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www.hipowersandhandguns.comCalifornia could become third state to ban forced microchip tag implants (RFID) by Orr Shtuhl | ||||
Global Research, January 12, 2008 | ||||
Stateline.org - 2007-09-18 | ||||
It would be an interesting feature of an employee’s first day: sign a contract, fill out a W-2 and roll up your sleeve for your microchip injection. Sounds like sci-fi, but it’s happened, and now a handful of states are making sure their citizens will never be forced to have a microchip implanted under their skin. If Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) signs a bill passed Sept. 4, California would join Wisconsin and North Dakota in banning human implanting of these tags without consent. No one’s quite sure how real a threat these forced implants might be, or why states are feeling compelled to protect their residents from being physically tagged. Lawmakers are calling the legislation pre-emptive, while the industry that produces the technology sees the states’ action as fear mongering. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags – tiny, data-storing microchips about the size of a grain of rice – are in passports, in Wal-Mart factory shipments and in subway passes in cities from New York to Taiwan. They are also in humans. On one less-than-likely episode of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," a paranoid actor Bob Saget even uses one to monitor his adulterous wife. Unlike Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, which is used for constant, real-time tracking, RFID tags are scanned at close range – usually from a few feet to a few inches. The tags are tracked by scanners installed at checkpoints, such as office doors or warehouse loading docks. The systems are also commonly used in highway toll collection and as theft protection in car keys. In humans, they have been used to store medical information, to track movement and to gain access to locked rooms. To date, 2,000 RFID chips have been sold for implantation in humans, says VeriChip Corp., the only manufacturer with a Food and Drug Administration-approved implantable chip. The company is focusing its technology on medical patient identification, and about 400 patients, including those with Alzheimer's disease, have RFIDs implanted. Other VeriChip human implants have been used by a Spanish nightclub to allow VIPs with implanted chips to bypass entrance lines and by the Mexico attorney general’s staff to safeguard identity information at a time when the kidnapping of government officials there is not uncommon. Some customers are using them as high-tech keys. Ohio security firm CityWatcher.com raised eyebrows in 2006 when it requested that some of its employees be “chipped,” or implanted with tags for access to certain rooms. According to published reports, only two employees got the implants before the company dropped the program. CityWatcher.com has since shut down. But forced chipping has been a rare practice, leading some industry spokespeople to decry regulation as “scare tactics.” Wisconsin enacted the first RFID ban in May 2006, and North Dakota in April. Colorado and Ohio have bills in committee, and Oklahoma and Florida saw theirs die last session. Except for one U.S. House proposal to use RFID tags to track prescription drugs, Congress has not widely addressed the technology. Legislators admit that the few laws being enacted are pre-emptive. Wisconsin state Rep. Marlin Schneider (D) had never heard of CityWatcher.com when he drafted the first implant ban. “I had heard about this device from CNN or someplace, and I went into the office and said, ‘Get a bill drafted that prohibits this,’” he said. “This is beyond even what Orwell imagined.” State Sen. Joe Simitian (D), who authored California’s bill, said he first looked into RFID legislation after grade schools in Sutter County, Calif., required students to wear IDs containing the chips to help monitor attendance. The move prompted privacy complaints from parents, and the school eventually stopped using the technology. Simitian introduced four other RFID bills, dealing with criminal punishment for identity theft, security standards and use of these tags in driver’s licenses and school IDs. All four proposals were originally pieces of California’s Identity Information Protection Act of 2006, which passed but was vetoed by Schwarzenegger. In a statement, he recommended waiting for standards from the federal Real ID Act, a plan to organize states’ driver’s licenses into a national system. The governor has until Oct. 14 to sign or veto the newly passed bill. The lack of security in the chips is particularly alarming, Simitian said, and is a major reason he thinks the state should step in with regulation. A May 2006 story in Wired Magazine featured Jonathan Westhues, a 24-year-old engineer who demonstrated how he could (and did) covertly scan a company’s RFID employee badge and break into the office – all with a cheap, homemade reader. He’s since posted detailed instructions on how to make the reader on his Web site. Westhues likens RFID chips to “a repurposed dog tag. … The Verichip is built with no attempt at security, and is therefore not very special to clone,” he writes on his Web site. How low-tech are these homemade readers? Determined to show the security flaws to skeptics in the Legislature, Simitian asked a tech-savvy grad student from his office to build one. The student then wandered the state Capitol one afternoon with the reader in his briefcase. In the process, he stole the security numbers of nine representatives. The reader could send out any of those numbers, getting him past any locked door a state senator would have access to. And he would appear as the senator in the electronic records. Manufacturers and industry representatives say that no cases of such identity theft have been documented. But depending on the desired level of security, cameras and guards should be used in addition to RFID tags, says the AeA (formerly the American Electronics Association). The technology is being embraced by a few government agencies. Both Vermont and Washington state have agreed to work with the Department of Homeland Security to test RFID driver’s licenses, although they won’t be required by citizens. The U.S. Department of Defense has been tracking shipments with RFID tags since 2003. Besides possible privacy breaches, the new technology also has raised health alarms. Studies of implants used in the past 12 years have linked RFIDs to cancer in lab mice and rats, according to The Associated Press. The studies did not have control groups for the cancer, and manufacturers report no complications with the millions of pets that have had various chip implants over the last 15 years. But the results were enough for some scientists to question the FDA’s approval of the technology. Comment on this story in the space below by registering with Stateline.org, or e-mail your feedback to our Letters to the editor sectionat letters@stateline.org. |
The following forums (or conversation boards) either specialize in mouseguns (small light-weight firearms weighing under 16 ounces), or represent manufacturers that include mouseguns in their lineup.
