
Talk show titan sued by her private jet ex-flight attendant after being axed for sex with pilot in flight.***********************************************************
What’s Their Mission, Mr. President? – by Matt Gurney

Waco Siege “Enforcer” To Rule Over Global Police Force
UN and Interpol officials will meet today to discuss the formation of a “global police force” that would enjoy access to a worldwide database of DNA, biometric and fingerprint records. The effort will be spearheaded by a man known as “The Enforcer” who helped federal authorities both conduct and cover up the murderous Waco siege which killed 76 people in 1993.
Barack Obama ready to pay Afghan fighters to ditch the Taliban
..........................................................................................................................................................................Steep losses pose crisis for pensions
Napolitano bans border enforcement, announces new "Alternatives to Detention" program
Former White House Speechwriter Suggests Military Coup Could Oust Obama
'You don't know who you're messing with': Vatican priest caught in red light district after police chase
..........................................................................................................................................................................THE USE OF VITAMIN "D"

Pelosi calls for a NATIONAL SALES TAX



Sunstein: Economic crises could usher in socialism
'With a little nudge our culture could go in many directions'

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Israel postpones at last minute joint Juniper Cobra exercise with US
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 12, 2009, 3:01 PM (GMT+02:00)

US THAAD ready for exercise
US and Israeli forces were already poised for their joint Juniper Cobra strategic missile defense exercise, which takes place every two years, to begin Oct. 12, when at noon, Oct. 11, an Israeli military spokesman suddenly announced its postponement by one week. The announcement came three days after Turkey called off its sixth annual international air maneuver when the US and Italy pulled out in protest against the Israeli air force's last-minute exclusion by Ankara.
It also followed a statement in Tehran by Revolutionary Guards Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami that Iran's high-tech Sejil missiles can repel any threat and attack on the country.
Our military sources report that the announcement caught 17 US naval ships fitted with Aegis missiles and ground teams operating THAAD and Patriot missile interceptors already in place - altogether 1,000 personnel. DEBKAfile's military sources report: They were to interlock with Israel's Arrow II and Navy for the biggest joint exercise they have ever held, simulating a multiple-direction missile attack on Israel from Iran, Syria, the Lebanese Hizballah and the Palestinian Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
The American FBX-T radar installed at the Israel's Air Force base at Nevatim in the Negev was assigned a key role in the practice which was to be overseen by Adm. Mark Fitzgerald, commander of the US. Navy's Sixth Fleet, and the head of Israel's air defense arm.
It was not immediately clear whether the postponement of the exercise by a week was a joint US-Israeli decision or one made by Israel for political or perhaps technical reasons.
Russia halts TOR-M1, S-300 air, missile defense missiles to Iran
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
October 12, 2009, 2:55 PM (GMT+02:00)

Russian TOR-M1 anti-air missile
DEBKAfile's military sources report that Russia's abrupt suspension of consignments of advanced Tor-M1 air defense missiles and S-300 anti-missile systems has left Tehran high and dry for effective weapons to defend itself and its nuclear facilities against attacks.
Our Iranian sources disclose that extreme frustration prompted the boasts of Revolutionary Guards Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami Sunday, Oct. 11, that Tehran's hi-tech missiles can repel any attack against the country. He spoke in the northern town of Sarri.
Regarding sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic, he said: "Today, the US is experiencing demise despite its great economic, defensive and military power, but the Islamic Iran has remained abloom amid waves of animosities and blaze of sanctions and the nation's power and capability are getting stronger every day."
Salami went on to sing the praises of the Revolutionary Guards, its power and its missile capability for confronting enemy threats. Our Sejil missiles, he said, can repel any threat and attack.
DEBKAfile's military sources note that the two-stage solid-fuel Sejil has a range of 2,200 km., is accurate within a 20-meter radius but is after all a ground-to ground missiles which is incapable of repelling missile or air attacks. The IRGC commander was trying to lift plunging morale in his corps and the Iranian military; both know that denied the top-quality Russian air defense missiles, Iran has no shield against an American or Israeli missile or air attack.
According to our Moscow sources, the Russians froze the transfers of anti-missile, anti-air missiles to Iran in the expectation of Saudi Arabia following through on negotiations for the purchase of the latest word in Russian anti-missile hardware, the S-400, which is more advanced than the S-300 system now withheld from Iran. It has never been sold to a foreign government and even the Russian army has only two brigades armed with S-400 batteries. The Saudis insisted on making the transaction contingent on Moscow withholding the S-300 and Tor-M1 from Iran.

