From Steve Quayle

Psalms Chapter 109
Iranian Embassy: 'It's not something we would ever talk about'

Erev Rav: (TRAITORS)
After Paroah sent the people (ha-umm) away... (Shemos 13:17)
At first glance, the above verse is talking about the Jewish people. But, as the Ohr HaChaim points out, when the Torah refers to "the people," it means the "Mixed Multitude"--the Erev Rav-- that left with the Jewish people.
Who was the Erev Rav? According to the Ohr HaChaim, they were spies sent along by Paroah to sow seeds of dissension among the ranks of Jews. They were the rabble-rousers, and, though, they may not have been successful at making the Jewish people return to Egypt (which, they came close to doing), they were the cause of Moshe's failure to enter Eretz Yisroel, and the delaying of the Final Redemption. To make a long, painful story short, they represent one of the biggest stumbling blocks in the path of the Jewish nation.
That's right, "represent"--present tense.
This is because the Erev Rav did not die off in the desert, at least not spiritually. "Erev Rav" is a concept, and is a title that can be given to any Jew that tries to dissuade other Jews from belief in Sinaitic Torah, and the Final Redemption. That's what the Erev Rav did in the desert, and that is what the Erev Rav has done in every generation.
The Jewish people have had many enemies from within-- we are a nation with as many splinter groups over the millennia as there have been peoples. (Well, at least it seems that way.) However, what makes the Erev Rav stand out is their motto:
"These are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up out of Egypt!" (Shemos 32:4)
"You should know that there are five kinds of `erev rav. The first kind are argumentative and libelous people; the second kind are those who pursue passion and fornication; the third kind are those who are deceitful, who pretend to be righteous but whose hearts are not whole. The fourth kind are those who pursue honor in order to make a name for themselves; the fifth kind are those who pursue money... and the argumentative kind are the equivalent of all of them: they are called `Amalekim, and the son of Dovid will not come until they have passed out of this world, for it is of them that we recite timche et zekher `Amalek - "You shall erase the memory of Amalek" - Adderet Eliyahu, commentary on Deut. 1:1 (325), his words being based on Zohar 1:25, 27; 3:125: and see the Gaon's commentary on Tikkunei Zohar 97, pp. 86,91.Secret Meetings and Submarines Posted: Monday, October 05, 2009 - written by jerry golden | ||
Secret meetings. Well, they were meant to be secret. Our Prime Minister makes a trip this week to The IDF Chief of Staff, Gabi Ashkenazi flies to Without a lot of media fanfare, It has been reported weeks ago that one Israeli sub was escorted through the The one obstacle that seems to be holding things up is Obama and his unwillingness to give the go-ahead for Israeli war planes to over-fly US controlled Iraqi air space. It has also been absurdly suggested that if Israeli aircraft pass through Iraqi air-space without Obama's approval, they may be shot down by American forces. The fact is, When this things kicks off we here in |

Muslim Arab disruptions spread to western Jerusalem and beyond
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 6, 2009, 11:30 AM (GMT+02:00)

Rampaging Muslim youths detained in Jerusalem
The Jerusalem police were on high alert Tuesday, Oct. 6, for another day of Muslim violence which Monday spread out substantially from Temple Mount to other parts of Jerusalem including Jewish districts.
Muslim preachers, Palestinian and Israeli Arab, continued all night to call the faithful out "to defend al Aqsa" against Israeli domination, although Jewish access to Temple Mount has been denied by the police for the entire eight-day Succoth Festival. As the 51st "Jerusalem March" began Monday (in West Jerusalem only), military units were called in to reinforce security at sensitive points, especially the Old City alleys and its throngs of visitors.
Raed Salah, head of the Islamic movement of Israeli Arabs, who last week, together with the Palestinian Hamas, stirred up the campaign of violence on Temple Mount, found support Monday. Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad demanded international intervention to support exclusive Muslim Palestinian claims to Temple Mount and its shrines.
A far more powerful boost came from the television preacher Yusuf Qardawi, spiritual leader of the international Muslim Brotherhood movement. He urged all Muslims everywhere to mark Oct. 9 as Al Aqsa Day and fight against the shrine's takeover by "the Jews." His influence is enough to bring inflamed Muslims streaming to Jerusalem in the coming days.
Deputy prime minister Silvan Shalom said it was time to arrest Raed Salah, who is an Israeli citizen, and outlaw his extremist Islamist movement which is based in northern Israel.
The Jerusalem police and its commander Aharon Franco are widely criticized for failing to prevent the outbreaks and letting them get out of hand, DEBKAfile reports. The number of terrorist attacks besetting Jerusalem rose steeply in September compared with August. After coming under a hail of rocks and bottles for three days, police patrols discovered caches of rocks hidden inside al Aqsa mosque and other corners of Temple Mount only Monday. Franco is also faulted for failing to disconnect the mosque loudspeakers used by the imams to inflame their followers and give them instructions.
