There Is No "Palestine"
And There Are No "Palestinians" (Part 1)
And There Are No "Palestinians" (Part 1)
Arab boys, trained from infancy to hate Jews, fly the PLO terrorist flag in an Arab slum of Israel's Gaza District
One of the biggest and most successful Arab Nazi propaganda lies is the false claim that there is a land called "Palestine" and a people called "Palestinians."
The term "Palestina" was invented by the murderous Roman emperor Hadrian. The Romans wanted to rename Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) after the Philistines, the longtime enemy of the Jews. Hadrian believed that by renaming the Jewish homeland after the Jews' archenemy, he would be able to forever break the bond between the Land of Israel and the Jewish people.
But even the name of the Philistines, from which the term "Palestine" was adopted, is completely alien to the Land of Israel.
The name Philistines in Hebrew is plishtim, which comes from the Hebrew verb polshim (foreign invaders).
So those who call themselves "Palestinians" are using a term that actually means "foreign invaders."
The Roman beasts annihilated over a million Jewish men, women and children in their Satanic effort to ensure that G-d's people would never again be able to return to the Holy Land.
The remnant of Jews who survived the Roman Holocaust were exiled from their land for 2,000 years to the four corners of the earth. Yet neither the Roman Holocaust nor 2,000 years of Crusades, inquisitions, expulsions, blood libels, pogroms and finally the 20th century German Holocaust could break the eternal connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.
Even during this 2,000-year nightmare, there were always some Jews still living in the Land of Israel despite the horrific conditions.
In 1844 - when the Land of Israel was controlled by the Turkish Muslims - the Turkish census counted 7,120 Jews and 5,000 Muslims living in Jerusalem. Thus, Jerusalem was already a Jewish city 160 years ago.
Take note of how few people lived in Jerusalem in 1844 - even though Jerusalem was by far the largest town in the Land of Israel!
Jerusalem had a very small population because the Land of Israel as a whole was mostly uninhabited until the Jews started to return in larger numbers in 1870.
Israel's interior areas were mainly a desert-like wasteland while her coast was a malaria-ridden swamp.
The Zionist chalutzim (pioneers) spent decades working to turn the deserts into gardens, and working to drain the coastal swamps until the Land of Israel became the breathtakingly beautiful, lush, modern nation that it is today.
The claim of the Arab Muslim Nazis that they lived in the Holy Land for 2,000 years, until the Jews came, is a lie. Arabs only came to the Land of Israel in large numbers after the Jews returned in the 20th century and started to rebuild the nation, thereby creating economic and employment opportunities for Arab immigrants.
Prior to 1870, when Jews started to return to the Holy Land in large numbers, there were fewer than 100,000 Arabs living in what is today the State of Israel - including Yesha (the Hebrew acronym for Judea, Samaria and the Gaza District).
This small number of nomadic, tribal Arabs who lived in the Holy Land before the modern Jewish return never considered themselves to be a separate people or nation.
The Arabs who lived in the Land of Israel were not "Palestinians" but Arabs - part of a huge Arab people with 22 very large independent nations that control one-ninth of the land mass on the planet Earth.
Indeed, the Arabs have more than 600 times the land that the Jews have. But the implacable Arab goal is to swallow up and destroy the tiny Jewish homeland.
