You must read my commentary which is below which was written yesterday Sunday, Dec. 13, 2009
Obama's Big Sellout
.....................................................................................Top Economic Adviser: 'Recession is Over'; Jobs By Spring...
Top Economic Adviser: 'Of Course' Recession Isn't Over...
Rules of engagement killing U.S. soldiers
You won't believe how politics handcuff troops in Afghanistan
.................................................................................................................China exercises $47 trillion World Court Writ of Execution and Lien on US Treasury and US Federal Reserve. British MI6 agents shoot dead five criminal associates of Henry Kissinger in US.
The Chinese parties exercised their powers and imposed the Lien on or around Sunday 6th December 2009. The execution of the Henry Kissinger associates, which included two banksters, took place on Saturday 12th December 2009. US Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, is thought to be next on the MI6 target list. Ex-US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is the DVD (Dachau) German Nazi continuum operative who runs George Bush Snr and Timothy Geithner. DVD stands for Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst. The DVD has covert slush fund accounts at Deutsche Bank and also controls Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor. More about DVD Dachau's penetration of the UK and European establishments can be found on this page here.
Akihito, Emperor of Japan, flies to US to sort out Japanese high-level obstruction scandals involving Japanese embassy in Washington DC, disgraced Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, and corrupt Japanese World Court President Hisashi Owada who have been frustrating lawful delivery of 336,000 prosperity programme packs in US.
Climategate emails row deepens as Russian secret service admits the emails came from their Siberian server
Secret document exposes Iran’s nuclear trigger
Former John Edwards loyalist Andrew Young's blockbuster tell-all published early next year, confirms The ENQUIRER's exclusive investigation into the alleged conspiracy and cover-up.
CONTINUATION OF PREVIOUS COMMENTARY; This was written Sunday - Dec. 13, 2009 - it is a must read...
I felt that there were many things I did not cover in the short commentary yesterday that I must continue today. Sadly many people will not even know what I am trying to explain but I will try.
The very gift of being allowed to enter the Kingdom of G-D and Heaven is a gift and not a right, it must be earned by your conduct here on earth. The very fools whether they be rich or poor or famous or in politics that think because they may go to a house of worship once in a while or write a check to their favorite "TV" preacher that is wearing a $25,000 dollar Rolex watch will eventually buy them a ticket into Heaven is only fooling the "MORON" in his or her own mirror.
People that are in Political power are in a misconception if they think that alone will get them through the pearly gates. When you get your life review after you are "DEAD" and G-D's ANGELS find that you have been responsible for innocent people dying from false flag attacks because you had ordered it you will be in Eternal Hell with the ADOLPH's of this world, I do not care who you are or how much money you have or influence you had at the seat of your power. IT ALL COMES TO AN END VIA G-D. You deserve to rot in eternal HELL.
I have been around my own family members that have asked me if I believed in the LAW OF RETRIBUTION hours before they died. I knew why they asked me but I was hesitant in answering but I did answer and I said - YES - IT IS TRUE. YOU WILL ANSWER TO G-D. I come from a very ORTHODOX RUSSIAN FAMILY and I had 5 Rabbi's in my family but I had something none of them had, I can not explain it in words, I could see things that they could not. I have been through hell since I was a kid but I have never lost one drop of faith in my G-D.
This worlds chessboard is now set. G-D has now given many people cancer and death for one reason or another. There is a reason for this that you do not understand. If a man is a cross dresser he is an abomination to the LORD, it is in DEUTERONOMY Chapter 22 - Verse 5. If a man manipulates and destroys people with lies and deceit, G-D the FATHER pays back. If you steal you will be destroyed by the Angels which represent G-D. They are everywhere. Look at all these Politicians that have become suicidal because they know what hidden secrets they take with them, but they can not hide them from there final life review after they are dead. These people are now in a major panic world wide.
The "EREV RAV" Jewish traitors that have infected my people that I have written about so many times will meet the ANGEL OF DEATH in due time. The events that are occurring right now through out this planet are so extensive there is no way man could have caused it to happen so quickly, it is pre ordained. Does it not now seem awful strange to you that G-D has now arranged that tiny little ISRAEL seek an association and help from the very enemy they once had = "GERMANY"... This is the script that G-D has already written for the final battle with the Persian empire.
I want you to look how G-D has put in place all these American Liberal CZARS and Politicians to make this America a very weak and ineffective power for the future. We have been the policeman of the world but its coming to an end because not only have these "NEW" leaders broken this once great nation but they have brought us to the point of NO RETURN. We will no longer be a factor in the final battle that takes place over Jerusalem. Look how G-D has already given CANCER to many current American Politicians. These are the people at least some of them that have deceived you, big time.
These current and even past politicians can lie to me and easily get away with it, but they can not lie to G-D and his Angelic's that are everywhere. There is a divine price they will pay. You must read DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 28 and read PSALM 109... I have told you many times that the PSALMS predict the future, all important events especially concerning the Jews are in there. I can show you where it talks about NAZI GERMANY and the KENNEDY Assassination and even Anwar Sadat etc, the list is endless. It would take me years to cover everything. Its all in the Bible including our future.
THERE IS A TIME TO BE BORN AND A TIME TO DIE. No one leaves this world with their money or bank account or gold or anything they have STOLEN. As I often have written when you want to dance and you hire the FIDDLER, you pay him now or you pay him later, BUT YOU WILL PAY HIM, THAT I CAN ASSURE YOU...
