrusting partnership between the two non-Arab powers, Turkey and Iran, have badly rattled Arab capitals, especially when they see the Obama administration and Netanyahu government immersed in tying themselves and each other in knots over the format of an inquiry into Turkish flotilla incident.
The London Times reported that
“The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they will look the other way,” said a
debkafile adds: Appearing in the week UN sanctions were approved against
Low expectations of the sanctions are no secret in
This did not stop defense secretary Robert Gates speaking after a NATO meeting in Brussels on June 11, from whipping out the rusty device beloved of the Bush administration: "I think everyone agrees we have some more time, including the Israelis. …I would say the intelligence estimates range from one to three years."
In the Middle East meanwhile, events are rushing forward with explosive haste, impelled in the last ten days by the Turkish-led flotilla for breaking the
The rise of the Turkish-Iranian alliance has not only thrust
Within days, the balance of power in the region has been reshuffled to extend way beyond
Gates' only comment on this development was: "I was disappointed by the
Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and defense minster Ehud Barak are just as laggard in addressing the formidable new axis looming over the region and the Jewish state, in particular. They are too busy quibbling with
What Netanyahu and Barak have not told the public is that the dickering with the Obama administration has dragged out for five days because the
If Obama has his way, Israeli soldiers will for the first time face questioning by American and European investigators. Israeli leaders understand that compliance would add fuel to the international campaign for de-legitimizing the Jewish state as a sovereign state and respectable member of the world community of nations. The Israelli Defense Forces would be further immobilized under a sustained international campaign to discredit them on the lines of the Goldstone report on the Gaza war - only this time Washington is taking the lead in the de-legitimacy campaign.
With no one apparently available for keeping
debkafile adds: The air corridor is now clearly open but still unused. There appears to be no one in
Currently, the high pressure release of oil is between 80,000 to 100,000 barrels per day. The flow of oil and toxic gases is bringing up with it a churning sand/rockchunk effluent which is rubbleblasting the drill hole and what is left of the well head engineering. As the well head becomes worn away incrementally, hour by hour, the ever-widening oil flow passageway allows an ever-increasing outflow. The spreading oil has now reached the Gulf Stream and is entering the oceanic current. This is four times stronger than the local currents in the Gulf. The Gulf Stream will carry the oil throughout the world within eighteen months. This oil, along with its attendant hydrocarbon gases, including benzene and many other toxins, is depleting the dissolved oxygen in the water, killing much, or most, aerobic life.
At some point in the near future, the drill hole will enlarge itself beneath the wellhead to weaken the area the wellhead structures rest upon. The pressure will then push the wellhead off the hole allowing a direct and unrestricted upflow of oil. The drill hole will continue to increase in diameter allowing more and more oil to gush into the Gulf. After several billion barrels of oil have been released, the pressure within the massive cavity (five miles beneath the ocean floor) will begin to normalise. The sea water, under deep ocean pressure, will be forced into the enlarged drill hole and into the cavity where the oil was. The temperature of the rock around the cavity at that depth is 400 degrees Celsius. The sea water will be vaporised and turned into fast-expanding, superheated steam. The resulting upforce will lift the Gulf sea bed, slowly at first, but then very quickly. The rock structures will no longer be able to contain the expansion energies. A tsunami wave, at least 20 to 80 feet high, will be created in the Gulf of Mexico. All surrounding areas within 50 to 200 miles inland will be inundated.
The US does not have the political cohesion, the spiritual will or the technological expertise to deal with this threat. Massive, multimillion loss of human life will result. Several coastline cities in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Cuba and the Yucatan peninsula will be wiped off the face of the Earth, by the tsunami. There will be less than one hour's warning. The whole subterranean cavity-change process may take a month or two to complete. Or it could happen today. The exact timing could be speeded-up by the use of covert ELF geoagitation weapons located at HAARP facilities in places such as Gakona (Alaska, USA), Fylingdales (North Yorkshire, UK) or Ramfjordmoen (Svalbard, Norway).
Before the Indonesian Tsunami of December 2004, the US requested Indonesia’s cooperation with the “war against terror” and wanted US naval access to the Straits of Malacca (between Indonesia and Malaysia). Indonesia refused. HAARP was then used to stimulate the tsunami and punish them. Similar punishments, in the form of directed earthquakes, have been given by the US cabal to China and Japan in recent years. There have been indications of late, however, (for example here) that the scientists and technicians working at the HAARP antenna arrays around the world are now refusing to use their facilities for act-of-god warfare of this kind.
The major basketcases are California, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania.
