The Great Synagogue of Essen, Germany, set on fire during the Kristallnacht.
A member of the German SS supervises the boarding of Jews onto trains during a deportation action in the Krakow ghetto. Krakow, Poland, 1941-1942. |
Could George W. Bush end up behind bars?
Nigerian Banks Collapse - Could Affect USA
WH withdraws call for students to 'help' Obama
........................................................................................................................................................................VAN JONES - ATTACKS DONALD RUMSFELD
Former CIA Agent Discusses the Russia & Iran Threat
He is not going anywhere....
Soros will give him a job in one of his Socialist front groups.....................................................................................................................
'Green Jobs Czar' Van Jones resigns
WND's 5-month series of exposés leads to White House's 1st casualty
Posted: September 06, 2009
1:18 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Van Jones |
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones quit late last night after pressure mounted over his extremist history first exposed in WND.
The last straw for Jones was being caught on tape in an expletive-packed rant, directly attacking Republicans in the Senate who he said abused their majority position in the past to push legislation through. He admitted after the statements were released that the comments were "inappropriate" and "offensive."
"They do not reflect the experience I have had since joining the administration," Jones said in the statement.
Jones was also linked late last week to efforts suggesting a government role in the Sept. 11 terror attacks and to derogatory comments about Republicans.
When the White House press corps grilled White House press secretary Robert Gibbs about Jones on Friday, a reporter asked how the administration could reject "conspiracy theories" about his birth certificate while employing someone who previously charged the U.S. government with masterminding Sept. 11.
Gibbs said only that Jones "continues to work in the administration," a non-ringing endorsement that set the stage for his ouster. Jones' name appeared on a petition calling for congressional hearings and other investigations into whether high-level government officials had orchestrated the 9/11attacks.
........................................................................................................................................................................Van Jones was arrested in San Francisco in 1992 for participating in a demonstration following the acquittal of four LA police officers accused of beating Rodney King.
.....................................................................................................................................................Iran edges close to capacity for building first nuke, fitting a missile's nuclear warhead
DEBKAfile Special Report
September 5, 2009, 5:19 PM (GMT+02:00)
Iran's IAEA delegate Ali Asghar Soltanieh
Barack Obama has been in the White House for nine months and Binyamin Netanyahu in the Israeli prime minister's office six months. Both have spent precious time batting the numbers of settlement apartments to and fro instead of taking resolute steps to thwart Iran's spectacular advances on the road to a nuclear weapon. DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources note that Tehran has made good use of this time for the longest strides towards its objective than at any time since its program was surreptitiously launched.
The progress confirmed by our sources consists of four major steps:
1. Iran has succeeded in secretly combining uranium processing, airborne high-explosive tests and work on designing a missile cone to fit a nuclear warhead, according to Western intelligence updates.
2. The conflicting reports on the amount of uranium enriched and number of fast centrifuge machines in operation obscure the following hard facts: The Iranians have doubled the number of ever faster centrifuges that are working at their enrichment plants.
They are moreover completing tests on a more advanced homemade centrifuge, the IR4, which will halve the time taken for converting low-grade enrichment uranium into weapons-grade material.
3. By February 2010 - and some say sooner - Tehran will have stocked enough high-grade enriched uranium for two nuclear bombs.
4. Iran has also gone into home production of nuclear fuel rods for plutonium.
Barack Obama' repeatedly held up his plan to engage Tehran in dialogue - first until the June 12 presidential election (hoping a more rational president would replace Mahmoud Ahmedinejad); then, until the popular unrest following the disputed poll died down (for fear of being accused of interfering); and finally on the assumption that the turmoil would divide and weaken the Islamic regime and make it easier to engage constructively.
The six world powers, US, Russia, China, France, the UK and Germany accordingly gave Iran until Sept. 15 to start talks.
It turned out that these delays, instead of weakening Iran's rulers, hardened their position.
Reacting to the new intelligence presented to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran's delegate Ali Asghar Soltanieh said Friday, Sept. 4: "The government of the United States has not handed over the original documents to the agency since it does not in fact have any authenticated documents and all it has are forged document"
An anonymous US official in Vienna said Soltanieh's accusations were baseless and the IAEA itself "had accepted the material as credible."