Before the modern Jewish return, this is how Mark Twain described the Land of Israel after he visited the Holy Land in 1867:
In 1867, Mark Twain visited the Holy Land and described it in the strongest terms possible as a wretched, diseased, impoverished, nearly desolate wasteland - The few spots of greenery, Twain said, "seem mere toy gardens set at wide intervals in the waste of a limitless desolation.... [The land of Israel] sits in sackcloth and ashes." |
"A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse.... A desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action.... We never saw a human being on the whole route.... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country." (The Innocents Abroad)
In 1913, the British Royal Commission reported:
An "impromptu hospital" as diseased Arabs desperate for cures swarm an American doctor in Twain's party - Amid a crowd of Arabs beset by horrible diseases and malformations, the doctor mixed a simple salve to ameliorate the eyesores found universally in Arab children:"The little children were in a pitiable condition - they all had sore eyes, and were otherwise afflicted in various ways. They say that hardly a native child in all the East is free from sore eyes, and that thousands of them go blind of one eye or both every year. I think this must be so, for I see plenty of blind people every day, and I do not remember seeing any children that hadn't sore eyes. "And, would you suppose that an American mother could sit for an hour, with her child in her arms, and let a hundred flies roost upon its eyes all that time undisturbed? I see that every day. It makes my flesh creep. "Yesterday we met a woman riding on a little jackass, and she had a little child in her arms - honestly, I thought the child had goggles [sunglasses] on as we approached, and I wondered how its mother could afford so much style. But when we drew near, we saw that the goggles were nothing but a camp meeting of flies assembled around each of the child's eyes, and at the same time there was a detachment prospecting its nose. The flies were happy, the child was contented, and so the mother did not interfere." |
"The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts ... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yabna village.... Houses were all of mud. No windows were anywhere to be seen.... The ploughs used were of wood.... The yields were very poor.... The sanitary conditions in the village were horrible. Schools did not exist.... The rate of infant mortality was very high.... The western part, towards the sea, was almost a desert.... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated. Many ruins of villages were scattered over the area, as owing to the prevalence of malaria, many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."
Lewis French, Director of Development for the anti-Jewish British Government, wrote in 1931:
"We found it inhabited largely by fellahin who lived in mud hovels and suffered severely from the prevalent malaria.... Large areas ... were uncultivated.... The fellahin, if not themselves cattle thieves, were always ready to harbor these and other criminals. The individual plots ... changed hands annually. There was little public security, and the fellahin's lot was an alternation of pillage and blackmail by their neighbors, the Bedouin."
The revival of the Land of Israel as a land "flowing with milk and honey" came only after the Jews returned.
"The population of Jerusalem is composed of Moslems, Jews, Greeks, Latins, Armenians, Syrians, Copts, Abyssinians, Greek Catholics and a handful of Protestants. One hundred of the latter sect are all that dwell now in this birthplace of Christianity. The nice shades of nationality comprised in the above list, and the languages spoken by them, are altogether too numerous to mention. It seems to me that all the races and colors and tongues of the earth must be represented among the 14,000 souls that dwell in Jerusalem." |
You can help JTF's allies in Israel - the Hilltop Youth - bring the real truth to Israeli Jewish youth about Arab Muslim Nazi lies such as the absurd claim that there is a "Palestine" and that there are "Palestinians."
Help us with our campaign to mobilize tens of thousands of young Jews who will resist through nonviolent civil disobedience the suicidal plan of left-wing Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to surrender the entire Gaza District and northern Samaria to the PLO Nazi terrorist mass murderers.
JTF is proud to be the main U.S. fundraiser for the Hilltop Youth.
Which is why we strongly urge our many loyal readers - both Jews and righteous Gentiles - to immediately do the following four things:
First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising cocktail party for JTF. Even if you are not wealthy - but have wealthy friends and associates - you can organize a cocktail party. If you wish to hold a cocktail party, please contact JTF.
Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to "JTF" and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can mail a cash donation.
Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.
Fourth, please remember to include the "Jewish Task Force (JTF)" in your will.
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Friday, June 29, 2007
Point Man for the Fourth Beast
I thought that I would post my opinion of the Tony Blair nomination as the new negotiator for the Quartet as its own post. It is from the comments of my previous post:
I believe that it is possible that Tony Blair is the spokesperson for the fourth beast in Daniel's vision of Daniel chapter seven. His appearance on the scene as the new point man, a.k.a Chief Prosecutor, for the Quartet during the 40 day period of the Wandering of the Spies sent by Moshe is no accident. The Quartet is an undisguised fourth beast, representing the Kingdom of Edom. It has the pieces of the previous three beasts in its makeup. The lion with the eagle's wings is the Anglo-American Empire even though in ancient times it was Babylon. The bear is Russia even though in ancient times it was Persia/Media. The leopard with four heads is the European Union although in ancient times it was Alexander's Empire broken up amongst his four generals. I do not know who the four heads are today. (Could these heads possibly be the four leaders represented in the Quartet, itself?! In short does the fourth beast "borrow" the heads of the third beast because Greece is the Face of Rome according to Chazal?) I do know this, though. The ancient empire of Nimrod is a favorite of the EU. They speak in their literature of building a modern Tower of Bavel. Nimrod broken up stands for Namer rod (The leopard rules.)