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Uncovered: Obama's
mystery college years
Tied to Ayers' group, extremist
groups operating on campus
The Mexican Zeta drug cartel plotted to blow up Falcon Dam on the Texas border, which would have sent billions of gallons of water into low-lying areas on both sides of the border inhabited by 4 million people.
U.S. authorities confirmed the plans for the attack last Wednesday, revealing that federal officials, American police and disaster specialists secretly scrambled last month to prevent the planned carnage.
The plot was uncovered when law enforcement officials found a copy of a handbill the Zeta cartel was distributing to people on the Mexican side, warning them to vacate the area before the destruction. When authorities found “small amounts of dynamite near the dam,” they beefed up security on both sides of the border.
Mexico’s Zeta cartel desired to destroy the dam, not to harm the civilians in the potential flood zone, but to disrupt the drug smuggling routes of its primary competition, the Gulf cartel. But officials say the billions of gallons unleashed from such an attack would have caused mass destruction and deaths.
Whether or not the Zeta cartel, among whose ranks are Mexican military defectors trained in demolition, had the capacity to blow up the 5-mile-long Falcon Dam may never be known since the attack didn’t come to pass. But authorities are taking this threat and the snowballing power of the drug traffickers seriously.
Fear of being perceived as racists dissuades American politicians from taking the resolute action necessary to stop the organized crime that is devouring the U.S.’s southern border. Rather that tackling these violent cartels with decisive force, elected leaders fiddle while the border burns. The U.S. is too divided to take action, and racial strife is at the heart of the fissure.
The plot to destroy the Falcon Dam is only the latest exhibit in a long list of evidence proving that the U.S. has lost its grip on the Western Hemisphere, and the will to reverse its decline. Drug cartels and the devastation they breed are only symptoms of America’s disease: moral decline. “There is a cause for every effect,” the late Herbert W. Armstrong often said. America’s lust for drugs creates the demand that keeps these cartels afloat. For more on why the world’s greatest superpower is also the world’s biggest drug addict, read “The Drugging of America.” •
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 10, 2010, 12:33 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Iran nuclear US-French-UK air drill
The low deterrent effect of the sanctions against
US and French bombers took off from each other's aircraft carriers, the USS Harry S. Truman and the Charles de Gaulle, while the British planes flew in from their bases in England. Together, they practiced their strike capabilities in a real war. The Canjuers training facility near
Rear Admiral Henri Bobin, commander of the French Fleet Air Arm, said the Charles de Gaulle is seen as a potential deterrent to
Thursday June 10, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and French Defense Minister Hervé Morin were scheduled to visit the French carrier just after it had spent 15 months in dry dock having its nuclear propulsion system refitted and other upgrades performed. French officers say the Charles de Gaulle' is now "more compatible" with US carriers the adaptation of its steam catapult launch and other systems for take-off and landing.
And indeed, debkafile's military sources report, French Navy F3 Rafale fighters capable of carrying nuclear-tipped ASMP/A missiles flew in from the French carrier and performed touch-and-go landings on the vast deck of the Truman, while American F/A 18/FSuper Hornets performed the same exercises on the French carrier.
In another part of the exercise, American crews for the first time flew French Super Etendard fighters, taking off and landing on the Charles de Gaulle, while French pilots landed American Super Hornets on the decks of the Truman before taking off again.
They also flew "intercepts" against each to test their systems and diversify their pilots' skills.
The simulated landing of a French Rafale F3 landing minus one engine on the Truman deck Friday, June 4, was a dramatic moment: the US carrier's workshops handled the replacement of the "damaged" engine with a new one - the first time that American mechanics had performed a job this complicated on a foreign aircraft, using tools sent over from the Charles de Gaulle.
The Rafele F3 with its nuclear-tipped ASMP/A is due to be declared operational by the first of July.
As part of the refitting of the US and French carriers for greater compatibility, debkafile's sources report three French E2C Hawkeye spy planes on the Charles de Gaulle were upgraded to the level of the radar aircraft of the same model carried by the Truman, including the replacement of their four-bladed propellers with a more reliable eight-blade version.
Our sources report that from its joint exercise with the French Fleet and the British air force, the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group was due to leave French waters and head for the Arabian Sea opposite
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Hawaii elections clerk:
Obama birth not here
Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race
says hospital birth certificate non-existent
SocGen and all French banks are now openly warehousing every Euro bill they can find with the European Central Bank. Commercial EuroZone bankers do not want to hold Euros. And SocGen rogue trade insider, Jerome Kerviel, is lifting the lid off the playboy risk culture endemic within the Société Générale investment casino. More here (09.06.10). And another Jerome Kerviel picture here (09.06.10).
