
Obama backs Israel unity government headed by Netanyahu
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
February 15, 2009, 9:14 AM (GMT+02:00)

Gen. James Jones, US National Security Adviser
US president Barack Obama has bought Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu's program for attacking the Palestinian issue by first building a strong West Bank economy, DEBKAfile's Washington sources report. For its execution, Washington is in favor of Netanyahu forming a unity government in partnership with Kadima's Tzipi Livni and Labor's Ehud Barak.
Messages to this effect reached the three Israeli leaders over the weekend. It was picked up on by the outgoing prime minister Ehud Olmert, who invited Netanyahu to join his next consultation with Livni and Barak on handling the Hamas truce talks in Cairo. Making it a foursome effectively starts the transition between the Jerusalem administrations.
Our sources also reveal that the White House decided after due deliberation to put the Palestinian peace issue on a back burner in the first year of the Obama presidency. Its top priorities must now be the economy and Afghanistan-Pakistan. The president's national security adviser Gen. James Jones argued that anyway, the Palestinians are split between two rival administrations and the potential Palestinian state is fragmented between the Gaza enclave backed by Iran and the and the West Bank which is headed by a weak leader, Mahmoud Abbas. The basic conditions for peace diplomacy are therefore lacking.
Special Middle East envoy George Mitchell was therefore instructed to focus on plans for establishing a firm economy on the West Bank with several hundred million dollars of US aid. Taking the opposite direction from previous Israeli governments, the Likud leader persuaded Washington that giving West Bank Palestinians a sense of prosperity would produce more results than going straight for the tough issues such as settlement evacuation. With a robust economy, the Palestinians have a better chance of building healthy government.
Mitchell was also directed to expedite the creation and training of a Palestinian security force to sustain a pro-Western administration on the West Bank.
With these two elements in place, the Obama administration hopes the future will throw up a Palestinian leader able to take over from Mahmoud Abbas and lead negotiations with Israel for a peace serving both their interests.
Obama's hurry to pass stimulus dashes pledge to 'transparency'
12:00 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
In the era of YouTube accountability, President Obama has been caught pledging one course of action before the election, while pursuing another once in power.
In campaign comments captured on the popular Internet video site, Obama promised that as president, "When there's a tax bill being debated in Congress, you will know the names of the corporations that would benefit and how much money they would get, and we will put every corporate tax break and every pork barrel project online for every American to see; you will know who asked for them and you can decide whether your representative is actually representing you."
The candidate's promise can be viewed below:
The president's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as H.R. 1 or the nearly $800 billion stimulus package, however, contains massive amounts of funding widely viewed as pork barrel spending, without any account of who will benefit or who proposed it.
"What is most troubling is how some of the federal agencies will distribute the massive amounts of funding provided for in this bill," said Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., on the floor of the House. "For instance, agencies will use funding in the House-passed bill for these endeavors: $30 million for salt marsh harvest mouse habitation restoration in the San Francisco Bay; $8 to $10 million for oyster restoration in the Gulf of Mexico; $600 million for the acquisition of plug-in vehicles, which are not made or currently available in the United States. Sadly, the list goes on and on."
An ABC News report looked at the bill and noticed other line items that look suspiciously like earmarks, citing, "$1 billion for a zero-emission plant in Illinois, $8 billion for high-speed rail projects and, while not explicitly named, a Los Angeles-to-Las Vegas Magves magnetic levitation rail line that Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., backs."
In a Houston Chronicle editorial, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, called H.R. 1 "a Trojan horse for billions of dollars in pork barrel spending. Democrats have said repeatedly that there is not a single earmark in this bill. In fact, the stimulus bill itself is one giant earmark, a massive collection of unnecessary spending, pet projects and kickbacks to well-heeled contributors."
Even Democrats, as WND has reported, have conceded the presence of pork in the stimulus package. On the floor of the U.S. Senate, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., took it upon himself to speak for the American people, boldly declaring that, when it comes to pork, "the American people really don't care."
Washington: Bibi’s In, “Peace” Is Dead |
FrontPageMagazine.com | Friday, February 13, 2009
In the wake of the Israeli elections on Tuesday, it’s reported that many U.S. officials have “privately…expressed concern that Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu might preside over a right-wing coalition.” A “Capitol Hill source” is quoted as saying that would cause “great unease.” Dennis Ross is quoted in his book as calling Netanyahu, in his first prime ministerial stint in 1996-1999, “nearly insufferable, lecturing and telling us how to deal with the Arabs.”
PERSONAL COMMENTS BY TJ: I feel its time for me to express my thoughts on this stimulus nonsense that has just passed in "DC" by people that represent you and me. In ancient times G-D used different tactics to confuse people to achieve his objectives but right now you are seeing our elected officials admitting that they passed a bill that they have not even read that contains up to 1500 pages. In order for G-D to now achieve his total implosion of Americas economy both in a financial and socialist meltdown he has involked the very same TOWER OF BABEL SCENARIO OF ANCIENT TIMES, although this time he has not changed everyones language only he has CHANGED THEIR ABILITY TO COMUNICATE.
Regardless of their party affiliation it does not matter, they can not agree on anything, this stimulus bill will only sink us much deeper into more debt, its like paying all your bills and buying worthless items that you do not need with your credit cards, its just false money that does not exist. I do not have the education that most of you have but I have a gift from G-D to be able to understand and see things very clearly. Sadly this is the end of America as I knew it as a young boy in Brooklyn, NY. That is where I grew up and had almost nothing but I had a good life.
At this point in time you must be prepared to buy and maintain survival items in order to protect your family from the human vultures. This day is coming, I can not put a time frame on it but the clock is ticking in this physical world. The other side of the "VEIL" has no time frame as they do not go by the clock or the calendar or any measure of time. The answers are all in the Bible, I only read the Hebrew old testament and it is clear as day for me as time is running out. You must take me serious. I have been telling you this for many years, read your Bible and seal your primers and buy canned food that will last. YOU CAN NOT SURVIVE WITHOUT CLEAN WATER.

