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Friday June 15,2007
By Geoff Marsh for express.co.uk
TONY Blair wants to hand the European Union radical new powers in his last act as Prime Minister, it emerged today.
The Prime Minister has welcomed controversial plans to bring back the troubled EU constitution by the back door - totally bypassing the need for public referendums on sweeping new powers for Brussels.
German chancellor Angela Merkel has suggested ditching the name "constitution" from the title and instead calling it an "amending treatyÓ - to avoid having to seek the approval of voters.
French and Dutch voters rejected the original plan - which would hand Brussels the power to represent individual countries at the UN and change national laws - two years ago.
The British people will see right through any shabby stitch-up. |
Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague |
Britain's voting rights would be reduced by a third under the scheme and our hard-won veto on European directives would be torn up. Britain could also lose the right to impose quotas on immigration.
Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague said: "If Tony Blair thinks he can hoodwink the British people by smuggling in the rejected EU consitution under another name, he had better think again.
Ingraham melts Snow in immigration smack
Talk-show host relentlessly quizzes White House spokesman over border
Posted: June 15, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
Laura Ingraham |
White House spokesman Tony Snow ran into a little more than he perhaps was expecting when he appeared on The Laura Ingraham show, as she relentlessly asked the American public's No. 1 question: What is the U.S. government doing to stop the invasion from Mexico?
"Sixty-nine percent of Americans, 85 percent of the GOP, 55 percent of the Democrats want the border enforced," said Ingraham. "Does that affect you guys, or do you guys just blow it off?"
Snow repeated, several times, the Bush administration's talking points on the issue – how the failed comprehensive immigration reform bill, which fell far short on its last test in the U.S. Senate, would secure the borders, require illegal aliens to pay a fine and require them to "keep their noses clean," and learn English.
But Ingraham, who worked as a speechwriter for two years in the Reagan administration and later served as a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas before launching "The Laura Ingraham Show" in 2001, wasn't letting him off the hook.
"Eight-five of the GOP doesn't like what the White House is doing on this," she said. "You're talking the base of this party."
Listen to Laura Ingraham question Tony Snow about immigration |
Ingraham, after graduating from Dartmouth, also worked at the Department of Transportation and the Department of Education before serving as notes editor for Law Review. She also worked as a white-collar criminal defense attorney, and is an author, columnist and commentator.
Her latest book, "Shut Up & Sing: How the Elites in Hollywood, Politics … and the U.N. are Subverting America," is a best-seller.
She pointed out, when Snow noted that illegals probably are not creating a huge impact on job availability, that following a recent raid on a Del Monte plant in Oregon to arrest illegal aliens employed there, the plant was flooded with applicants seeking the jobs.
"Tony, why don't people believe you?" she asked. "The majority of your party, people who voted for President Bush … They see the conservative coalition dissolving before their eyes."
Snow noted that another $4.4 billion is being tossed on the table to try and win back some of the support. According to reports, the money is to be used to beef up border security and add some new efforts, such as unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor the border.
Those efforts, he said, would demonstrate a commitment to securing the border.
"You keep repeating that, but nobody believes you," she said. "Nobody buys that this administration is serious about the border."
As WND has reported, Bush already has asked the Senate to resurrect the failed immigration bill – and soon.
The plan would allow millions of illegal aliens now within U.S. borders to pay a fine and become legal. But opponents like Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., say the legislation "still unfairly burdens taxpayers, doesn't ensure secure borders and guarantees amnesty" for illegal aliens.
It had floundered in its second Senate vote, a procedural move that would have accelerated the Senate's handling of the White House-backed plan. The divided Senate refused by a wide margin to limit debate on the plan. The 45-50 vote was 15 short of the 60 votes needed to move the legislation along.
Democrats then set the bill aside and took up other proposed legislation.
Editor's note: The current edition of WND's monthly Whistleblower is a cutting-edge look at the federal government's immigration policies – and how the nation's most vexing problem can be solved. It's titled "NATIONAL SUICIDE: How the government's immigration policies are destroying America."
Tancredo pulls plug on 'sanctuary cities'
Even Democrats throw support behind amendment to nix funds to local governments shielding illegals
Posted: June 16, 2007
6:30 p.m. Eastern
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo. |
The 234-to-189 tally included 50 Democrats voting in favor.