The ten horns in Daniel's vision are the ten economic powers that the CFR wants to break up the world into. Each one would have its own currency. Europe has the Euro. NAFTA will have the Amero. MEFTA including Israel within its pre-67 borders will have its own currency. Tony Blair has been sent to enforce this vision of reality upon the Mideast. I believe G-d has a different scenario.
6/28/2007 11:50 PM
Dov Bar-Leib said...
One last thought. This does not mean that Blair is necessarily the small horn that pulls three horns from the crown on the fourth beast. Yet, he might become that little horn. We will wait and see. Consolidation for the ten economic kingdoms is set for 2010.
6/29/2007 12:26 AM
There Is No "Palestine"
And There Are No "Palestinians" (Conclusion)(Originally published by JTF.ORG on September 8, 2004)
There is no "Palestine" and there are no "Palestinians" - Arab boys, trained from infancy to hate Jews, fly the PLO terrorist flag in an Arab slum of Israel's Gaza District
There was never a "Palestine" nation or state at any time in history.
When the Arab Muslim Nazis and their self-hating Jewish collaborators claim that there was a "Palestine," we should respond with the following:
More Arab Muslim lies - In June 2004, the Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat, whose religion of Islam commands him to forcibly convert or exterminate all non-Muslims, lit an Olympic flame at Ramallah in the name of "world peace." (Arafat ordered the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich.
- Name one leader of this mythical "Palestine" - who was its president,
- Prime Minister or king?
- Name one nation that had diplomatic relations with "Palestine."
- What was the currency of "Palestine"?
In fact, the Arabs themselves always denied that "Palestine" or "Palestinians" exist.
"There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not," Dr. Philip Hitti, an Arab historian representing the Muslim world, told the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in 1946 - Hitti was a professor emeritus at Princeton University whose best-known work is The Arabs: A Short History
"There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not," Dr. Philip Hitti, an Arab historian representing the Muslim world, told the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in 1946.
Arabs stage pogroms in Israel, calling for the death of the Jews (1936) - Before modern Israel even existed as a state, the Arab Muslim Nazis were bent on the extermination of her Jewish populace, notwithstanding that without the Jews, the land would have reverted to its poverty and desolation of the 1800s; from 1936 to 1939, the Arabs massacred 550 innocent Jewish men, women and children. In Israel's 1948 War of Independence, when the entire Arab world attacked the tiny Jewish State promising to "push the Jews into the sea," all of the Arab states told the United Nations that the Land of Israel was part of southern Syria.
In the 1948 war, Egypt invaded and occupied the Gaza District, and Jordan invaded and occupied Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem.
Israel's former "peace partner," the "statesman" Yasser Arafat - The Arab Hitler is shown in his younger days pointing to the barrel of a rifle and promising that only it will provide "peace" with the Jews
Thus, all of Yesha was controlled by Egypt and Jordan from 1948 to 1967. The Arabs could easily have created a "Palestinian" state in Yesha.
But from 1948 to 1967, no one called for the creation of a "Palestinian" state. No one even suggested that a separate "Palestinian" people exist in Yesha.
After self-hating Jews told the Arabs that they should invent a "Palestinian" people as part of their propaganda war to destroy little Israel, the terrorist Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed in 1964 in Cairo, Egypt.
Defying the whole world - including the United States, which imposed an arms embargo on her - the tiny Jewish homeland, her soldiers outnumbered 100 to 1, won her independence in 1948 by miraculously beating back seven gigantic Arab terrorist armies
The "warriors of Allah" - local Arabs - join in the 1948 war of extermination against tiny Israel Yet even the PLO never called for an independent "Palestine" state in Yesha when Egypt and Jordan controlled Yesha. Only when Israel liberated Yesha in the 1967 Six Day War did the PLO, Egypt, Jordan and the rest of the Muslim world suddenly "discover" that Yesha Arabs are "Palestinians" who must be given an independent PLO terrorist state.
"Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identify serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel," said Zuheir Muhsin, the head of the terrorist PLO's "military department" in a March 1977 interview with Trouw, a Dutch daily newspaper.
Muhsin's admission that a separate "Palestine" people is only a tactical deception in the Arab war to destroy Israel simply confirms the obvious: the Arabs invented "Palestine" and "Palestinians" in the 1960s for tactical propaganda purposes even though the terms have no historical validity whatsoever.
Only when Israel liberated Yesha in the 1967 Six Day War did the Muslim world suddenly discover "Palestine" Only after little Israel's miraculous victory in the 1967 Six Day War (top row), when Jewish soldiers prayed at the Western Wall after liberating Jerusalem, did hordes of hate-filled Arab Muslim Nazis (bottom row) chanting "Death to Israel!" discover the PLO Nazi flag.
A gathering of arrogant Arab Muslim Nazis wearing hoods and Islamic suicide headbands appeared on Jerusalem's holy Temple Mount (r.), before the Dome of the Rock mosque which is the symbol of Islam's war to annihilate Israel
The most astonishing part of this story about the myth of "Palestine" and a "Palestinian" people is the willingness of the Jews to accept such a transparent Arab Muslim lie aimed at bringing about the annihilation of the Jewish people.
What is it about the Jews of modern history that makes them so self-destructive, so masochistic, so pathologically sick?
What is it about the Jews of modern history that makes them so self-destructive, so masochistic, so pathologically sick? - Self-hating Jewish lawyer Stanley Cohen, representing the Arab Muslim Nazi terrorist group Hamas in the United States, rolls his eyes in exasperation as he tries to convince a skeptical interviewer, a mere seven months after September 11th, that Arab Muslim Nazi terrorism against Israel is "understandable" because she "stole" her land in the 1948 War of Independence
Why are Jews so unwilling to face reality, and so unwilling to stand up for truth and principles?
What is it about the Jews of modern history that makes them so self-destructive, so masochistic, so pathologically sick? - In an August 2004 interview, Dennis Ross, the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton's chief Mideast negotiator, again called for the creation of an independent PLO terrorist state in Yesha; stated that "we were remarkably close" to peace with murderous Syrian Muslim Nazi dictator Hafez Assad; and boasted that if all of the parties in the conflict had listened to Dennis Ross, a lasting peace would have been reached years ago. (Ross has written a Clintonesque memoir, The Missing Peace, in which he describes his "remarkable" skill at the negotiating table.)
Why are Jews so "practical" and "pragmatic" that they fail to realize that idealism, uncompromising devotion to principle and stubborn zeal are precisely the characteristics that kept the Jewish people alive for 4,000 years?
Indeed, it is the stubborn and uncompromising idealists not only among Jews, but among any people, who consistently win in the long run.
JTF's allies in Israel are creating a renewal of the magnificent Jewish idealism, faith and determination that made the Jews a great people, and that will yet transform them into "a light unto the nations," "a holy nation" and "a nation of priests" who will usher in the final redemption for the righteous throughout the world.
You can help JTF's allies in Israel - the Hilltop Youth - bring the real truth to Israeli Jewish youth about Arab Muslim Nazi lies such as the absurd claim that there is a "Palestine" and that there are "Palestinians."
A gathering of the Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat's supporters in the Gaza District (August 6, 2004) - Visible are armed, hooded Islamic terrorists; a little Arab girl learning to hate Jews; and the flag of Arafat's terrorist party, Fatah (Conquest), emblazoned with automatic rifles and the Dome of the Rock mosque, the symbol of Islam's goal of annihilating Israel ![]()
Help us with our campaign to mobilize tens of thousand of young Jews who will resist through nonviolent civil disobedience the suicidal plan of left-wing Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to surrender the entire Gaza District and northern Samaria to the PLO Nazi terrorist mass murderers.
JTF is proud to be the main U.S. fundraiser for the Hilltop Youth.
Which is why we strongly urge our many loyal readers - both Jews and righteous Gentiles - to immediately do the following four things:
First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising cocktail party for JTF. Even if you are not wealthy - but have wealthy friends and associates - you can organize a cocktail party. If you wish to hold a cocktail party, please contact JTF.
