Ecclesiastes Chapter 3

Michelle & Oprah at War!
Michelle Obama has launched a new attack on her bitter rival Oprah Winfrey, sources reveal in a blockbuster GLOBE exclusive. Insiders bare the shocking reason the livid First Lady is blaming the billionaire TV queen for the Olympics disaster that hurt President Barack Obama's image. It's must reading.
Clinton, McCain, Biden Dying Of Mystery Illness
From Steve Quayle:
..........................................................................................................................................................................Tick! Tick! Tick!
Massive Cyber Attacks on U.S. & British Military Communications
Microchip Implant to Link Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security
Judicial Watch founder flays Washington
Larry Klayman delivers full frontal assault, names names in new book
Worried about President Blair of the EU? It may be about to get even worse
..........................................................................................................................................................................Worst Volcanoes Even More Dangerous Than Feared
..........................................................................................................................................................................Impeachment suggested to remove 'threats' to America
'Make no mistake. We're now in the middle of a bloodless coup'

Definition of Usurpation, usurper
Usurpation, Usurper USURPATION - The unlawful assumption of the use of property which belongs to another; an interruption or the disturbing a man in his right and possession. There are two kinds of usurpation. 1. When a stranger, without right, presents to a church, and his clerk is admitted; and, 2. When a subject uses a franchise of the king without lawful authority. government. The tyrannical assumption of the government by force contrary to and in violation of the Constitution of the country. USURPER - One who assumes the right of government by force, contrary to and in violation of the Constitution of the country. This entry contains material from Bouvier's Legal Dictionary, a work published in the 1850's. |
Barack Obama's peace prize starts a fight
Twelve die in armed invasion of Pakistan's army headquarters
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 10, 2009, 12:33 PM (GMT+02:00)

Pakistany army HQ vulnerable to attack
While no immediate responsibility was taken, Taliban gunmen and snipers are presumed to have carried out the audacious assault Saturday, Oct. 10, on Pakistan's army headquarters in the capital Islamabad, the third terrorist attack in the country this week. They were dressed as soldiers. Shooting assault rifles and hurling grenades, they smashed a white van into the compound, triggering a gunfight of nearly one hour. After eight troops and four of the gunmen were killed, two assailants were reported by Pakistani military spokesmen still at large inside the military HQ compound, trapping some of the Pakistani army's highest generals in their offices.
These figures are tentative and subject to confirmation.
DEBKAfile's military sources identify the hallmarks of Taliban strategic planning in purpose and execution.
It occurred at a defining moment of the Afghan/Pakistan conflict in Washington, where President Barack Obama is completing a military review of US military strategy in the two arenas with his top advisers and military commanders. The conference is tilting toward the shifting of the US military focus away from the Taliban to al Qaeda, despite three factors illustrated in blood by the latest attack in Islamabad:
1. Just as Taliban and al Qaeda are inseparable, so too are the Afghan and Pakistan warfronts.
2. Those two organizations hold the initiative, not the American army. They are capable of answering the White House's decisions on strategy in unexpected places and ways.
3. Pakistan, America's chosen senior ally in the war against Taliban and al Qaeda, is a broken reed in military terms and too vulnerable to lean on.
Saturday, Pakistan's president, Ali Zardari, saw those adversaries striking inside the headquarters of his armed forces in the capital, demonstrating their ability to reach into any part of his government, including the presidential palace, and topple his regime. This is exactly the same tactic the two partners in terror are pursuing in Kabul.
For some weeks, the Pakistani army has been concentrating a large force of more than 100,000 men for an big offensive against Taliban and al Qaeda strongholds in the lawless tribal territories of Waziristan bordering on Afghanistan. The attack on its headquarters in Islamabad carried a message: If this offensive goes forward, the pair are prepared to hit back inside Pakistan's major cities.
The day before, Oct. 8, a car bombing later claimed by Taliban killed 49 people in the Khyber Bazaar of Peshawar. Monday, five people died in the bombing of a United Nations aid agency in Islamabad.
Zardari's army chiefs are flatly opposed to the understanding he is developing with the Obama administration that would provide $1.5 billion in US aid if he launched a major Pakistani military offensive against Taliban and al Qaeda. They accuse the US of interfering in relations between civil government and the military.
The attack on the army's headquarters Saturday is a gesture of support for the opponents of a US-Pakistan alliance.
2012 forecast: Food riots, ghost malls, mob rule, terror
Trends chief says people should brace for 'the greatest depression'
12:15 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
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A trends forecaster says the current economic "rebound" from last winter's Wall Street collapse of banks, insurance companies and automobile manufacturers is an artificial blip created by 'phantom money printed out of thin air backed by nothing."
And Gerald Celente of TrendsResearch.com, says people right now should be bracing for "the greatest recession" which will hit worldwide and will mark the "decline of empire America." Crop failures could be among the minor concerns.
"Here we are in 2012. Food riots, tax protests, farmer rebellions, student revolts, squatter diggins, homeless uprisings, tent cities, ghost malls, general strikes, bossnappings, kidnappings, industrial saboteurs, gang warfare, mob rule, terror," he writes for a quarterly publication that is available through subscription on his website.
The recent surge in Wall Street indexes back to near the 10,000 level, still far below the 14,000 prior to the crash, should be no reassurance for anyone, he said.


