WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Declining U.S. Navy
vs. Chinese challenge
Fleet's 'much-diminshed' status creates
door of vulnerability to other powers
US, Europe and the entire developed world will default on their sovereign debts. Swiss-born Hong Kong fund manager and investment advisor, Marc Faber, talks to American CNBC TV (videoclip - 5 minutes)
And here is Marc Faber talking to CNBC about the US Federal Reserve (Friday 22nd January 2010 - YouTube video - 6 minutes). Some background about the behavioural psychology underlying élite-led sovereign default can be found here (11.02.10).
Global fiasco brewing in Japan
Japan is dangerously close to blowing up on its sovereign debts. The IMF says Japan’s gross public debt will reach 227% of GDP this year. This is compounding up at ever-faster speeds as time passes. The only reason the Japanese economy has not yet exploded is because Japanese investors have not yet had the leap in imagination required to understand their predicament and act on it. Japan’s deficits are already within the hyperinflation red flag zone. There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system. More here.
Deuteronomy Chapter 23 דְּבָרִים
ג לֹא-יָבֹא מַמְזֵר, בִּקְהַל יְהוָה: גַּם דּוֹר עֲשִׂירִי, לֹא-יָבֹא לוֹ בִּקְהַל יְהוָה. {ס} 3 A bastard shall not enter into the assembly of the LORD; even to the tenth generation shall none of his enter into the assembly of the LORD. {S}
"courtesy of tednugent.com"

Sufficient time has passed since John Murtha’s death to reckon with his true record. No tears for the wreckage, poison, and damage to the public trust he left behind.
Latest news: There is a movement to install Murtha’s wife in the seat. Given the late congressman’s share-the-pork-with-friends-and-family proclivities, this is a very bad idea for those who want integrity in government in Pennsylvania.
John Murtha: Requiem for a corruptocrat
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2010
Rockefeller on Obama:
Prez isn't 'believable'
Message the same as famous 'You lie' by GOP's Joe Wilson --WND
Audio Flashback: Democrats Said No Snow Proved Global Warming |
The hoax unravels: You can't have it both ways, libs. |
Collapse of the Euro is inevitable. Bailing out the Greek economy is futile, says French banking chief.
Paris-based Société Générale strategist, Albert Edwards, states in a current investment advice note to major clients: 'My own view is that there is little help that can be offered to Greece by the other Eurozone nations, other than temporary, confidence-giving sticking plasters, before the ultimate denouement: the break-up of the Eurozone .... Any help given to Greece merely delays the inevitable break-up of the Eurozone."
Free energy on the move: Could Steorn's Orbo technology be partnered with Ryukyu's long-store Vanadium batteries?
It looks likes a marriage made in Heaven: Irish time-variant magnetic interaction electricity-capture technology plus Japanese Vanasaver batteries which can store huge amounts of electricity for years. No connection to a conventional electricity grid would be required. And no combustion of fossil fuels would be involved. Orbo is a technology which creates energy from magnetic interactions. It provides free, clean and constant energy at the point of use. It can be engineered to power anything from a phone, to a fridge to a car. And in direct contradiction of fundamentalist science's 1st Law of Thermodynamics ("energy cannot be created"), Steorn's Orbo technology consistently puts out more usable energy than it takes in to operate. Recent data seem to indicate that one of the Orbo public test systems showed 327% more electrical energy being produced than was put in. Orbo is based upon time-variant magnetic interactions. These are magnetic interactions whose efficiency varies as a function of transaction timeframes. It is this variation of energy exchanged as a function of transaction time frame that lies at the heart of Orbo technology, and its ability to contravene the principle of the conservation of energy. Conservation of energy requires that the total energy exchanged using interactions are invariant in time. The time-variant nature of Orbo interactions can be engineered using two basic techniques. The first technique utilizes a method of controlling the response time of magnetic materials to make them time-variant. This is achieved by controlling the MH position of materials during permanent magnetic interactions. The second technique decouples the Counter Electromotive Force (CEMF) from torque for electromagnetic interactions. This decoupling of CEMF allows time-variant magnetic interactions in electromagnetic systems. Excess electrical energy captured by a large Orbo system could be stored long-term for future use using the Ryukyu Electric Power Company's Vanasaver Redox Flow Batteries. These batteries charge and discharge electrical energy by circulating vanadium-based solutions from both anode and cathode tanks to an ion-exchange membrane in the cell. Once the electricity is stored in the aqueous vanadium solution, it can be kept there for many years. If either the Steorn Orbo free energy system or the Ryukyu Vanasaver battery technology proves to be commercially producible and effective in practice, it will sound the death knell of the corporate fossil fuel industries. No wonder, then, that bankers and bought-and-paid-for pundits are being wheeled out to obstruct and debunk the ideas. More about Steorn Orbo technology here. And more on the Ryukyu Vanasaver batteries here.