Federal obligations exceed world GDP
Does $65.5 trillion terrify anyone yet?
11:35 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
As the Obama administration pushes through Congress its $800 billion deficit-spending economic stimulus plan, the American public is largely unaware that the true deficit of the federal government already is measured in trillions of dollars, and in fact its $65.5 trillion in total obligations exceeds the gross domestic product of the world.
The total U.S. obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits to be paid in the future, effectively have placed the U.S. government in bankruptcy, even before new continuing social welfare obligation embedded in the massive spending plan are taken into account.
The real 2008 federal budget deficit was $5.1 trillion, not the $455 billion previously reported by the Congressional Budget Office, according to the "2008 Financial Report of the United States Government" as released by the U.S. Department of Treasury.
The difference between the $455 billion "official" budget deficit numbers and the $5.1 trillion budget deficit cited by "2008 Financial Report of the United States Government" is that the official budget deficit is calculated on a cash basis, where all tax receipts, including Social Security tax receipts, are used to pay government liabilities as they occur.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
February 14, 2009

Hamas' Mahmoud A-Zahar hoodwinks Israel, Egypt
Duped again by a Hamas promise to negotiate a long-term truce, Israel reacted by stepping up its air attacks over the Gaza Strip from Friday, Feb. 13, to hold down a fresh upsurge of Palestinian violence.
After spreading false reports that an 18-month truce and a deal for the release of the captive Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit were "hours away", Hamas jerked the carpet from under the Cairo talks in spite of Israel's over-generous concessions. Last week, Israel was persuaded by the Egyptian intelligence minister Gen. Omar Suleiman to let Hamas leader Mahmud A-Zahar travel from Gaza to Cairo, Damascus and Qatar on the understanding that he would override hardline Khaled Meshaal and sign an extended truce deal.
Instead of signing, Hamas used the time gained to restock its arsenal after the beating it took from Israel's Gaza operation last month and regroup for a fresh cross-border offensive.
Early, Saturday, Feb. 14, the Israeli Air Force bombed two foundries turning out missiles near Jebalya outside Gaza City, injuring 6 Palestinians, after a week of spasmodic launchings.
Earlier, six tunnels running under the Philadelphi border corridor were destroyed in the middle of smuggling fresh supplies of arms, and a duo was struck on a motorbike near Khan Younis on its way to a terrorist attack in Israel. One was killed, two others injured. They claimed membership of the al Qaeda wing of the Popular Resistance Committees.
Jerusalem reacted in this way after agreeing to Cairo's request last week to hold its hand against a slow spate of Hamas missiles. The request came from Gen. Suleiman, Egypt's senior negotiator with Hamas, through the defense ministry official, Amos Gilead. Defense minister Ehud Barak accordingly ordered Israeli air bombardments to be confined harmlessly to abandoned buildings and sand dunes in the hope of convincing Hamas of Israel's good will.
Israel also acceded to Suleiman request to temper its demand for Hamas to observe a 500-meter cordon sanitaire behind the Gaza-Israeli border, reducing the depth of this sterile belt to 300 m.
Israel also agreed to a 70 percent reopening of the border crossings.
Hamas played for time by raising new demands the while conspiring with al Qaeda's cell in Gaza to mount a large-scale terrorist attack near Kissufim on the Israeli side of the border. Hamas supplied the explosives and intelligence but planned to deny responsibility so that Israel would have no justification for ditching the phony, indirect negotiating track in Cairo.
The plot was discovered Friday, Feb. 13, and Barak finally ordered the Israeli Air Force to go into action. Now that its machinations are exposed, Hamas is fully expected to revive its missile and rockets attacks on Israel full blast together with sabotage incidents along the border fence.
........................................................................................................................................................................DO YOU OWN A GUN ??

