AND BALLISTICS | ![]() Some of Old Granpa's Work |
General Information
Italian Military Ammo and Firearms Information
Online Muzzle Energy Calculator
Handgun Trajectory Table for All Calibers
Exterior Ballistics dot Com
Ballistics for Dummies
Reloading for Small Self-Defense Concealed Carry Handguns
Old Granpa's Ballistics Forum at the USRAnge
Blazer Ammo - All Calibers -- Velocity and Drop at muzzle, 50 and 100 yards
Old Granpa's tried and true wet-pack and ballistics testing
Old Granpa's Brief History of Wet-Pack Ballistics Testing
Cruffler's Online Muzzle Energy Calculator
Choose Your Ammo Police-Style (Ayoob)
List of Mail-order Ammo Suppliers
Interpreting FBI terminal ballistic testing data ("gelatin tests")
BrassFetcher Gel Tests on Many Calibers
ICC Frangible Bullets Tests
Ballistics Tests On DryWall (Sheetrock) Various Calibers
"Box O Truth" tests small pistols
"Box O Truth" tests small pistols part 2
Terminal Ballistics As Viewed in the Morgue
Norma's Ballistics Calculator for All Bullets
Body Armor Stops Handgun Bullets, But Not Rifle Bullets (Photos)
Glaser Ammo Discussion with Photos
Various Handgun Calibers Compared
Corbon Ballistics Info, All Calibers
Choosing A Handgun by Caliber
Handgun Cartridge Chart of Velocities/Penetration/Etc.
The Top Cartridges of the 20th Century
Federal Expanding Full Metal Jacket
Have No Faith in Your Defensive Handgun Caliber!
Gunthorp's Ammo Basics
Ammo Stopping Power/Other Specs for all calibers
GunsAndAmmo Ballistics Charts for Rifles/Handguns
Have No Faith in Any Particular Caliber
Pictures of cartridges/sizes
Ammo for Self-Defense
Speer Gold Dot Ballistic Info
Impact Force of Falling Bullets
"Stopping Power" for Beginners
Terminal Ballistics
Pistol Ammo Ballistics from S and B
Ammo Picks for Self-Defense
Google's Directory of Ammo Makers/Sellers
Terminal Ballistics from "Steve's Pages"
MagSafe Negative Tests
CorBon PowRBall Review
Ammunition Articles from "Handguns"
Guns and Ammo "Let's Clean House"
Cartridge Size Measurements
Another site for cartridge measurements
Effectiveness of various calibers
Handgun Ballistics
Mini Revolver Ballistic Tables from NAA
A Wide-ranging Ballistics Discussion
Beginner's Guide to Stopping Power
Chart Comparing Handgun Cartridge Stopping Power
Speer Gold Dot Handgun Ammo Reviewed
The Fallacy of Energy Transfer
Ammunition Performance Data
Handgun Effectiveness
Recommended Ammo for Kel Tec P32
The Truth About "Cop-Killer" bullets
Personal Defense Ammunition Terminal Performance Test Data
Federal Hydra-Shok Ballistic Info
Sub-sonic ammo
Interesting Ballistics Discussion
Wound Ballistics, Step by Step
DeBunking Sanow and Marshall on Ballistics/Stopping Power
Chart Comparing Handgun vs Rife Ballistics
Kinetic Pulse Article
Rifle Ballistics Figures (You may like to compare your mousegun)
Carmon Crapson's Water Jug Tests with All Calibers
Download Ballistics Software from Stevespages
Miniature Calibers in German Derringers
Very Small Rimfire Ammunition
Antique Louis Flobert 5mm
Pengun, 6mm Flobert Caps or 22 Short
4mm Cartridges
6mm Flobert Short Cartridges (in Spanish language)
17 Caliber
Chuck Hawks Rimfire Articles
New NAA .17 Cal.