But by then, the Iranian delegate had come up with a new self-serving initiative: a proposal for the agency's board of governors to ban member states from attacking the nuclear facilities of other nations.
Then on Saturday, Sept 5, Soltanieh, made it clear that Tehran was virtually scrapping the Western powers incentives offer which has been gathering dust since last year as the basis for talks and was about to put forward its own "comprehensive package on issues, including nuclear and economic cooperation as well as concerns about the proliferation of atomic weapons."
The Iranian package will be handed in this week.
What do Washington and Jerusalem propose to do now in the face of Iran's aggressive nuclear and diplomatic offensives? Will the foot-dragging continue until Iran conducts its first nuclear test?
Four years ago, prime minister Ariel Sharon said Israel must meet US demands on containing West Bank settlement "because we would need the Americans on the Iran issue."
His successor, Ehud Olmert and foreign minister Tzipi Livni held off Israeli action by reiterating it was up to the "international community" to stop Iran's advance toward a nuclear bomb.
Has anything changed in Washington and Jerusalem?
School districts across Texas are pondering whether they'll have their students watch a national address by President Barack Obama next week.
US fury as Israel defies settlement freeze call
An ultra-Orthodox Jew prays at sundown at the 'outpost' settlement of Givat Sefer, near Modi'in
Binyamin Netanyahu pushes Barack Obama into a corner with settlement plan
Pence calls on Van Jones to resign
Rep. Mike Pence, the no. 3 Republican in the House, is calling on Obama green jobs czar Van Jones to resign.

CIA Counterterrorism Expert: Obama and Holder 'At War' with Agency
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Why is Charlie Rangel untouchable?
White House to fly Red Chinese flag
People's Republic marking anniversary at White House
Posted: September 04, 2009
8:19 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
The administration of President Barack Obama, whose official blogger while Obama was a candidate came under attack for hanging a Communist Party flag in his Harvard apartment,House. apparently has given permission to raise the emblem of Communist China over the south lawn of the White House...
The plan, reported by several English-language Chinese media outlets, has raised concern among those who are working to guard the United States from outside influences that could be threats.
According to the Global Times English-language edition, the national flag of the communist People's Republic of China on Sept. 20 will be raised for the first time on the White House's south lawn – a secured area seldom available for public events – in recognition of the Chinese anniversary.
"The ceremony has gotten official approval," Xiao Shuigen, secretary of the Union of Chinese American Professional Organizations, told the Times.
7:04 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Van Jones |
WASHINGTON – It wasn't exactly a ringing endorsement.
When White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about the president's support for his embattled "green jobs czar," Van Jones, the response was: "He continues to work for the administration."
If there were any doubts the first high appointment of the Obama administration was about to be reversed by scandal, Gibbs' message put them to rest.
If he goes, Jones' brief tenure as one of about 40 czars in the White House will have been cut short by reporting in WND – begun in April by staffer Aaron Klein.
WND's Klein first reported Jones was an admitted radical communist and a self-described "rowdy black nationalist" and that in 2005 he boasted in an interview that his environmental activism was actually a means to fight for racial and class "justice."
Demand the TERMINATION of Communist Green Jobs Czar Van Jones - "MARXIST X"
Van Jones: 'Resist' against police
Anti-cop mission drawn up by Black Panther group
11:41 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Van Jones |
The petition was organized by the October 22nd Coalition, an anti-police organization whose mission statement was drawn up by leaders of the radical Black Panther Collective for Social Progress.
The movement organizes yearly national anti-police demonstrations, accusing police of "brutality, detentions, domestic spying, profiling and other attacks on human and civil liberties." The protests are held under the banner of the National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation."
The 2006 statement, available on the website for the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, calls on participants to "resist so that we will not be crushed. Our resistance gives other people courage."
The statement accused the police of deliberately murdering civilians in cases that later were mostly ruled accidents.
Orly Taitz submits copy of Obama's Original Kenyan Birth Certificate in Court