U.S. now sees Iran as pursuing nuclear bomb
Case being assembled to demand eligibility documentation
11:55 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A new lawsuit is being prepared by a California attorney who already has four cases pending over the issue of President Obama's eligibility to occupy to Oval Office, and this one will include a demand from state lawmakers who forward state funds to Washington for documentation of his qualifications.
Orly Taitz told WND today she's preparing the complaint but is holding onto it and will file it shortly to give state legislators a chance to join the action as plaintiffs.
Four already have signed up, including state Rep. Eric Swafford of Tennessee, who agreed to be a plaintiff "for a Writ of Mandamus to obtain original birth certificate, immigration records, passports and other vital records for Barry Soetero aka Barack Hussein Obama."
ASK YOUR SELF WHY ???.............................................................................................
President's attorneys file motion demanding birth, college records be withheld from public
12:15 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A high-powered team of Los Angeles attorneys representing President Obama in his effort to keep his birth certificate, college records and passport documents concealed from the public has suggested there should be "monetary sanctions" against a lawyer whose clients have brought a complaint alleging Obama doesn't qualify for the Oval Office under the Constitution's demand for a "natural born" citizen in that post.
The suggestion came in an exchange of e-mails and documents in a case brought by former presidential candidate Alan Keyes and others in California. The case originally sought to have the state's electors ordered to withhold their votes for Obama until his eligibility was established. Since his inauguration, it has been amended to seek a future requirement for a vetting process, in addition to the still-sought unveiling of Obama's records.
In the case, being handled largely by Gary Kreep of the U.S. Justice Foundation, he recently subpoenaed the records documenting the attendance by Obama, or possibly the student when he was known as Barry Soetero, from Occidental College.
The lawyer for the college, Stuart W. Rudnick of Musick, Peeler & Garrett, urgently contacted Fredric D. Woocher of Strumwasser & Woocher.
"This firm is counsel to Occidental College. The College is in receipt of the enclosed subpoena that seeks certain information concerning President-Elect Barack Obama," he wrote via fax. "Inasmuch as the subpoena appears to be valid on its face, the College will have no alternative but to comply with the subpoena absent a court order instructing otherwise."
Within hours, Woocher contacted Kreep regarding the issue, telling him, "It will likely not surprise you to hear that President-elect Obama opposes the production of the requested records.
.........................................................................................................................................................................Geert Wilders is deported from England for daring to tell the truth about radical Islam. More>
We face catastrophic consequences if we fail to pass the economic stimulus bill, President Barack Obama warns. President Obama is absolutely correct!
But his solution is also absolutely wrong!
The United States faces catastrophic collapse no matter what President Obama does. The scale of America’s problems goes far beyond what an ever increasing number of trillions of dollars can patch over. There is nothing any person can do to stop the meltdown.
And President Obama’s plan may actually make matters much worse.
Here is the sad fact: U.S. taxpayers have committed $8.7 trillion to fixing the system, and we haven’t even made a noticeable dent!
************************************************************************************************Popular Rage Grows as Global Crisis Worsens
As the global economic crisis deepens, tempers around the world are getting shorter. French and British trade unions are organizing strikes, Putin is sending troops into the streets and Beijing is trying to buy itself calm.

A rally against car import duties in Krasnoyarsk, Russia: Citizens around the world are protesting against their governments' handling of the economic crisis.