"The issue has come to fruition," Tancredo told the Rocky Mountain News. "The people of the country really have spoken. It's a really good indicator of just how much closer to the people the House is than the Senate is."
Tancredo has offered the similar amendments at least seven times since 2004 and all have failed, some by wide margins.
The amendment passed yesterday does not include a definition of "sanctuary city." The Homeland Security appropriations bill now goes to the Senate.
Known for his fierce opposition to illegal immigration and the failure of the federal government to secure U.S. borders, Tancredo has focused particular criticism on local governments across the country that have declared themselves sanctuary cities, refusing in varying degrees to allow law enforcement and city personnel to inquire about individuals' legal status.
As WND reported, Tancredo cited Miami, a sanctuary city, when criticizing President Bush's views on immigration.
"People have to understand what we're talking about here. The president of the United States is an internationalist," Tancredo told WND in an exclusive interview. "He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that – it's an idea. It's not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where this guy is really going."
"Look at what has happened to Miami. It has become a Third World country," he said. "You just pick it up and take it and move it someplace. You would never know you're in the United States of America. You would certainly say you're in a Third World country."
In the ensuing uproar following those remarks, Tancredo reiterated his position in a letter to Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.:
"Do you not worry that Miami's 'sanctuary city' rules serve as a magnet for illegal aliens and undercut the state's otherwise sound law enforcement policies? Do you worry that a recent random community survey on 'Miami values' found that corruption was listed as the number one 'value' by residents?
In 2005, Tancredo criticized Denver's sanctuary policy after an illegal alien, who worked in a restaurant co-owned by Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, was identified as a suspect in the fatal shooting of a police detective.
Restaurant managers told police the 19-year-old illegal had presented a resident-alien card when he applied for the job. "You could see that this card was fake," a police source close to the investigation said.
The suspect had been given three traffic citations in Denver, but federal immigration officials had not been contacted, even though his legal status could not be confirmed.
"Denver's sanctuary policy prevents local law enforcement from cooperating with federal officials on immigration matters, despite federal law which explicitly prohibits such a policy," said Tancredo, while questioning whether the mayor's restaurant had done enough to verify the suspect's legal status when he was hired.
Last year, Tancredo and other Colorado anti-illegal activists launched a campaign in Denver criticizing the city's sanctuary policy implemented eight years before by then-Mayor Wellington Webb.
It was a label Webb disputed.
"There are no ordinances, executive orders or regulations that establish a 'sanctuary policy' in Denver," the mayor's spokesperson said at the time.
"Denver's policies comply with federal law, and Denver law enforcement officers cooperate with federal officials on immigration matters. Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have said Denver is not a sanctuary city, so merely erecting a misleading billboard doesn't make it true."
Courtesy: KMGH-TV, Denver |
Ignoring the question of semantics, Tancredo's campaign attacked the policy through a series of billboards.
"Mr. President, Mr. Governor, Mr. Mayor – They did not die for ... ILLEGAL SANCTUARY," read one of the messages featuring three military rifles, each stuck bayonet-first into the ground and topped with a helmet.
Another declared, "Welcome to SANCTUARY CITY ... Relax, you made it! Brought to you by Executive Order 116," referring to the 1998 order barring discrimination against illegals.
Tancredo's victory in the House comes on the eve of efforts by Bush and the Senate to revive debate next week on the administration's failed immigration-reform plan. He said the sanctuary-city amendment's passage indicates the House would defeat the current immigration bill if it passes in the Senate.
"If I were Nancy Pelosi, I'd be asking if she could pass a vote on amnesty on the House side," Tancredo said. "If she lost 50 Democrats on this one, and she says she needs 70 Republicans to pass the immigration plan, this is an interesting indicator of things coming down the pike, and that the times, they are a-changing."
Related offers:
Feds leading U.S. into 'national suicide'
Get Rep. Tom Tancredo's "In Mortal Danger" direct from the people who published it – WND Books.
"Conquest of Aztlan": Will Mexicans retake American Southwest?