Key agreements have been signed with several nations, enabling them to move a large amount of gold into place to back up the new global hard currency system. A number of banking reforms have been executed in many nations which will prevent the casino-trading and money-laundering that plagues the current banking regulations and which almost brought down the world economy some months back.
"As these new banking accords come on line, the pressure upon the (constitutionally illegal) US Corporation to relinquish its stranglehold builds relentlessly. The Federal Reserve System is the crux of the matter. The Fed Main Bank needs to be collapsed in order to allow the execution of those critical reforms whose first task is to dismantle what remains of this entity. This sets the stage for global debt forgiveness which is essential to the successful launching of the new system, as presently there is enough fraud-based debt to rapidly sink any new financial system. This is why universal debt forgiveness needs to be announced swiftly. As the new banking system kicks in, the vast illegal debt of the old system must be cancelled. This requisite is pivotal. You are embarking on a process that is to lead, quite shortly, to worldwide prosperity. You also need to transform the roadblocks which have kept you in a global sack and easily manipulated by the dark cabal. This house-cleaning will usher in your freedom and the new technologies which are to make possible things that now seem magical, like houses and skyscrapers erected from scratch in just 72 hours, and an aerial magnetic lifter that moves people and materials from one side of the globe to the other in less than an hour. There are to be small on-site generators that work without the need of a national grid. This technology is multidimensional in nature and is a product of spiritual science, which is consciousness-based. It will transform your scientific paradigm. This world of adventure awaits the removal of the old order, which is hanging by a thread. All this is getting close. Your world sits in the eye of a giant financial storm system that can push your society back into a state of economic turmoil worse than the one you thought you were digging yourselves out of in the past months. The dark knows this and wants to go out with a horrendous roar. Our Earth allies are working against the clock to make sure that this potential sword of Damocles does not fall upon us. Their strategy is to starve this dark-based system into submission by preventing the cabal from having access to the numerous assets by which it renews and expands its vast empire of bogus wealth. This operation is succeeding, forcing the cabalists to constantly reassess their survival strategy. At the core of this dark empire lies the US Federal Reserve Board, with its fraudulent system of wealth accumulation and distribution. The collapse of this entity is the priority and will open the floodgates of change. Many financial debts in the old system are reaching a point of critical mass, generating concerns about how quickly the dismantling of the old can be done. Our Earth allies are nearly at the stage where the old monetary system can be imploded. Plans are in place to set up the new system swiftly and replace the global fiat currencies with new regional systems. These six regions form the backbone of what the global abundance programs are to create ...." More about debt forgiveness here.
I Support Alex Jones
Posted on 11. Feb, 2010 in Featured Videos
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Hon. James David Manning expresses his support for Alex Jones. Recorded on Wednesday, 10 February 2010. Follow us on twitter http://www.twitter.com/atlahworldwide Connect with us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/ATLAHWorldwide/150345810898
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Clinton Parkinson's Disease Shocker!
BILL Clinton has Parkinson's Disease, friends fear as the former President confesses his hands shake uncontrollably and he's even been tested for the nerve disorder that struck Michael J. Fox! This week's GLOBE bares all the heartbreaking details that insiders reveal have helped mend his marriage to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Don't miss it.