Monday night, the internal security minister Yitzhak Aharonovich and police commissioner Dudi Cohen came out in Franco's support with a statement that Jerusalem is safe and the Succoth celebrations can go on without fear. They dismissed complaints that the holiest Jewish shrine, the site of the temples, is closed to Jews and all visitors but Muslims over 50.
They spoke after a day of riots, firebombs, rocks and burning tires in Jerusalem Arab villages, includiing Abu Dis, Tzur Bahar and Jebel Mukaber. Many of the rioters were masked, presumably because they have jobs and business ties in West Jerusalem. Yet police patrols were told to stay out of the villages. Shuafat opposite French Hill exploded into violence after an Israeli soldier routinely inspecting a bus was stabbed in the throat by a Palestinian passenger. In attempting to pour oil on troubled waters, police suppressed information about the extent and gravity of the unrest - in particular, the fires Palestinians from Tsur Bahar and Jebal Mukaber in south Jerusalem set to neighboring Jewish farm crops and parks. They attacked the firemen putting out the flames and reignited them.
Here, too, the police refrained from going into the villages and arresting the arsonists, although they were identified by neighbors watching the rampage from their windows.
DEBKAfile's military sources confirm the impression that Aharonovitch and his police chiefs have not grasped the full extent of the security threat to the city and are treating it as a local outbreak that will soon die down if not tackled head on. However, as we disclosed earlier, Syria and Iran are behind the trouble. Israeli Arab and Palestinian Muslim leaders are their willing tools for spearheading a fresh uprising (intifada) against Israel, using the purported Jewish assault on al Aqsa to inflame Muslim masses worldwide.
For this article click HERE
Mosques in Turkey have responded by calling their congregants out for wild demonstrations. Egypt, Syria and Amman may be expected to follow, not to mention the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Israeli Arab communities.
Perversion 101: Kids taught 'gay' sex, rape, bestiality
High school teacher keeps job after handing out pornographic 'banned book'
US relinquishes control of the internet
Obama’s Olympic failure will only add to doubts about his presidency
Contact Charles Jacobson via email = actionsbytvideos@yahoo.com
From Steve Quayle:
3301 Fondren Suite O,
Houston, Texas 77063
Tel(713)781-1960 FAX (713)781-6407
Surrendering U.S. Sovereignty at G-20 Summit

Miracle? 2.25 million pink slips to Congress in 10 days
Put House, Senate members on notice for 6 cents each
by Barry Chamish
At 9:20 PM, July 16,1999, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. radioed the tower at an airport near Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts announcing that he was preparing to land. Seconds after, his plane exploded in mid-air, and this was witnessed by several witnesses including a local newspaper reporter and an attorney. On board were his wife Caroline Bessette and her sister Lauren. Lauren's luggage was recovered miles from the crash site, an event that can only be caused by a mid-air explosion.
For reasons that would later become clear, search for the missing plane was delayed for 5 hours, when Pres. William "Bill" Clinton sent out the equivalent of the Sixth Fleet to find the wreckage, hide it and the bodies from the snoopy media, and though JFK Jr. was never in the Navy, and though the families did not consent, cremate the corpses, or evidence, and throw the ashes into the water in a quickly planned, elaborate, Navy funeral at sea.
Behind the scenes, a hokey cover story was concocted. The weather, which was perfect, became stormy. JFK Jr. had a gimpy leg. Reports by the FAA and FBI, both concluding foul play was involved, were buried, the arrival of Israeli PM Ehud Barak to Clinton's court the day before was given an alternative explanation...In fact JFK Jr.'s profound affect on Israel was never mentioned.
But it was huge. In the March, 1997 issue of his magazine, George, JFK Jr. became the only publisher of a major American publication to expose the conspiracy to murder Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. His 13 page expose shook the Israeli establishment to it's foundations:
Jewish Web Network News April 02 1997
Israeli Prime Minister Rabin's widow charged Tuesday that John Kennedy Jr.'s magazine crossed "the red line" by publishing an article by the mother of her husband's assassin. "How, of all people, could he do such a thing?" Mrs. Kennedy asked of the son of President Kennedy who was assassinated in 1963. "Perhaps he needed a sensational story to sell his paper. I would expect that he would take a higher moral stand in his paper."
The article claimed that Amir was goaded to shoot Rabin by an undercover agent for the Shin Bet, Israel's security agency. (It) thought it would be done with a doctored gun. The security force let the attack happen so they could take credit for saving the prime minister.
And JFK Jr. was about to publish the final truth about Rabin's murder. This, Israel could not allow. It's operatives were called into action.This interview with JFK Jr.'s driver appeared in Maariv shortly after the Piper crash.
