August 28, 2010, 12:53 PM (GMT+02:00)
On Aug. 6, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency informed Congress of the sale to Israel of 60 million gallons of unleaded gasoline, 284 million gallons of JP-8 aviation jet fuel and 100 million gallons of diesel fuel worth an estimated $2bn, saying: "Israel will have no difficulty absorbing this additional fuel into its armed forces." debkafile notes the date: Ten days after a Japanese supertanker tanker carrying 200,000 tons of oil was attacked heading out of the Strait of Hormuz.
EPA Considering Ban on All Traditional Ammunition
Zechariah Chapter 12 זְכַרְיָה
WASHINGTON — The government is about to confirm what many people have felt for some time: The economy barely has a pulse.
American Muslims praise Mayor Bloomberg over 'no compromise' speech - New York Democrat | Examiner.com
Bloomberg makes Dubai a hub
....................................................................................................................A fight has erupted inside the US Federal Reserve Board about imminent US hyperinflation. Thomas Hoenig (Kansas City Fed) has publicly dissented from Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's hyperinflationary decisions at each of the last eight meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee. A persistent view emerging is that if we don't get rid of this President (Obama) fast, we're not going to have a country left to bank for. At the last meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee, on Tuesday 10th August 2010, the dangerous and highly contentious decision was made to purchase hundreds of billions of US Treasuries. This is now openly spoken of as being a Weimar-style hyperinflationary error in policy. More details here (26.08.10) and here (19.08.10).
On Monday 23rd August 2010, Thomas Hoenig testified before a field hearing of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the United States House of Representatives (text here - pdf file - 4 pages). In his testimony, Hoenig showed that it is the community banks which are still providing credit to American businesses, while the bailed-out Wall Street banks have ceased to do this for practical purposes. There is no greater danger to the positive work of the local community banks than the vested interests of the Too-Big-To-Fail zombie banks on Wall Street. Thomas Hoenig and Richard Fisher (Dallas Federal Reserve Bank) are Glass-Steagall supporters who supported US Senator Blanche Lincoln's efforts to limit bank derivatives trading. More about the Jackson Hole showdown here (26.08.10). And more about the Move Your Money initiative here.
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Mosque already preaching Shariah near Ground Zero
Seeking to 'raise flag of Allah'
next to World Trade Center site
One hundred eighty-five thousand.
And when they arose in the morning, they were all dead bodies. (Isaiah 37:36)
לו וַיֵּצֵא מַלְאַךְ יְהוָה, וַיַּכֶּה בְּמַחֲנֵה אַשּׁוּר, מֵאָה וּשְׁמֹנִים וַחֲמִשָּׁה, אָלֶף; וַיַּשְׁכִּימוּ בַבֹּקֶר, וְהִנֵּה כֻלָּם פְּגָרִים מֵתִים. 36 And the angel of the LORD went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five thousand; and when men arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State.
A photograph
Hillary Clinton tries to entice Israel into self-destructive patsy rôle in starting World War 3 for US cabal
The text of the "top secret" PGP decrypted cable linked above is widely circulating on the web. It is understood to have been sent by the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, to the US embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Sunday 8th August 2010. It was an action-status cable intended to be brought to the attention of "appropriate high level Israeli officials" so that they could help to coordinate US efforts to "effect positive regime change in Iran and Venezuela."
The text of Clinton's cable to the Israelis reads: "There is solid bipartisan consensus that it is unacceptable that Iran build and deploy nuclear weapons, that Iran is seeking the capability to develop nuclear weapons and the means to use them, that the present regime in Iran poses an existential threat to Israel, and therefore that Israel would be justified in militarily preempting the acquisition and deployment of nuclear weapons by Iran. It is our best estimate that such a military strike would set a chain of events in motion that would cumulate in a change of regime in Iran to one that would not be a threat to Israel, the United States, or to US interests: this would deepen and strengthen the process of building democracy in the Middle East and south Asia, vouchsafing the national security of the United States and of Israel, and securing the supply of oil to the world."
In her Israeli cable, Hillary Clinton goes on to reference the US-perceived problem of Hugo Chavez and Venezuela: "There is also an equally solid bipartisan consensus that the regime of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez poses a threat to the national security of Colombia and the United States, as well as to peace, stability, and democracy in the western hemisphere, especially as Chavez moves closer to the Iranian regime, offers it a platform for the export of terrorism, and adds his own support to Colombian terrorists, as well as of the making and trafficking of illicit drugs. The United States is doing all that it can to facilitate the return of democracy to Venezuela via the national assembly elections in September; however, if the Venezuelan regime succeeds in frustrating the return to democracy, the United States is prepared to act in concert with the governments of Colombia and Costa Rica, as well as with pro-democracy activists in Venezuela and elsewhere, to put an end to the threat that the regime of Hugo Chavez poses to peace, stability, and democracy in the western hemisphere."...................................................................................
Flashback 2008: Bloomberg Expanding Offices in Dubai
Photo Collage of Islamic Victory Mosques
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Ground Zero mosque imam: Obama took speech from me
Rauf claims his book forms heart
of Cairo address to Muslim world
Obama Deflects Iraq Question: 'We're Buying Shrimp, Guys. Come On'...
Calls economic advisers from Vineyard vacation home...
Lobster, lobster, lobster...
August 25, 2010, 11:34 AM (GMT+02:00)
The Hamas Damascus-based political leader Khaled Meshaal Tuesday, Aug. 24 was belligerent enough to confirm the information reaching Israel and the Palestinian Authority intelligence that the extremist Palestinian group is set for large-scale terror attacks against Israeli and Palestinian West Bank targets to torpedo Israel-Palestinian talks in Washington. If Hamas' West Bank networks are thwarted by Israeli and Palestinian security alerts, it is ready to strike from Gaza, Sinai or Lebanon.
"An oracle concerning Damascus: See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins."
The Prophet Isaiah - Chapter 17, verse 1 NIV
Fox News Puts John McCain Over the Top
Obama Muslim Cover-Up!
President Barack Obama REALLY is a Muslim, say political insiders who insist he's hiding the truth from Americans as part of a plan to build a mosque near New York's World Trade Center, which was destroyed on 9-11. In an explosive Special Report, GLOBE blows the lid off what a top government official publicly says is Obama's shocking confession and documents investigators claim prove he is a follower of Islam. It's must reading!
Billboard near Panama City, Fla. |
The new board is at the intersection of highways 231 and 390 near a BP station in Panama City.
The Fox News connection to Ground Zero mosque
Hundreds of thousands for project's imam come from high-profile network investor
KUHNER: Obama's Islamic agenda
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
'Obama admin's
1st term is over'
Poll shows Americans aligned
with states against fed intrusion