Beretta (Beretta makes small .22, .25 and .32 caliber pistols, as well as larger guns.)
Glock Talk -- The G26 (9mm) is Glock's lightest firearm.
Kahr Club on Glock Talk (Kahr makes the PM9, a very small 9mm pistol.)
KTOG (Kel-Tec Owners Group)
KTRange (Kel-Tec firearms)
North American Arms (NAA -- very small revolvers and pistols)
Rohrbaugh Forum The R9 is the smallest 9mm pistol.
Seecamp Forum (Started the pocket gun mania with the Seecamp 32
Smith and Wesson (S & W makes some very light weight revolvers)
Affordable Handguns and Rifles
If you would like to be a gun owner, and don't have much money, what can you do? Gun ownership should not be reserved for the wealthy!
Bear in mind that ammunition is a large part of the cost of having a firearm. The least expensive ammo is .22 caliber, about $10 per 100 rounds for high quality cartridges. Practice rounds can be less than half that price. 9mm cartridges are the least expensive center-fire rounds. Winchester "White Box" in 9mm caliber may be found for $16 per 100 at WalMart. Military surplus ammo (especially for the Mosin-Nagant 7.62x54 rifles) is very inexpensive (but going up fast). Buy your ammo NOW, as the price is going up, due to a world-wide demand for copper and lead.
It is easy to find a new .22 rifle WalMart for under $200, and you should have one of those before getting a handgun, in my opinion. You can have inexpensive fun with it, shooting targets. You can also keep it in a convenient place and use it for home defense. A bullet from a rifle goes faster and hits harder than one from the same caliber handgun. You might also use it some day to harvest small game for your table. I also recommend getting a 30/30 lever action rifle (Marlin or Winchester). You can find these used for about $200 at pawn shops, and they are good rifles. I've gotten good buys at both pawn shops and gun stores.
Reliable inexpensive handguns are harder to find. There are only a few brands that are affordable new. You may need to hunt for a used gun, in order to stay under a $200 budget. (And don't forget taxes!) You can get an idea about what a particular model sells for at GunBroker.Com. Remember, too, that actual prices at gun stores vary quite a bit from place to place, and may be somewhat lower than "manufacturer's suggested retail."
Please note carefully: Sometimes guns that are cheap in price are also cheap in quality. I am not recommending ANY of the guns listed below. But they ARE affordable, and some of them are good guns. If you get a cheap gun, try to be knowledgeable about what you have bought. Study and learn! Inexpensive new guns (under $200.00) that have been found reliable include the Hi Point c9 (9mm) and Phoenix Arms .22 caliber semi-auto models, and Heritage revolvers. Bryco and Jimenez are considered sub-standard quality by many gun owners, but they are cheap, and may do for self-defense, if you can't afford anything else.
An excellent high-quality affordable GLOCK imitation is the Smith and Wesson SW9VE (9mm), which can be found $200 cheaper than a GLOCK.
Mouseguns Photo Gallery of Saturday Night Specials
Kel-Tec Bargains
P-64 (Poland)
P-64 (Passagen Article)
The Unofficial Polish P-64 Website (and Bulletin Board!)