Managing an investment portfolio in Europe can put you on the fast track to a mental asylum. Only a playwright like Luigi Pirandello, who lived with a schizophrenic wife and wrote plays like Henry IV with its multiple levels of reality, could cope with the financial landscape of today’s Europe.
With the political élite so committed to the European Monetary Union process, which they rightly see as critical to the survival of the European Union, European economic distortions will only become more severe. Differences within the EuroZone are extreme. Ireland saw its nominal GDP drop by 10.2% last year, a decline similar to those experienced in the Great Depression of 1929-1939, while the German economy recently grew at a nominal rate of above 3%. The value of the Euro would have to be $0.31 to balance Greece’s international position, and the number for Spain is $0.34, while Germany could effectively compete in the international marketplace with a Euro over $1.80. John Taylor, Chief Investment Officer of FX Concepts, speaks plainly about the terminal chaos in the EuroZone.
Why has the UK's new Defence Secretary, Liam Fox, appointed the shady US CIA spook, Luke Coffey, to be his special adviser? Is it connected with UK MI6's role in facilitating China's $47 trillion World Court Writ of Execution and Lien on the US Treasury? And with the Washington DC private corporation's consequent need to keep US banks afloat with money from the Afghan drug trade run, with UK assistance, through the US Bagram air base (Afghanistan) and the US Camp Bondsteel army base in Kosovo (Europe)? But, if so, why has Luke Coffey not been given full security clearance at the UK's Ministry of Defence?
More here (08.06.10), here (14.12.09) and here (05.06.10). In Afghanistan there are marijuana plants the size of trees. And the poppy fields are many miles long. Afghan drugs background here (10.06.10).
If you do not change the number 1 factory frame plunger lever after installing an after market trigger your frame plunger lever will not elevate high enough and will not push your slide plunger up high enough for it to clear your firing pin and your firing pin will crash into your slide plunger chattering either or both of them and you will have a light primer hit which will cause a click instead of a bang - ITS YOUR LIFE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT.
The Barry Chamish Website
Welcome to official website of researcher and reporter Barry Chamish
..................................................................................................................................Google News Alert for: pulsa dinura
Ha'aretz Group calling itself Pulsa Denura casts death curse against MK Ahmed Tibi, ... The letter from a group dubbing itself "Pulsa Denura" was the second death ... | ||
Ha'aretz The letter from a group dubbing itself "Pulsa Denura" was the second death threat received by the United Arab List MK in the last two days. ... | ||
Israeli Arab lawmakers getting death threats, they say CNN He said the call came from a group calling itself "Pulsa Denura." Named for a curse in the ancient Aramaic language, the shadowy group issued death threats ... | ||
WAFA - Palestine News Agency TEL AVIV, June 8, 2010(WAFA)-Group calling itself Pulsa Denura casts death curse against MK Ahmed Tibi, Talab al-Sana who received phone calls a day earlier ... |
Ezekiel Chapter 25 יְחֶזְקֵאל
DEBKAfile Special Report June 9, 2010, 3:30 PM (GMT+02:00)
After eight months of back-breaking work, the American military engineers helping Egypt build a steel anti-smuggling wall along the strategic Philadelphi Route dividing Gaza from Sinai were suddenly recalled, debkafile's military sources report - signaling the collapse of Egypt's blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.
In the absence of an Israeli demand to focus the inquiry on Ankara's "aid" flotilla project, it will not be hard to single out the culprits for taking the rap - Netanyahu as prime minister and therefore ultimately responsible, and his Defense Minister Barak, the solo performer.
Barak asked no one before ordering chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi and the generals to go ahead with the raid of the six-vessel flotilla, after no more than a cursory word with the prime minister who was then visiting
All the same, none of the ministers are in a hurry to endorse a probe that might fatally destabilize the government they serve. debkafile's
Reporting to the Vice President, the American engineers' commanders and their Egyptian military colleagues painted a bleak picture of the troubles dogging their efforts to building a steel wall for blocking the arms-smuggling tunnels into
During his talks in
debkafile's military sources report this plan harks back to the failed arrangements brokered by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in 2005 after
What Biden is proposing now is to virtually abandon US and Egyptian attempts to block the arms smuggling tunnels altogether - a proposal, debkafile's military sources predict, will bring to an end the Israel-Egyptian blockade of
In those circumstances, the pressure on
As recently as Sunday, Netanyahu vowed not to allow an Iranian port to be established in the Gaza Strip. By Wednesday, he looked as though he would have to eat his words.