(Getty Images)
Fears over earthquake 'swarm' at Yellowstone National Park
(William Kronholm/AP)
Yellowstone National Park: the most devastating earthquake hit August 17, 1959, which measured 7.1
How Bush threw election to Obama
Posted: January 05, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009
I'm surprised no one else has explained this before.
It seems so obvious to me that I'm a little embarrassed to have to write it and explain it.
It worries me that no one else has, to date, stated so plainly and simply what I am about to tell you.
Barack Hussein Obama will be sworn in as president Jan. 20 because George W. Bush handed him the election on a silver spoon.
Maybe it's up to me to tell this story because I'm one of the very few pundits in America who didn't have a horse in the race in 2008.
First of all, let me begin by explaining that Bush is, without a doubt, one of the worst presidents of my lifetime – and I've seen some bad ones. The first president I remember – only vaguely – was Dwight D. Eisenhower. I lived through Lyndon Baines Johnson, truly a disaster and the height of corruption. I lived through Richard M. Nixon, need I say more? I lived through Gerald R. Ford, a man who didn't understand Soviet domination of Eastern Europe – at the end of his presidency! I lived through Jimmy Carter – barely. I lived through George W. Bush's father and his flip-flop on a "no new taxes" pledge. I lived through Bill Clinton – and have the scars to prove it.
Nevertheless, I have to admit, George W. Bush is right up there near the top of the worst of these men. Presidents need to be judged by their fruit. And Bush's fruit is mostly rotten.
But it was not the totality of his bad policies that made the Obama election inevitable. Despite them all, there was still a reasonable chance John McCain could have won the election – not that I cared. I didn't vote for him, and I'm happy I didn't.
However, I still think it is fascinating and noteworthy that Bush took a decisive action late in the campaign that clearly tipped the scales in Obama's favor. The only question is why he did so.
In the beginning of September, Bush announced, in the most dire terms imaginable, a bailout package for mortgage lenders. He assigned Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to begin emergency negotiations with Congress on the size and scope. It was presented to the American people not as a request, but as a demand. There was no time for debate. The very stability of the economy and the markets hung on an immediate action.
That's the day McCain's fate was sealed.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Bush Will Be First Ex-Prez To Not Get Lifetime Secret Service Protection
G.W. Bush Buys Land In Northern Paraguay
Israeli troops still outside Hamas rocket strongholds in urban centers
DEBKAfile Special Report
January 5, 2009, 12:31 PM (GMT+02:00)
Gaza skyline in second week of Israel's offensive against Hamas
High-placed Israeli officers have told DEBKAfile's sources that the Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip Saturday night, Jan. 3, gained less ground in its first 24 hours than officially indicated - in much the same way as civilian casualties are overstated by the Palestinian side. While essentially bisecting the Gaza Strip, the tanks and armored infantry had not entered urban areas by early Monday, Jan 5. They halted at the outskirts of Jebalya, Zeitun and Beit Hanoun.
As to combat, Hamas activated its sniper unit for the first time Sunday night, injuring 4 Israeli troops. Five more were injured early Monday in clashes with Hamas at Netzarim south of Gaza City. In two and-a-half days of combat inside the Gaza Strip, Israel sustained 39 wounded men, 5 seriously injured, and one fatality, the Golani infantryman 1st Sgt. Dvir Emanueloff, 22.
Hamas has suffered scores of dead, including four senior rocket commanders in the southern Gaza Strip. Its combatants account for the overwhelming majority of the 509 Palestinians killed in ten days.
DEBKAfile's military sources note that, after establishing a presence in Qassam-land in the north, Israeli forces have not yet secured Hamas' missile launching sites. Ten were fired into Israel early Monday. The far more powerful Grad rockets were pulled into Gaza City with Hamas' Northern Brigade Sunday ahead of the Israeli advance. They are now being launched against Israel from inside this densely populated town, but their range is shorter compared with the time when Israel permitted their deployment right up to the border.
The only additional territory covered in the ongoing Israel ground thrust is the Netzarim belt running west from the border up to the Gazan coast south of Gaza City. Although much bigger, the force has not penetrated much deeper to date than the small-scale units which struck Qassam sites from time to time in the last two years.
So far, moreover, none of Hamas' five Ezza e-Din al Qassam's military brigades have yet been seriously degraded – a key Israeli objective - although the two deployed in the North have been cut off with Gaza City from the three in the south. This does not seriously impair their combat capabilities since every Hamas brigade down to platoon level is trained to operate autonomously, each equipped with emergency stores of weapons, ammo, food and medical aid.