Yoel Katzavman drove John Jr. 48 hours before the plane broke up. "He was a quiet and humble client."
"How could he have flown that plane with a broken leg? It was really suicidal?," said Yoel Katzavman (38), a limousine driver born in Hakiriot, who drove the Kennedy couple many times. Katzavman arrived in the US three years before and was employed by the Empire limousine service. He was often called to drive John Jr. and Carolyn Kennedy from their New York apartment. He recalls his last ride with John Jr., less than 48 hours before the final takeoff.
It was this self-serving interview that raised my suspicions and I went looking. Here is what I wrote in July, 2009:
So now what do we do about the information coming out on the explosion of JFK Jr.'s plane? The day it happened I wrote that JFK Jr. was doing more than any other American media figure to get to the bottom of the Rabin assassination truth. I reminded readers that his magazine George ran a 13 page expose of the Shabak's involvement in the assassination. I suggested that this was a brave but risky stand. Then came the tidal wave of data. The FBI Preliminary Report confirming the bomb on the plane and noting the type of explosive was used by certain foreign intelligence services. This was followed by Catherine Crier of Fox TV's The Crier Report, announcing that JFK Jr. was about to meet high ranking Mossad officers to get the full story on the Rabin assassination. Then the German newspaper, Franfurter Allgemaine Zeitung, reported that Kennedy had met with the deputy chief of the Mossad, Amiram Levine to get the full story on the Rabin assassination two days before his plane went down. Then Maariv ran an interview with JFK's chauffeur, who happens to be Israeli. Then people started noting that Ehud Barak was in Washington at the time of Kennedy's finale in life.
And I was not alone in my investigation:
WORLD AFFAIRS BRIEF August 27 1999 Copyright Joel M. Skousen.
Evidence continues to mount that JFK jr. and passengers were killed by an altitude triggered bomb planted in the tail section of the plane.
Here is the evidence: Kennedy*s sister in law's ( Lauren
Bessette ) suitcase was found miles out in the ocean, away from the crash
site. Lawyer Victor Pribanic was on the shore fishing and heard the
explosion from the same location and time frame where the plane went
down. The wreckage of the plane was recovered under *national security*
conditions and no reporters were allowed to see or photograph it. The
wreckage was loaded on to sealed containers and taken away. The FAA report
indicated the recovered engine was fully functional. The presumed bad
weather that caused Kennedy to spiral into the water was some 8 miles
away from the crash site at that time, so the report of bad weather was
part of the cover-up.
Soon after, a correspondent wrote me:
re JFK Jr.
At the time his plane went down, I was living in Massachusetts.
Kerryville. The state has gone under.
On the particular day, I heard the news.
A reporter for The Vineyard Gazette who was on the island, was quoted as having seen the plane come down to land, and to have seen a flash on the plane. Next thing the plane went out of control and crashed into the sea below.
He was quoted on the internet saying this.
Having been a reporter, and having seen many other events go down [I get put in this situations, to witness, etc.] I decided to call the reporter in question.
Somehow I quickly reached him.
He repeated the story.
Next, the article disappeared from the internet, and no more report was made on the news which included any of the information from the eye-witness reporter.
Next, I noticed this disappearance of the article, and called the reporter back.
All of a sudden he no longer existed.
I couldn't find him no matter what I did, despite my having spoken to him hours before.
There were reports that JFK Jr. was planning to run for the New York senate seat that Hillary Clinton coveted. Hence the motive. Indeed, that may have been a factor. Pres. Clinton called in the Navy to hide the crime, his so-called Shalom Haver friendship with Rabin was clearly a sham, and his wife's political ambitions could have been promoted by murdering JFK Jr.
But, looking at the priorities, Shimon Peres and the "peace" process had to be protected first. The brave and wonderful publisher JFK Jr. was set to explode all the myths surrounding the murder of Rabin. Unless he exploded first.
What Temple? Fatah says 'only a Muslim holy site'
'U.S. partner' demands Jews, Christians be banned from praying on Mount
Posted: October 04, 2009
4:35 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Temple Mount in Jerusalem |
JERUSALEM – The Temple Mount does not exist alongside the Western Wall, and neither Jews nor Christians should be allowed to pray on the Mount site, Dimitri Diliani, the spokesman for Fatah in Jerusalem, told WND in an interview.
Fatah, once named by the U.S. as a Mideast "peace partner," is the party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Diliani spoke hours after Fatah and PA officials were accused of inciting a riot on the Temple Mount, claiming Jews were threatening the site.
"Don't use the term Temple Mount," Diliani lectured WND. "It doesn't exist. I don't know where it is. I cannot see any Temple. Can you? No one can find any trace of it. The area you refer to is only a Muslim holy site."
