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Nahum Chapter 1 נַחוּם
DEBKAfile Special Report June 1, 2010, 11:33 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Israel Pro-Hamas flotilla
With two more vessels due to set sail in the next 48 hours to continue the challenge to
The deputy minister contemptuously dismissed furious demands at home for defence minister Ehud Barak to resign, saying the critics had "never go their feet wet." Images of Israeli elite commandos beaten with iron bars - one was thrown off the top deck - have infuriated Israelis.
Vilnai admitted: We underestimated the murderous intentions of the activists aboard the Turkish Marmora vessel and the force of international reaction to televised shots of a brutal situation - real battles never look good on television, he said. In that sense, the organizers of the Turkish-led international expedition achieved their aim. And indeed the UN Security Council early Tuesday capped the chorus of international disapproval by calling for
Vilnai dismissed the avowed humanitarian aims of the convoy, reiterating that the people of
But like most Israeli spokesmen, the deputy minister neglected to drive home the blockade's main purpose: Without it, Iranian ships loaded with ballistic missiles would be free to unload their cargoes at
Vilnai also missed his aim when he addressed the growing criticism at home of the way the raid was conducted. Much of it comes from veteran naval officers, who were deeply distressed on three counts:
1. They want the defense minister, who was deeply involved in every detail of the operation, to be accountable for its shortcomings.
2. They accuse the minister of sending the naval commandos of the elite Shayetet 6 unit into a clearly violent confrontation without adequate means of defense or options in case of violent resistance because he was afraid of international disapproval.
debkafile's military sources quote those officers as maintaining that when the activists on the Turkish Marmara saw that the commandos were virtually tied hand and foot, they were encouraged to extremes of violence. Had they been appropriately equipped, the troops could have quietly taken the helm and diverted the ship to
3. Hundreds of people milling about on the deck ready to waylay the commandos as they landed were visible from the helicopters before the drops began. A small amount of tear gas would have cleared the decks and enabled the troops to perform their mission cleanly.
4. This was clearly no job for inadequately armed commandos highly trained for different sorts of combat. When Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu returns home Tuesday afternoon, he would do well to back away from mealy-mouthed rhetoric and state clearly in advance that any vessels, civilian or naval, venturing into the 20-nautical mile blockade zone would encounter warning fire first and if it was not heeded, direct fire. Semi-armed soldiers must not be asked to cover for timid politicians.
As for an inquiry into the episode, the IDF regularly holds probes into all operations leading to loss of life as a matter of routine. The Israeli public is just as insistent on a credible investigation as any outsiders.
The condition of all six hospitalized soldiers improved overnight by Tuesday morning. Altogether 679 activists from 40 countries - most of them Turks and Greeks - travelled on the six flotilla vessels, most of them on the biggest ship, the Marmora. They were all taken ashore at
After agreeing to be processed and interrogated by Israeli police and security officers, 48 were deported Tuesday morning. Dozens more preferred jail. The cargoes are being examined for illegal materials, after which
Why was Israeli raider force unprepared for violent resistance?
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
May 31, 2010, 11:33 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Israeli naval commandos Pro-Hamas flotilla
Released finally 12 hours after the event, IDF video shots do not show how soldiers armed with paint balls and pistols managed to kill 9 pro-Palestinian activists (
Prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who is flying straight home from
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 31, 2010, 11:35 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Israel-Greece Pro-Hamas flotilla
debkafile's military sources report Israeli concerns that on top of strong diplomatic reprisals,
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 31, 2010, 11:39 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Israel Pro-Hamas flotilla
Turkey threatens reprisals, Greece halts joint maneuver with Israel over Israeli naval commando action which killed 9 activists aboard the pro-Palestinian flotilla lead boat 80 miles out at sea. Casualty figures still not confirmed. Passengers attacked the soldiers, opened fire with gun snatched from a soldier and wielded knives and iron bars. The soldiers shot back after 10 were injured. Helicopters ferried all the casualties to Israeli hospitals. Nationwide alert for disturbances declared in
Turkey Instigating war with Israel? Sends Two More Boats to Gaza
Is The Gaza Flotilla Part of a Plan to Trap Israel? The Conservative Monster.com Radio Show - 6/2/2010 9:00pm EST
U.S. Officials: Al Qaeda No. 3 Killed
Predator Drone Strike Also Kills His Wife, Three Of His Daughters, Granddaughter
*******************************************************************************************Shukran [Thank You], America, For Your Hospitality; allah Will Destroy You
IDF Kills 15 Armed Radicals on Gaza Aid Flotilla
DEBKAfile Special Report May 31, 2010, 1:45 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Israel-Greece Pro-Hamas flotilla
debkafile's military sources report Israeli concerns that
debkafile reports from
Monday morning, Israeli warplanes headed west over the
Israeli army spokesman, Col. Avi Beneyahu, called the incident "an act of terror on the high seas." Far from being a humanitarian mission, the flotilla was sponsored personally by Turkish prime minister Recep Erdogan to break the Israeli blockade on
Its leaders and the nations involved therefore refused to heed warnings that the vessels would be prevented from entering
An estimated 19 activists were killed battling with Israeli troops, and dozens injured. Official sources cite 10 fatalities, although by Monday afternoon, there were still no official confirmed figures. Ten Israeli soldiers were wounded, two critically. They were all ferried to Israeli hospitals by helicopter.
The pro-Hamas passengers were described as mobbing the Israeli commandos as they were dropped onto the Marmara's deck, using knives and iron bars to beat them and shooting with a sidearm snatched from a soldier and at least two other pistols recovered empty from two of the bodies.
Israeli security forces are preparing for the Lebanese Hizballah and Palestinian Hamas to go back to shooting missiles and rockets against Israeli towns, in support of the seaborne attack on Israeli commandos. The police are also on special alert in and around Israeli Arab communities, after Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyah called them out on a general strike, and the Holy Places, especially in
Demonstrations against