To crack Hamas, the IDF will clearly have to take their offensive into densely populated areas. And indeed IDF officials and commentators reiterated that the offensive against Hamas would be lengthy. Hamas was shaken up badly by Israel's seven-day bombardment and its fear of the coming Israeli invasion but, once it began Saturday night, they appeared to regain confidence from the cautious pace of the Israeli advance.
First let me thank all of you that read my commentary. Let me first say that I sincerely respect all religions that are peaceful and teach people to co-exist without killing each other.
My wife and I are of different religions and we never have a problem because she is entitled to her own beliefs.
I have been praying to my HEBREW G-D who's name I can never write in my blogs only in my personal books. I have people above and below ground in Israel and in Jerusalem. I knew this war was coming and this is just the beginning as the Israeli forces cut Gaza in half and the real threat comes from the north with Syria, but if you were to read ISAIAH CHAPTER 17, VERSE 1 - it will explain what is going to happen to Damascus.
I have prayed for the safety of all the ISRAELI DEFENSE FORCES and their mission and that G-D allows them to fight with NO RULES OF ENGAGEMENT TOWARD THE ENEMY. This is what broke our military and the Brits after 1945. The "IDF" are G-D's warriors and if you do not believe that you best study the old testament as a good portion of the Bible is "PROPHECY"... REMEMBER the Psalms predict the future...
Written 700 years before the Christian era it says in ISAIAH Chapter 44 - verse 6 - I AM THE FIRST, AND I AM THE LAST, AND BESIDE ME THERE IS NO G-D.
ALSO written 700 years before the Christian era in ISAIAH Chapter 45 - Verse 14 it says "Surely G-D is in thee, and there is none else, There is no other G-D.
Also in ISAIAH Chapter 45 - Verse 18 - it says "I am the Lord, and there is none else. AND IT CONTINUES verse after verse after verse. It says the very same thing.
In ISAIAH Chapter 61 which is written by the second unknown ISAIAH it says in Chapter 61, Verse 8, "AND I WILL MAKE AN EVERLASTING COVENANT WITH THEM"
Most of my people are now dead but I remember everything and "MORE THINGS ARE ACHIEVED THROUGH PRAYER THAN THIS WORLD DREAMS OF".....
I am not optimistic about our future and I urge all of you to prepare to survive and take care of your families because America is in great peril and this coming year will not be good for any of us.
This past year alone I lost my Mother and my Brother and both my dogs. I am comforted to read "ECCLESIASTES" - Chapter 3 - PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTER. I have not had an easy life from day one but my faith has never been shaken.
Please pray to your G-D and seal your primers and tell no one what you own.
- Koran Sura 5:51 commands Muslims not to take Jews and Christians (infidels) as friends
- Koran Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to fight against Jews and Christians until they either submit to Allah or die by the sword.
- Koran Sura 2:65-66 and Sura 5:60 contain references to Jews as “apes and swine to be despised and rejected.”
Israeli artillery fire shells into Gaza earlier today. Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal warned that Israel faces a "black destiny" if it launches a ground offensive in Gaza. T
Smoke columns from Israeli artillery shelling rise above Gaza on January 03, 2009 in Israel.The UN has stated in unconfirmed figures that up to 421 Palestinians may have been killed by Israeli action so far with more than 2,000 injured.
Missiles fired from an Israeli aircraft fly towards a target in the Gaza Strip
Wiped out: Hamas leader Nizar Rayyan was killed in an Israeli airstrike with his four wives and many of his children
Smoke columns from Israeli artillery shelling rise above Gaza on January 03, 2009 in Israel.The UN has stated in unconfirmed figures that up to 421 Palestinians may have been killed by Israeli action so far with more than 2,000 injured.
Smoke rises during an Israeli air strike on the northern Gaza Strip. Israeli forces bombed the Gaza Strip from the air and sea on Saturday, and desperate residents of the Palestinian enclave sheltered in their homes as the offensive entered a second week.
A weapons system fired by Israeli forces explodes in the Gaza Strip today
Invasion: Israeli infantry soldiers walking into the Gaza Strip
- AP
- Jan. 3: Israel infantry soldiers gather on the border just before leaving Israel for the northern Gaza Strip.
- Reuters
- Jan. 3, 2009: Israeli soldiers advance near the border with northern Gaza during a ground operation by the Israeli army.
- Reuters
- Jan. 3, 2009: Israeli soldiers advance near the border with northern Gaza during a ground operation by the Israeli army.
- AP
- Jan. 3, 2009: Smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike on an area known to have smuggling tunnels in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt.