The PERSIANS (IRAN) believe that their MESSIAH lives in a well, everyday they drop in prayers on paper asking him to come out. The story or belief or legend goes that the "MAHDI" (messiah) also known as the 12th IMAM will only exit the well when PERSIA IS IN FLAMES. That is what this coming war is going to be about. I have simplified it for you, they are basically begging the Israeli's and the world to attack them. It will happen in due time as the clock is now ticking.
Lets get back to our American rich and famous fools that have no clue and have no idea their own lives have been destroyed by human greed and their disobedience to the very G-D that created them. Let them light their cigars with actual dollar bills or the women can feel better by spending thousands of dollars on just shoes, let these fools do it all. If you follow the money trail you will most always find out the true reasons of a crime or a plot or a scam. Right now we are being scammed from everywhere "EXCEPT" from G-D. It will all come out in the end as the truth appears such as in the case of John Edwards or Tiger Woods etc, but this is nothing compared to WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW...
Every Jewish New Year I read my Hebrew prayers and their is one request I never forget for a RIGHTEOUS JEW that is very sick - I pray to "QUICKENIST THE DEAD" so that the righteous does not suffer. I Do not have my prayer book in front of me but I am going by memory so forgive me if my spelling is not right. I hope you will understand the message. At this very time of the year if you are not in the BOOK OF LIFE for the following year you will die, its that simple. My immediate Mother and Father and Brother are gone, I am the only one left.
I hope I have not upset anyone but I have enlightened you somewhat. I have just touched the very surface of what I know and see and understand. It never bothered me to be disliked by man, but I must be accepted by my living G-D as loyal until the end at any cost. Any questions please email me at
Deuteronomy Chapter 22 דְּבָרִים
ה לֹא-יִהְיֶה כְלִי-גֶבֶר עַל-אִשָּׁה, וְלֹא-יִלְבַּשׁ גֶּבֶר שִׂמְלַת אִשָּׁה: כִּי תוֹעֲבַת יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, כָּל-עֹשֵׂה אֵלֶּה. {פ} 5 A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God. {P}
Former Governor Jesse Ventura: WTC Collapse A Controlled Demolition
Bush defenders try to explain Bush's inaction as his not wanting to upset the children. Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9-11" suggests Bush's inaction was due to his not being told to leave. But Michael Moore fails to follow that line of reasoning through to its logical conclusion; where were the people whose job it is to get the President to a place of safety in event of attack, the people who would have, SHOULD have, pulled Bush out of there, children and public appearances be damned!
The Secret Service did nothing. The dog did not bark.
........................................................................................................................................................................PREVIOUS COMMENTARY AND BLOG - YOU MUST SEE - LEFT CLICK HERE
Sign at homeless camp: 'Welcome to Obamaville'
'I've had 100 calls today and not a single 1 of them was negative'
************************************************************************************************The Norway Spiral - a huge mid-air visual anomaly seen over Tromso (Norway) on Wednesday 9th December 2009 in the immediate vicinity of the EISCAT HAARP antenna farm at Ramfjordmoen
A photograph. And another one here. Theories abound and disinformation swirls about the cause of this phenomenon. One idea is that The Norway Spiral was the visual precipitation of a high-energy interaction between EISCAT control at Ramfjordmoen and benevolent ETs. A microwave radiation attack or a manipulative aerial hologram project of negative intent was suppressed by the positive ETs. On several occasions in the recent past, benevolent ET have scrambled the electronics of nuclear silos just before rogue factions could launch nuclear attacks. Light phenomena, often described as UFO activity, have sometimes accompanied these ET initiatives. The Norway Spiral happened at a time of fissiparous infighting between international security organisations concerning the imminent government-supported UFO disclosure programmes. Might something significant be going on behind the scenes?
New Israeli unmanned wonder boat deployed in Persian Gulf
DEBKAfile Special Report
December 13, 2009, 9:04 AM (GMT+02:00)
Asians bid for first ever unmanned stealth craft, Protector SV
The first unmanned stealth craft on the seas, designated Protector SV or Death Shark, recently deployed in the Persian Gulf, is in high demand after its successful performance with the Singapore Navy. DEBKAfile's military sources report that India and South Korea asked Israel's Rafael to build craft to their specifications when chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi visited their capitals earlier this month.
Western military naval experts rate the Protector as one of the most effective military and intelligence craft afloat today, whose features can take over many of the capabilities of big high-cost warships with large crews.
They say the wonder boat can easily cruise off the shores of Lebanon, Syria and Iran undetected for long periods due to its tested stealth design.
Operated by remote control from a shore base, the crewless nine-meter long speedboat is armed with a Close-in Weapon System (CIWS) for detecting and destroying incoming anti-ship missiles and enemy aircraft at short range. This system is a Typhoon-type heavy MK-49 Mod 0 machine gun capable of laser accuracy up to a range of 50 kilometers, which sticks to its target, whether on land, air or sea, even as the rigid-hull inflatable bounces on the waves at 40 knots.
The Death Shark's four cameras, functioning at the same distance and high definition as satellite cameras, can capture a license plate number from a distance of 26 kilometers. The stealth craft is also equipped with a sonar or radar system and electro-optics which transmit a three-dimensional image to its shore base, instruments for jamming enemy electronics and weapons for taking on large warships, such as torpedoes and explosive charges.
India and South Korea are attracted by these unique features which make the Protector ideal for deployment on oceans, narrow waterways, rivers and ports. Among its other features, the craft is equipped for active interception of terrorist incursions by sea, like the one that held Mumbai to siege in Nov. 2008.