High Road Discussion of P-64
CZ-52 (Serger article)
Box O Truth Review of the CZ-52
CZ-52 Page on Makarov.com
Bob Tuley's CZ-52 Page
Get a Tokarev for less than $250
The History Behind the CZ52 (VZ52)
CZ-52 Prices on "Froogle"
Cheap Guns Discussion and Pix
Bryco, Jennings, Jimenez Forum
Shining Star Investments/Source for Jimenez Firearms
The Jimenez JA-380
Jimenez JA-380 Discussion on KTOG
Jimenez Discussion on the USRange
Jimenez Arms
Wikipedia Article on Jimenez Arms
Phoenix Arms HP22
Ayoob: "Cheap Guns Are Good Enough"
GlockTalk Budget Guns Discussion
Budget 9mm Pistols
Hi-Point 9mm Review and Discussion
Mousegunner's Hi-Point C9 9mm
Hi-Point Link Central
Full Text of Gun Tests Review of the Hi-Point C9
More Kudos for the Ugly, Cheap, but Reliable Hi Point
Hi-Point C-9 Owner's Review and Discussion
Unofficial Hi-Point C9 Comp Site
Hi Point Pistols Reviewed
Another Hi-Point Discussion
Packing.Org Discusses the HiPoint Pistol
How to Clean Hi-Point 9mm (many photos)
Big List of Hi Point Web Information
Manuals for All Hi-Point Pistols/Carbines (PDF Format)
Owner's Report on Hi Point Pistol
22 Handguns Under $200 Discussion
Bargain Pistols (Article)
Gun Test Reviews of Cheap Guns
Saturday Night Special Forum
Raven Firearms
Bryco/Jennings Firearms and click HERE, too
Phoenix Arms HP22
Some User Reviews of the PA HP22
FiringPin.Com Guns for Sale
Hi-Point Firearms
Hi-Point Discussion on the HighRoad
Hi-Point CF380 Recommended by Law Enforcement
Hi-Point Yahoo Group (Excellent Resource)
Hi-Point Pistols Discussion
LastSonOfGilead Reviews Hi-Point Pistols
Lloyd Walker Reviews the Hi-Point C9 Pistol
Cobra Firearms
Bersa Thunder 380 (an excellent pistol, and can sometimes be found for under $200 in basic black)
Another Bersa 380 Review
Bersa 380 at Gander Mt, $199.99
Cobra Patriot Pistols
Patriot 45 Yahoo Group
Heritage Revolvers
Makarov Pistol
Makarov Forum
Makarov Discussion
CZ52 Military Surplus Pistol
CZ-52 History and Review
Lots of CZ52 Links Here
Cheap Gun Discussion
Taurus PT22
Second Hand Ruger P Series
Firing Line $200 Budget Gun Discussion
Another Firing Line Thread
Economic Discrimination of Expensive Firearms
"Shootin Shack" Sparta TN
NAA Mini Revolvers
Rossi Revolvers (Buy used for under $200)
9mm Star BM
Another Star Model BM Page
Surplus Rifles A Bargain
Tokarev Pistol
More Tokarev Pix and Info
Tokarev Prices
Lorcin 9MM
CZ52 for Self-Defense (Discussion)
Saturday Night Special Forum
Discussion: Reliable Semi-Auto Pistol Under $160
Cabela's Remington Rider Pistol (4.3mm)
Stoeger Cougar (Half-price Beretta made in Turkey)
Official Stoeger Cougar Website
Would you like a GLOCK, but can't afford the $520 for a gun? For $320 you can get a brand new sw9ve by Smith and Wesson. The sw9ve is Smith and Wesson's 9mm GLOCK clone, but with a much nicer grip, and a heavier trigger. S & W also offer the same pistol in .40 caliber.
This page is a part of www.mouseguns.com.
RECOMMENDED - www.hipowersandhandguns.com
Paid in Full - A Novel of Revenge
The Shooter's Guide to the 1911 Pattern Pistol
9mm Ammunition Tests: The Shooter's Guide to Ammunition for the Browning Hi Power
The Shooter's Guide to the Browning Hi Power
We are happy to announce that The Shooter's Guide to the Browning Hi Power, Defensive Handguns, and 9mm Ammunition Tests: The Shooter's Guide to Ammunition for the Hi Power are all available in not only the original 8 1/2" x 11" size, but in paperback form as well. The paperback versions are trade manual size, approximately 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" and are "perfect bound", i.e., like paperback books. They cost less than the full-size versions. Due to many requests, I'm going to try to keep both versions in print and available.
So which do you want? If you wish to get the same information, text and pictures (smaller, no color) as the bigger book at a lower price, the paperback is for you. If you want the two color pages in addition to larger pictures and a book that will lay flat, the larger version is probably the way to go.
All of the books, large and small, have been reformatted. The same material is there, but in an easier to read, more attractive layout. Both versions of the books come with heat-laminated full color covers. They have been completely revamped, and in my opinion, look much better. Quality has not been sacrificed.
How to Order
If you have a PayPal account, just click on one of their links on this page to make payment. Use my email address as "recipient." Be sure to include the address where you want your order sent (in the "notes" section). For those who don't want to use PayPal, email me at s.camp9@charter.net to place orders. I will give you the mailing address for payment. Cash, check, money order, or cashier's checks are fine, but personal checks may be held a few days. On the order, please print or write legibly and be sure to include the address where you want your order mailed. If you'll also include your Email address, I will notify you when your items are to be mailed. Thanks.
Shipping and Handling Charges on Multiple Book Orders
Below are the charges for all orders in the US. Email me for S&H charges on orders outside the US.
Full Size 8 1/2" x 11": S&H on the first book is $5. Subsequent full size books have a $3 S&H charge when ordered at the same time.
Paperback 5 1/2" x 8 1/2": S&H on the first book is $3 and $2 on subsequent paperbacks ordered at the same time.
If you order a full size book and a paperback, S&H is $2 on the paperback and $5 on the larger book.
Should you have any questions concerning S&H charges, don't hesitate to Email me. I'll figure it for you and let you know the correct amount. As always, should you overpay (as has happened), I will refund the overpayment with your order.