22 Caliber
Aguila Interceptor Review
NAA Black Widow .22WMR -vs- Wet Newspaper
22 Long Rifle Stopping Power
22 Rimfire Lethality Discussion
Early Metallic Cartridges
CCI Velocitor 40gr tests
Another CCI Velocitor Review with Test Results
Velocitor Ballistics from Muzzle to 400 yards
Velocitor Range Report
Velocitor Chronographed from Six Different Guns
V-Shrake's 22 Ammo Trials
Golden Loki's .22 Caliber Gel Tests
Six Different .22 Cartridge Styles
.22lr Subsonic Sniper Ammo (24" penetration is not born out by the GoldenLoki Gel tests-see below link)
22LR Super Maximum Hollow-Point Ammunition (1750 fps)
PMC 22 Caliber Ballistics
22 Ammunition Trials
Carrying a .22 mag for Self Defense
Using a 22 for Self-Defense (Discussion)
22lr for Precision Hunting
22 Magnum As A Revolver Cartridge
More 22 Magnum Wetpack Tests
The 22 Magnum Cartridge (Chuck Hawks)
Many 22 Magnum Cartridges (Ballistic Info)
22LR Gel Tests by GoldenLoki
Chuck Hawks Rimfire Articles
The .22 Ammunition Trials
Using a 22 for Self Defense
The Often Over-Looked, Under-Appreciated, Inexpensive .22 lr. Rimfires
Evolution of the Rimfire Cartridge
History of the 22 Rimfire Cartridge
Various Remington 22 Cartridges with Ballistics
22 Rimfire Cartridges/Velocities
22lr Gel Tests by GoldenLoki
22 Rimfire Ammo from Around the World
22 Best for CCW
22 Magnum pistols and ballistics info
CCI 22 caliber ammo
22 Mag self-defense ammo discussion
The Sleeper (22 mag)
22 Mag Discussion
22 Ballistics Information
CCI 22 caliber ammo
22 Mag in Revolvers
Thirty Four .22 Ammo Discussions
22 Stopping Power
Complete Rimfire Ballistics Table
Velocitor and Stinger Compared
Discussion AND Velocity measurements for many makes
22 Rimfire Ballistics Tables
(SubSonic Sniper) 22LR Ammo
Oldgranpa's 22 Magnum "Ballistics Blog"
25 Caliber
25ACP Stopping Power Discussion
25ACP Performance Data from "Steve's Pages"
25 vs 22 Discussion - Which is Better? .25ACP Gelatin Tests
Precision Small Arms
32 Caliber
Chronograph Results Comparing .32ACP, .32NAA and .380
32 Caliber Ballistics, Various Ammo Makes
32 Caliber Shootout - Four Different Guns
32 Caliber is Under-rated
32ACP Gel Tests by GoldenLoki
NAA .32 mousegun ammo
32NAA Ammunition
Kel-Tec P32 gel tests, etc.
32 Magnum Ballistics
380 Caliber
OG and F&S Test Varieties of Ammo in the AMT380
Old Granpa's Comments's on DoubleTap .380 ammo
DoubleTap .380 (OG's report on the Seecamp Forum)
DTWilly Tests DoubleTap 380 ammo
Oldgranpa's Bersa vs KelTec Shootout
Seecamp 380 Bone Test
380 Velocity Testing
Wetpack test of 380 DPX by "Dipped"
Nov. 2006--"Oldgranpa" does wetpack tests of .380 ammo in an NAA Guardian
Corbon DPX .380 tested in a Bersa .380
Rohrbaugh R9S / Seecamp LWS380 Shoot-outVarious Ammo Tested
Same Report with Other Pix and Comments on the Seecamp Forum
DTWilly Compares Corbon DPX to Ranger T Ammo
380 DPX Tested on A Raccoon
DT_Willy's Wet Newspaper Tests on DPX 380
Flyandscuba's DPX tests in the Seecamp LWS380
Corbon DPX 380 Gel Test Results
380 Wetpack Tests with Bersa (includes Corbon DPX)
Old Granpa's Truly Final .380 Wetpack Tests (with a Sig)
Old Granpa's Truly Final Tests with comments by Stephen Camp
Why the .380? (American Rifleman)
38 Special or .380 ACP
Winchester Ranger 380 Remarks
Corbon DPX Reviewed by Stephen Camp
Corbon Powrball in .380 Tests
380 Ammo Discussion
Makarov vs 380ACP
380 Santa Barbara and D. Nobel Chronographed
Santa Barbara Ammo Dissected, Weighed, Measured, etc!
Santa Barbara 87 grain 380 tests
Corbon 380 DPX tests (80 grain)
Corbon 380 Powrball tests (70 grain)
KTOG Discusses Corbon DPX and Powrball
380 Powerball vs FMJ test in wet paper
Popularity of the .380 is Great
GlockTalk Discussion on Best .380 load
Corbon DPX 380 tested in a Bersa
Kel-Tec P3AT testing ammo in gel
380 Defense Loads Discussion
380 Performance from "Steve's Pages"
380 Guardian Velocity Tests from NAA
380 Discussion
380 Performance Data
380 ACP discussion
Best ammo for Kel-Tec P-3AT
380 vs 9mm for Self-defense
Winchester 380ACP varieties
+P ammo for Kel-tec P3-AT
380 and 9mm in Wet Phone Books
GoldenLoki's 9x18 (Makarov) Gel Tests
Bobo's Huge List of Links to .380 Ammo Tests (on KTOG)
38 Caliber
9mm Caliber
Note: 9mm is about .354 inches
9mm Water Jug Testing of A Variety of 9mm Ammo
Winchester 127-gr. +P+ (RA9TA) ultra speedy 9mm load
Kahr PM9 Wet Pack Ammo Comparisons by JGRider on the USRAnge
Rohrbaugh R9S Range and Ammo Comparison Report
More Rohrbaugh R9S 9mm Ammo Testing
Bonded Golden Saber in 9mm through gallon milk jugs
9mm Velocity Testing on Many Brands
History of the 9mm Cartridge (Long and many pictures)
Long/Good Discussion on Effectiveness of 9mm Ammo
Corbon 9mm 115-gr. DPX +P--(Fired from Browning Hi Power w/factory barrel, w/Barsto barrel, and from Glock 26)
J.P's 9mm Wetpack Tests (Many Brands)
Firearms Tactical 9mm Ammo Performance Tests
The History of the 9mm Luger Cartridge
Photo of 8 Different 9mm Cartridges
9mm speed tests in a Kel-Tec P-11
9mm Ballistics Wetpack Testing
9MM Gel Tests by GoldenLoki
9mm vs 380 (compared)
380 vs 9mm for Self-defense
9mm ballistics discussion
9mm stopping power
Kel-Tec P11 9mm gel tests many ammo varieties
Rohrbaugh R9 Ballistic Tests
9mm High Power Velocities
Corbon PowrBall 9mm 100 grain Ballistics
9mm Aguila Ammo Velocity/etc.