The PA, though, has found evidence of Judaism's historic connection to the Mount – the holiest site in Judaism. The Waqf, the Islamic custodians of the Mount, conducted an unsupervised excavation on the site in 1997. At that time, the Waqf, working under the guidance of the PA, ultimately were caught by Israeli authorities disposing truckloads of Mount dirt that contained Jewish Temple artifacts. To this day, Israeli archeologists are still sifting through the large amount of dirt, in which scores of Jewish Temple relics were found.
Diliani did not deny Fatah and the PA were involved in yesterday's Temple Mount riots.
"Palestinian political factions, including Fatah, are firm on defending the political, national and religious rights of the Palestinian people," Diliani said, "and it's evident now we will continue defending the Al Aqsa Mosque as well as our rights in Jerusalem as a whole."
Diliani did not specify exactly which Jews were threatening the Temple Mount.
Tehran, Damascus stir up Hamas-Israeli Muslim riots on Temple Mount
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
October 4, 2009, 11:12 PM (GMT+02:00)

Jerusalem police disperse Muslim rioters on Temple Mount
Hundreds of radical Muslims, Palestinian and Israeli, rioted on Jerusalem's Temple Mount Sunday, Oct. 4, for the third day in a row, forcing Israeli police, battling flying bottles and rocks, to shut the shrine down to Muslim worshippers, Jewish Succoth festival pilgrims and tourists. Temple Mount remains sealed off Monday to prevent Muslims hurling rocks on the Jewish Priests Blessing ceremony taking place below at the Western Wall. Only Muslims over 50 with Israeli IDs and women will be admitted.
Incoming intelligence is reported by DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources as fingering Iran and Syria as the hands behind the troubles and their likely escalation. As directives streamed to their Palestinian pawns and radical Israel Arab Muslim elements, the Assad regime cancelled without notice Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas' visit to Damascus Tuesday, Oct. 6.
The Syrians accuse Abbas of collaborating with the Israeli military and American CIA and putting his security forces at their disposal. They could hardly welcome him while stirring up what they are calling "The Battle for Defending al Aqsa" (the ancient Muslim mosque).
Israeli security circles are alert to the potential of the Temple Mount mob action to flare up into a fresh Palestinian uprising on the West Bank, like the one Yasser Arafat ignited in 2000 over Jewish visits to the Biblical Temple site led by former prime minister Ariel Sharon on Sept. 19 of that year.
According to our sources, Iran and Syria are resolved to derail the process of reconciliation unfolding between the rival Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas, under Egyptian and Saudi sponsorship. The Syrian president Bashar Assad is opposed to this process more fiercely even than Tehran and is determined to scotch it.
Far from erupting spontaneously, the riots were carefully planned for more than a month in covert contacts between Palestinian Hamas operatives and heads of the Israeli Muslim movement, under the guidance of Syrian and Iranian secret agents. They succeeded in bringing Palestinian Islamists and Israeli Arab radicals together for the first time for a joint violent anti-Israel operation, dubbing it Operation Murbitun (Guardians of the Walls).
Thousands of young Palestinians and Israeli Arabs were quietly spirited into Jerusalem during the weeks before the outbreaks. They were divided into "platoons" of 150-200 men each and entrusted with watching over al Aqsa around the clock "to prevent its occupation by settlers, right-wingers and the Israeli police." The call to "everyone who can to come and defend the Muslim shrine" spread like wildfire. Abbas' Fatah had no choice but to jump into the "jihad."
Sunday night, gangs from the Palestinian village of Issawiyeh in northeastern Jerusalem rolled flaming tires onto the Jerusalem-Maaleh Adummim highway and hurled bottle bombs at passing traffic and border police called in to reopen the road.
The unrest predicted for Jerusalem in the coming days is expected to spread to other Arab communities, including those in Israel's heartland in the north.
US, French, Israeli army chiefs rendezvous secretly in Normandy
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 4, 2009, 11:36 PM (GMT+02:00)
Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint US chiefs of staff, French chief of staff Gen. Jean-Louis Georgelin and Israel's armed forces chief, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi met secretly in Normandy, northern France Sunday, Oct. 4. DEBKAfile's military sources report it was not the first encounter between the US and Israel army chiefs. On April 3, Adm. Mullen invited Gen. Ashkenazi to meet him on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Strasbourg, to sound him out on Israeli plans for striking Iranian nuclear facilities.
According to our sources, the Normandy get-together is quiet different. The three army leaders met to review the new military conditions emerging in the Middle East following the understanding reached between Washington and Moscow for scrapping US plans to install missile shield systems in East Europe. Russia is assuming a major role in the region with the full support of the Obama administration, part of its plan for a new diplomatic-military front against Iran composed of the US, Russia and Middle East nations.