Israeli forces tightens siege on Gaza City, deploy at Philadelphi to block Hamas' weapons route
DEBKAfile Special Report
January 4, 2009, 4:13 PM (GMT+02:00)
Israeli troops in Gaza
DEBKAfile's military sources report that on the second day of their ground offensive, Sunday, Jan 4, Day 9 of its offensive against Hamas, Israeli forces have closed their siege encirclement of Gaza City. Thirty Israeli soldiers were injured - one critically, an officer and soldier seriously, the rest moderately and lightly. At least 30 Hamas gunmen were killed in the first thrust of Israel armored infantry, tanks, engineering, artillery and intelligence units into the enclave after a week of intense airstrikes.
Western and Arab informants report that Sunday, Israeli armored forces had taken up position at Hamas launching sites in Beit Hanoun in the north and captured parts of the Zeitun refugee camp and Netzarim to cut off Gaza City and carve the enclave into three segments. They also fought their way into the disused airfield at Dahaniya.
Israeli warships were reported to have dropped troops in the southern Philadelphi enclave through which smuggling tunnels carry Hamas weapons supplies. Armored and infantry unites are fighting for control of the strategic sector after dozens of tunnels were destroyed in previous Israeli air strikes.
Foreign correspondents are not operating inside the Gaza Strip and both Israel and Hamas have cast "a fog of war" over developments.
Hamas gunmen engaging Israeli forces are first battered by fire from Israeli helicopters, artillery and navy. This accounts for their heavy casualties.
On Jan. 1, DEBKAfile reported that Hamas' tacticians did not plan to send the bulk of their elite fighting force against the Israeli invaders or the forces besieging Gaza City. Several hundred were to mingle with the Gaza City population and carry out nocturnal forays behind Israel lines.
Taking this into account, defense minister Ehud Barak warned shortly after the offensive began that it would not be short or easy. Besieging a city of 800,000 densely packed inhabitants is a daunting mission by any military reckoning, requiring large numbers of troops both to control the city and secure its environs up to the enclave's southern border at Rafah.
Hence the tens of thousands of Israeli reservists called up for combat duty.
Some are assigned to Israel's northern frontiers in case Hizballah decides to send Palestinians armed with rockets to open a second front from Lebanon.
DEBKAfile' sources report that in early December Hizballah's Hassan Nasrallah secretly visited Tehran and met with senior Revolutionary Guards officers. He later welcomed in Beirut the al Qods commander Gen. Qassem Suleimani. Another Iranian dignitary, Saeed Jalili, chairman of the national security council and senior nuclear negotiator was due in Beirut Sunday, Jan. 4 after talks in Damascus with Syria, Hamas and Jihad Islami leaders.
So will I send a fire on the wall of Gaza, and it shall devour the palaces thereof;
Day 8 of Gaza campaign: Bush clears way for Israeli ground operation, updates Obama
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
January 3, 2009, 10:36 AM (GMT+02:00)
Final preparations by Israeli troops
DEBKAfile's Washington source report that in a telephone conversation with prime minister Ehud Olmert, US president George W. Bush okayed Israeli air, sea and ground operations against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. He promised the US would veto a resolution condemning Israel at the UN Security Council meeting next Monday. Early Saturday morning, Jan. 3, Day 8 of Israel's Gaza operation, US and British media described the Israeli invasion as hours away.
In his weekly radio address - brought forward by a day, the US president spoke with exceptional firmness: "Another one-way ceasefire that leads to rocket attacks on Israel is not acceptable," he said. "This recent outburst of violence was instigated by Hamas – a Palestinian terrorist group supported by Iran and Syria that calls for Israel's destruction."
He noted that "Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in a coup and routinely violated an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire…" and went on to define the exit point for Israel's military operation:
"Promises from Hamas will not suffice," he said. There must be "monitoring mechanisms in place to help ensure that smuggling of weapons to terrorist groups in Gaza comes to an end."
This left Israel the option of sustaining its military activity against Hamas until such a mechanism was installed. He implicitly criticized Egypt for failing to control the smuggling of rockets and other munitions through its territory.
In his radio address, President Bush noted that president-elect Barack Obama is being kept up to date on the latest developments. With just over two weeks left in power, the Bush administration is preparing to hand over the problem to his successor.
DEBKAfile's military sources list 9 pointers to an imminent Israeli incursion:
1. Israel's three decision-makers, the prime minister, defense minister Ehud Barak and foreign minister Tzipi Livni, met Friday, Dec. 2, and resolved "to keep up the military pressure on Hamas" – a decision that gives the IDF a free hand.