Tehran moves to impose gasoline rationing ready for showdown with US
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 9, 2009, 10:50 AM (GMT+02:00)

2007 gasoline riots in Tehran
The Islamic regime in Tehran plans to slash the supply of subsided gasoline to the public by 45 percent and ration individual purchases to 55 liters per month, down from the 100 allowed at present. This announcement Wednesday, Oct. 8, by Iranian oil minister Massoud Mirkazemi was Tehran's second step ahead of an expected showdown with the West over its nuclear program.
DEBKAfile's Iranian sources report: Accusing the US of involvement in the disappearance of an important Iranian nuclear scientist was the first.
To read this item click HERE
The government will have no difficulty in getting the measure through the tame Majlis (Iranian parliament).
Iran imports 40 percent of its gasoline needs because it is short of oil refineries. This shortage is sustained to boost the revenues of the Revolutionary Guards which owns a monopoly on gasoline imports. It has now become a strategic threat to the regime, curtailing fuel supplies for the military in the event of war and undermining Iran's ability to withstand severe sanctions.
Rationing may also provoke domestic unrest. Only 4.2 million liters of gasoline a day will be released, instead of the current 8 million. This will free up some 60,000 or so barrels a day for the Revolutionary Guards emergency stores. A much smaller cutback in 2007 caused serious riots in major cities; many gas stations and fuel depots were set on fire.
Earlier this week, Iran's foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki confronted Washington with a charge of US involvement in the disappearance of a nuclear scientist while on a pilgrimage to Mecca last May.


TV shrink Dr. Phil sued by woman who claims he held her captive inside his production office and then got kinky!
Obama's science chief blames man-made carbon emissions
12:00 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() John Holdren |
White House science czar John Holdren has predicted 1 billion people will die in "carbon-dioxide induced famines" in a coming new ice age by 2020.
As WND previously reported, Holdren predicted in a 1971 textbook co-authored with Malthusian population alarmist Paul Ehrlich that global over-population was heading the Earth to a new ice age unless the government mandated urgent measures to control population, including the possibility of involuntary birth control measures such as forced sterilization.
Holdren's prediction that 1 billion people would die from a global cooling "eco-disaster" was announced in Ehrlich's 1986 book "The Machinery of Nature."
Holdren based his prediction on a theory that human emissions of carbon dioxide would produce a climate catastrophe in which global warming would cause global cooling with a consequent reduction in agricultural production resulting in widespread disaster.
On pages 273-274 of "The Machinery of Nature," Ehrlich explained Holdren's theory by arguing "some localities will probably become colder as the warmer atmosphere drives the climactic engine faster, causing streams of frigid air to move more rapidly away from the poles." (Emphasis in original text.)
The movement of the frigid air from the poles caused by global warming "could reduce agricultural yields for decades or more – a sure recipe for disaster in an increasingly overpopulated world," Ehrlich wrote.
A photograph of Elizabeth Windsor and Barack Obama taken in London at the beginning of April 2009.