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Latest Obama pick urges'radical transfer of power'
Claims U.S. system measures patients'
quality of care by 'color of their skin'
Who Is Barack Obama?
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 30, 2010, 3:26 PM (GMT+02:00)
The initiative aimed at bypassing
It was first revealed by DEBKA-Net-Weekly 436 on March 12.
At their meeting in
But they pointedly sidestepped mention of sanctions or any other practical action for curbing Iran's dash for a nuclear bomb, after learning that the US president was no longer behind active steps that would antagonize Tehran. Instead, Washington had sent out messengers to meet high-ranking Guards representatives in Tehran and a number of European capitals in pursuit of a new diplomatic initiative for engaging the IRGC in dialogue, after failing to get anywhere with Tehran's regime leaders.
Those messengers went out on their mission three weeks before
2. The US appreciated the IRGC was undergoing two fundamental transformations - one, shifting its radical-militant orientation over to greater emphasis on its vast business and financial interests, and, two, the disappearance of public affirmations of support for president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from the vocabulary of its leaders.
4. UN sanctions against
5. As for the core issue,
The White House's rationale for talking to the Revolutionary Guards rested on the fact that its high command controls every facet of
But already, there is diplomatic fallout in the Gulf region. When
DEBKAfile Special Report March 29, 2010, 10:58 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Al Qaeda Moscow subway
Two female suicide bombers hit the two central
In Feb. 2004, a major attack on a train at Moscow Metro killed 39 people.
'Obamacare' cops: $1 billion to force new tax compliance
16,000 new IRS agents to be required under health-care reform
7:24 pm Eastern
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Collecting taxes under the Democrats' newly passed health-care plan will cost the federal government more than $1 billion a year in salaries alone, Republicans in Congress estimate.
The legislation will require the IRS to hire as many as 16,500 additional auditors, agents and other employees to investigate and collect billions in new taxes imposed on Americans, according to a House Committee on Ways and Means Committee Republican report prepared March 18 for ranking members Reps. Dave Camp, R-Mich., and Charles Boustany, R-La.
In March 2009, the federal government's average annual salary was $42,035 for tax examiners, $91,507 for internal revenue agents and $63,547 for tax specialists, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics "Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition."
Averaging the three pay grade averages yields an estimated $65,696 per IRS worker hired, assuming an equal number of tax examiners, internal revenue agents and tax specialists.
There is no special relationship between the United States and Britain, a House of Commons select committee said March 28. The Commons Foreign Affairs Committee concluded that the term is “potentially misleading, and we recommend that its use should be avoided.”
“The UK must continue to position itself closely alongside the U.S. but there is a need to be less deferential and more willing to say no where our interests diverge,” said the committee’s chairman, Mike Gapes.
The committee said it was simply mirroring the attitude U.S. President Barack Obama had taken since coming into power.
“The UK’s relationship should be principally driven by the UK’s national interests within individual policy areas,” it said. “It needs to be characterized by a hard-headed political approach to the relationship and a realistic sense of the UK’s limits. The foreign-policy approach we are advocating is in many ways similar to the more pragmatic tone President Obama has adopted towards the UK.”
In the future the UK needs to be “more willing to say no,” it concluded.
Britain has been a staunch ally of the U.S. for decades. However, repeated snubs from the new administration led the committee to conclude that Britain is considered just one of many U.S. allies—with nothing special in the relationship at all.
Right at the start of his presidency, Obama insulted Britain by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill, and giving Prime Minister Gordon Brown a gift of 100 dvds that don’t even play on British dvd players.
The latest snub is America’s refusal to back Britain’s right to the Falkland Islands, instead backing Argentina’s calls for negotiation at the United Nations. This is despite the fact that Argentina’s claim on the Falklands is about as strong as Russia’s claim to Alaska. The Falkland Islands never had an indigenous population. Its currant inhabitants came from Britain. The last thing they want is to be ruled by Argentina. Argentina’s only claim is that it had a colony on the island a few hundred years ago.
No wonder Britain has concluded that there is no special relationship. This is a trend the Trumpet has been predicting for years. For more information on the future of this relationship, see our article “The Tie That Binds America, Britain and Israel.” •
Timeline of national ignominy. Tuesday 19th June 2007 to Wednesday 20th June 2007: Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) secretly provides $6.2 trillion of loan funds for refunding the US Dollar and staving off the US national bankruptcy. The monies are wired from the Bank of England (London, UK) to the Bank of New York Mellon (US). This loan sum of $6.2 trillion is immediately diverted without lawful authority by US Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson. Tuesday 28th April 2009: US Senator Arlen Specter (Democrat - Pennsylvania) announces that after forty four years as an elected Republican, he is returning to the Democratic Party because he is increasingly at odds with current Republican Party philosophy. Sunday 6th December 2009: The Queen's diverted $6.2 trillion becomes the subject of a World Court lien on the US Treasury. Friday 12th March 2010: Senator Arlen Specter makes this public statement: "There’s a crime called Misprision of a Felony. Misprision of a Felony is when you don’t report a crime. So you’re getting into pretty deep areas here in these considerations."
How much does Arlen Specter know? And when did he know it? And what exactly is Specter's relationship with the mafia's Salvatore DeFrancesco, Vice President of the Penn Acceptance Corporation of Pittston TWP, Pennsylvania? The Queen’s $6.2 trillion loan funds are internationally mandated to be remitted to the Pennsylvania Investments Inc securities account at Morgan Stanley, New York. More about the World Court lien on the US Treasury here (14.12.09). And more about the aborted Pennsylvania fraud of Monday 8th March 2010 here (19.03.10).