Illegal aliens invading U.S.: Exposé puts you on southern border as citizens battle human flood
"Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America's Borders," by Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist
Previous stories:
Bush wants Reid to resurrect bill
Tancredo: McCain won't make English official
'Where's the Fence?' campaign hits TV
Bush slams critics of immigration bill
Only 26% favor immigration bill
'La Raza' has virtual veto over bill
Senate, White House agree on worker program
Mayor wins both GOP, Democrat primaries
$2.2 trillion illegal alien taxpayer sticker shock
Another city joins immigration fight
City battles ACLU, feds in fight against illegals
Another town gets tough on illegals
Cities across nation crack down in illegals
Sting rounds up 25 foreigners for sex crimes
How open borders turn Americans into roadkill
ACLU probes trooper who nabbed 14 illegals
U.S. announces end of 'catch and release'
White House to back Pence reform bill
Illegal immigration sparks 'race war' in cities, prisons
Illegal aliens linked to gang-rape wave
Gang expert backs Tancredo charges
Town targets businesses hiring illegal immigrants
Mexican drug cartels take over U.S. cities
Feds arrest 2,100 in illegals sweep
Suspected illegal 'tries to rape girl'
Study: 1 million sex crimes by illegals
5 illegals face deportation after killing principal
Tancredo blasts Senate 'amnesty'
'Illegal runs red light,' kills popular principal
Illegal-alien offenders flout U.S. justice system
Illegal 'hits American jackpot' with $44,000 job, crime spree
Murder suspect – an illegal with driver's license
Illegal, 17, runs down hero cop
3 illegals beat pregnant woman
Illegal alien accused of triple homicide
Illegal alien wanted for hunter murder
'Cop-killing' illegal snagged in Mexico
Alleged cop killer an illegal immigrant
End of Days
E-mail me: Click on "View My Complete Profile" or try dovbearbarleib@gmail.com. For Most Recent Post: Click on "End of Days" immediately above.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
And Ya'akov Went on to Sukkot...(Gen. 33.17)
Normally one does not pray for war. Usually in war the righteous in this incarnation of their lives suffer with the wicked. It is a messy business. Those who build networks of chessed institutions suffer with those who plan parades of homosexuals. Those who vote for kindness to their fellow Jews suffer with those who vote for Kadima. At first glance it seems that war is bloody and unfair.Of course, according to Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato's classic The Way of HaShem, the righteous suffer often to perfect their souls because of sins done or imperfections fostered in previous lives. Sometimes they just suffer for the sins of the generation so that the world itself will not be destroyed by those sins. Be that as it may, War is usually Hell.
The upcoming war that is the final battles of Gog UMagog that will probably take place some time between tomorrow, the 29th of Sivan, and when Gog W. Bush leaves office in January 2009 (Winter 5769) will be no exception to this rule. It will be bloody, lo aleynu, maybe even the bloodiest war in all of history, may Heaven spare us. Yet, the Talmud in several places tells us that in the seventh year there will be war, and when we daven the shmonah esrei (18 blessing prayer), the seventh blessing is a blessing for redemption. Why is this the case?
This is so because the war in the seventh year of Gog UMagog is really the beginning of the redemption process even though Mashiach does not show up until the eighth year. The only question becomes how do we know which year of the eight year process we are in now in the year 5767. The Al Aksa Intifada began a day and a half before Rosh HaShana 5761, and Israel was condemned by the United Nations for defending itself by a vote of 92 to 6 on Hoshana Rabba 5761.
See my article on The South Asian Tsunami . It was the beginning of Israel's agony of the last generation, our Gog and Magog agony, before Gog W. is elected later that Fall. Counting seven years leads to the conclusion that our seven years are up this summer of 5767, a year which ends in a seven. The more classic interpretation, though, of the word "shvi'is" describing the seventh year is the Shmittah (sabbatical) year which is next year 5768. Rav Kaduri ztl. is quoted as saying that the Gaon of Vilna's iterpretation of the word shvi'is is just that, the sabbatical year.
The Gaon according to the Saintly Rav Kaduri even said that the seven years of Gog U Magog would begin on Hoshana Rabbah (the seventh day of the Feast of Booths) in the first year of a shmittah cycle and would conclude in the eighth year, which is the first year of the next Shmittah cycle. The seventh year would be the year of the war. The eighth year would be the year of Mashiach's timely arrival. Therefore it is no accident that while 9/11 was a week before Rosh Hashana 5762 and while 9/11 itself was therefore on the 23rd of Elul 5761, Gog launched his air war against the Taliban in Afghanistan on Hoshana Rabba 5762, the first year of a Shmittah cycle.