At a resistance training camp in Gush Katif of the Gaza District, heroic Jewish pioneers practice nonviolent civil disobedience to Ariel Sharon's insane policies of suicidal surrender (August 2004)
Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to "JTF" and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can mail a cash donation.
Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.
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A gathering of wolves
Posted: July 20, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
According to the most recent intelligence reports, former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's gesture for peace – disengagement from Gaza – may have set the stage for the next phase of war.
A senior IDF officer said this week that the weapons Hamas is smuggling into Gaza have become significantly more sophisticated now that they have a free hand to do so without Israeli interference. Since the Gaza takeover by Hamas, it has reportedly smuggled in 20 tons of explosives via the Philidelphia Corridor from the Sinai into the Strip. According to the officer, Israel currently has a limited time frame to address the findings.
"There is today an opportunity since the world has not yet become accustomed to the new Hamas entity, and Hamas has not yet fully completed strengthening it's military capabilities," according to the Jerusalem Post, quoting the unnamed official.
"The Gaza Strip is a boiling pot, the fire underneath is fueled by economy and ideology, and the lid over it is Israel. Hamas is currently not acting against Israel because it is not in the group's interest, but one must not mistake this with the organization's ultimate goals."
Hamas has gone from being a terrorist group to becoming a full-fledged army, with four brigades made up of battalions and platoons. They are in possession of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, Katyusha rocket battalions, and Hamas boasts an infantry numbering more than 13,000 recruits.
It is Israel's nightmare scenario: a fully-equipped enemy military force in Hamas, another fully-equipped Hezbollah military force in Lebanon, and an increasingly belligerent regime in Syria poised for war.
Meanwhile, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly promised to wipe Israel from the map, has traveled to Damascus for meetings with Syria's Bashar Assad, who was sworn in this week for another seven-year term as Syrian president.
In addition to meeting with Assad, Ahmadinejad is also planning to meet with Hamas and Hezbollah officials.
Israel has every reason to be concerned. Asked about the possibility of another war breaking out in the region, the Iranian president replied, "We hope the summer will bring victories to the region's nations and failures to their enemies."
The Iranian president called on the region's states to be alert in the face of Israel's attempts to rehabilitate itself after what he defined as its "failure" in the Second Lebanon War.
Ahmadinejad warned that Israel may take action to compensate itself for those failures.
"The Zionist regime has lost its ideology of existence and will therefore try to compensate for its failures," Ahmadinejad told the Syrian press. "This issue should lead to a state of high alert among the region's nations, particularly among the Palestinians and Lebanese."
Nowhere in the Middle East is there a nation on a higher state of alert than Israel.
However, according to the Bible, it is Damascus that should be worried. I realize I have written about this prophecy recently, but the situation in that area seems to be moving into the perimeters of its predictions so rapidly, that it bears repeating.
The Prophet Isaiah was given a burden concerning the city of Damascus, which he recorded in Isaiah 17:1:
"The burden concerning Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap."
Damascus is the oldest continuously inhabited city on earth. Many historians date the city back to the dawn of human civilization.
Damascus has been conquered many times; by the Assyrians, the Persians, the Seleucids, the Romans, Byzantines, Omayyeds, Seljuks, Mamelukes and the Ottoman Empire.
But through all its long history, Damascus has never been destroyed. It has never been 'taken away from being a city' and it has never been left a 'ruinous heap.'
The prophet Isaiah says the destruction of Damascus is tied to some catastrophe that befalls Israel:
"And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall fade, and the fatness of his flesh shall grow lean."
But, says Isaiah, "gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or five in its outmost fruitful branches, says the LORD God of Israel."
Israel will suffer much, Isaiah prophesies, but it will survive. "In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel: and there shall be desolation."
Israel's catastrophe comes, according to the prophet, as part of a catastrophe that involves many nations. A major war between Israel and Syria and its allies fits Isaiah 17:13 like a glove:
"The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind."
Moreover, the destruction of Damascus will be virtually instantaneous. Says Isaiah 17:14:
"And behold at evening time trouble; and before the morning he is no more."
The time of this ancient prophecy's fulfillment truly appears to me to be soon.
READ ISAIAH CHAPTER 17, VERSE 1 - in your own BIBLE...