2. Hamas' conduct Friday: After 9 Grad Katyusha rockets were fired against Ashkelon, destroying two buildings and injuring five Israelis, the tempo slowed to 40 launchings the whole day - half the week's daily average. The Palestinian terrorists were evidently reserving stocks for a grand climax when Israeli tank and armored infantry crossed into Gaza.
3. Hamas threats have mounted to a new pitch: Damascus-based Khaled Meshaal, who is in hiding, warned Israel (in a taped speech) of a "black fate" if it invades Gaza, including more kidnapped Israeli soldiers. Underlying his words was the threat of guerrilla action behind Israeli lines to snatch hostages.
4. Israeli air strikes against the empty homes of Hamas leaders continued early Saturday after 45 were destroyed Thursday and Friday. Their objective is to demoralize the Hamas command echelon and break its will to fight.
5. The Hamas military wing reported thwarting an Israeli special forces' attempt to steal into the Sejaya refugee camp in Gaza City early Saturday. This is the third such claim in three days. The IDF spokesman denied knowledge of the incident.
6. DEBKAfile's military sources report mass-desertions by teenagers who form the backbone of Hamas' fighting rank and file. They are going home to their parents.
7. Early signs that former Palestinian security officers unaffiliated with Hamas are getting together to seize control of Gazan districts in which Hamas rule has collapsed.
Israeli warplanes dropped leaflets from Friday night advising people living in the northern and eastern neighborhoods of Gaza City to leave their homes. Defiance of this curfew directive carried the risk of being shot.
8. Cairo forwarded an urgent request to Hamas leaders in Damascus to make known their conditions for a ceasefire.
9. The arrival in Damascus of the chairman of Iran's national security council and nuclear negotiator Said Jalili for urgent talks with Syrian president Bashar Assad and the leaders of Hamas and Jihad Islami.
Bush's speech followed his conversations with Palestinian, Egyptian, Jordanian and Saudi leaders as well as Olmert. He said he was concerned by the humanitarian situation in Gaza and noted that "Hamas terrorists often hide within the civilian population which puts innocent Palestinians at risk."
6 out of 10 servicemen
wary of Obama in charge
Survey: 'Nobody has confidence in this guy as commander in chief'
Posted: January 03, 2009
12:00 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A recent Military Times survey of active-duty service members found 6 of 10 U.S. soldiers polled said they were "pessimistic" or "uncertain" about Barack Obama serving as commander in chief of America's armed forces.
In follow-up interviews reported by the Army Times newspaper, respondents cited Obama's inexperience in leading soldiers, his plans for accelerated removal of troops from Iraq and his pledge to overturn the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding homosexual service members as reasons for their cautious outlook.
"Being that the Marine Corps can be sent anywhere in the world with the snap of his fingers," said one lance corporal who asked not to be identified, "nobody has confidence in this guy as commander in chief."
"How are you going to safely pull combat troops out of Iraq?" asked Air Force 1st Lt. Rachel Kleinpeter, an intelligence officer with the 100th Operations Support Squadron. "And if you're pulling out combat troops, who are you leaving to help support what's left? What happens if Iraq falls back into chaos? Are we going to be there in five years doing the same thing over again?"
Duke political science professor and civil-military relations writer Peter Feaver, however, says concerns about a new administration's leadership are to be expected.
"What [Obama] is seeing is not military hostility, but rather military caution, and caution that is reasonable because he has never been in the position of this office," Feaver told Army Times. "It's sensible and understandable that they have doubts about him.
"They respect the office of the commander in chief," Feaver said. "As long as he wields that office responsibly, then these numbers need not morph into a problem."
MK Candidate Dr. Ben Ari: Follow King David's Advice on Gaza
by Gil Ronen
(IsraelNN.com) Rabbi Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, the Number Four man on the National Union's Knesset list, thinks the leaders of Israel should follow King David's advice from the Eighteenth Psalm regarding Gaza: "I will chase my enemies and catch up to them and I shall not return until I annihilate them."
"This should be the slogan of every leader and IDF commander," he said. "The enemy must know that whoever raises his hand on Israel, we will teach him a lesson and annihilate him as well as all his helpers and supporters, and only thus will we take out their will to fire missiles at us."
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................................................................................... Israel kills third Hamas leader since start of Gaza offensive | |
By Amos Harel and Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondents, and News Agencies | |
Israel early Saturday morning killed the third top Hamas leader in Gaza since the start of its military offensive in the Strip a week ago. Abu Zakaria al-Jamal, a commander of the Hamas armed wing, died of wounds sustained in an air strike overnight. |
Knife Fight
Our resident half-wit could not decide which:
"You should see the other guy."