9mm Various Manufacturers Performance Data
Why the 9? Advocating the 9mm cartridge
9mm Ammo Recommendations (Discussion)
9MM Ballistic Info, shot from a Rohrbaugh
357 SIG Article from GunWeek
Pete's 357Sig Page (Lots of Info)
A 357Sig Advocacy Page
.40SW Caliber
Flyandscuba's DPX Testing/RangeReport
Gun Tests Ballistic Data from Three Compact .40's
.40 S&W Performance Data
Is .40 better than 9mm?
Extensive Ballistics of 40SW from 4.5" and 16" barrels
.45ACP Caliber
Discussion of Various .45 ammo from a "short barrel"
Kahr P45 / Taurus PT745C Shoot-out and Wet Pack Test
45 Caliber Advertised Velocities
Taurus Hex and Other .45 bullets (see photos)
The Jethro Bodine Ballistics Lab tests 45 ammo
Ammo Sales/Manufacturers
Ammunition to Go (in Texas)
Polywad Shotgun Shells
Triton Ammo (QuikShok, Hi-Vel, etc)
PMC Ammo
CCI Ammo Company (22 ammo for sale)
Cabela's Handgun Ammo
Cabela's 22lr bulk ammo
The Ammo Bank
Ammo Direct
Speer Ammunition Company
Winchester Ammunition
Buy Ammo at "The Armory"
Natchez Shooting Supply
Cabela's Handgun Ammo for sale
Sellier and Bellot USA
MagSafe Ammo
Chestnutridge Ammo for sale
Dan's Ammo for sale
The Ammo Man
RBCD Performance Plus Ammo
Cheaper Than Dirt Ammo
Corbon Ammo Company
The Federal Cartridge Company
Remington Ammo Company
MidwayUSA Ammo For Sale
Hirtenberger Ammo
Wolf Pistol Ammo
DoubleTap Ammo
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
New Weapon Against Terror: LED Incapacitator Flashlight
LED Incapacitator (LEDI) from Intelligent Optical Systems.
United States Homeland Security has paid a technology group almost $1 million to develop a next generation weapon, an LED Incapacitator (LEDI) for police and officials to use against rioting crowds or protesters.
Homeland Security has paid $800,000 to Intelligent Optical Systems to develop this LEDI and already law enforcement officials are calling it “controversial." ACLU officials are comparing it to the highly controversial Taser.
It was developed to handle protesters without using bullets, pepper spray, rubber bullets or Tasers.
Bob Lieberman, president of Intelligent Optical Systems, spoke to CBS13 reporter Brandi Hitt, saying the moment the flashlight is on, it will cause disorientation. Thus, it will be easy for the police to disable rowdy protesters quickly to make an arrest or to manage a crowd.
The LEDI causes nausea, dizziness and severe headache, as Hitt learned after being exposed to a LEDI on a trial basis. She said watching this in-person is irritating and will disorient you.
Lieberman said the LEDI flashes lights at several specific frequencies. It does not let the brain get used to a pattern, so it varies the frequencies rapidly. It also gives off multiple colors and random pulses. The cumulative effect makes a person disoriented.
Lieberman said the only way to escape these effects is to:
Close your eyes, put your hand up, turn your head away, all of which will give the user the advantage they need,"
U.S. Homeland Security wants to provide this device to the Coast Guard, Security Service, Border Patrol and Air Marshals. Los Angeles County Police will also be equipped with this device soon.
As CBS reports:
Commander Sid Hale with the L.A. County Sheriff's Department helped design the device over the last three years, and says this is something all law enforcement wants, especially at night and for crowd control, so they don't have to pull their guns.This technology can also be extended from a gun-type device to be used in a variety of situations including in prisons to qualm riots and on vehicles to stop unruly mobs.
Others like ACLU’s Michael Soller, however, say if a user is not trained properly, the LEDI will become as lethal as Tasers, which have killed more than 300 people in the past few years according to the ACLU.
Lieberman said it will not blind a person, as it has built-in measures that prevent the light from going beyond a present threshold. Medical safety tests are already underway, and law enforcement field trials will likely start later this year.
Initially the LEDI will be available for law enforcement but later Intelligent Optical Systems may make this device available to the public. Already some are worried that it may be used by criminals.
You can see the main demonstration in a video here. The above video gives brief highlights of LEDI.