From "CNIN"
Russian subs successfully test ballistic missiles in Pacific

Former Iraqi General - "Saddam's WMDs were moved to Syria"

Petition to Fire Nancy Pelosi

Pakistan frees 42 army HQ officers seized by Taliban. No word on embattled tunnel link to nuclear arsenal
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 11, 2009, 11:54 AM (GMT+02:00)

Defending Pakistani army HQ against Taliban
A day and a night after an armed Taliban takeover of Pakistan's main military headquarters in Islamabad, a Pakistani military spokesman said early Sunday, Oct. 11, that all the assailants were killed or arrested and the 42 hostages they took freed. In the rescue operation Sunday, three hostages, two soldiers and four assailants were killed. Pakistani news coverage was blocked from Saturday, after Taliban gunmen dressed as soldiers burst into its headquarters firing automatic weapons and hurling grenades from a white van. Four assailants were killed and 8 soldiers including a lieutenant general in the ensuing gunfight. The remaining gunmen roamed through the compound and seized the 42 officers hostage.
DEBKAfile reported earlier that the secret department in charge of securing Pakistan's nuclear weapons is at the headquarters compound.
During the 22-hour siege at the HQ compound, a second battle took place between Pakistani paramilitary forces and a second group of insurgents for control of a road tunnel which connects the towns of Darra Adam Khel and Kohat in the North West Frontier Province. There was no word on its outcome.
On May 15, DEBKA-Net-Weekly exclusively named Kohat and the Wah Cantonment Pakistani Ordnance Complex in the city of Kamra, both in the NWFP, as keys to Pakistan's nuclear and missile arsenals.
Our military sources stressed at the time that Kohat's fall to the Taliban would cut off Islamabad and the Pakistani high command from Kamra and its nuclear arsenal. This appeared to be the object of the Taliban push on the tunnel-road coupled with its assault on the military headquarters.
In a rare news conference Saturday, Khalid Kidwai, chief of Pakistan's strategic planning division which controls its nuclear program, rejected international fears that Pakistan's weapons could fall into the wrong hands and warned against any foreign intervention over the issue. "'The state of alertness has gone up," he admitted without going into details, but stressed: "There is no conceivable scenario, political or violent, in which Pakistan will fall to the extremists of the al Qaeda or Taliban types."
A day before, the chief of Pakistan's army, General Ashfaq Kiyani, dismissed as "unrealistic" fears that al Qaeda could seize the country's nuclear weapons.
In its first report, DEBKAfile's Washington sources reported: The attacks occurred at a defining moment in Washington for the Afghan/Pakistan conflict. President Barack Obama is completing a military review of US military strategy in the two arenas with his top advisers and military commanders. The conference is tilting toward shifting the US military focus away from the Taliban to al Qaeda, despite three factors now illustrated in blood Saturday:
1. Just as Taliban and al Qaeda are inseparable, so too are the Afghan and Pakistan warfronts.
2. Those two organizations hold the war initiative, rather the American army. They are capable of answering the White House's decisions on strategy in unexpected places and ways.
3. Pakistan, America's chosen senior ally in the war against Taliban and al Qaeda, is a broken reed in military terms and too vulnerable to lean on.
By striking inside Pakistan military headquarters, those adversaries demonstrated their ability to reach into any part of government, including the presidential palace, and topple his regime, the same tactic employed in Kabul. They also appeared to be within range of key locations for Pakistan's nuclear and missile arsenals.
For some weeks, the Pakistani army has been concentrating a large force of more than 100,000 men for a big offensive against Taliban and al Qaeda strongholds in the lawless tribal territories of Waziristan bordering on Afghanistan. The attack on its headquarters in Islamabad carried a message: If this offensive goes forward, Pakistan's major cities will pay the price.
Pakistani army chiefs are flatly opposed to President Ali Zardari's deal the Obama administration for $1.5 billion in US aid in return for seriously battling the Taliban and al Qaeda. They accuse the US of interfering in relations between civil government and the military.
The attack on the army's headquarters Saturday would have been taken as a gesture of support for the opponents of a US-Pakistan alliance. It was also a warning that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal may not be entirely safe from terrorist control.
Besieged czar, EEOC chief safe, Obama tells homosexual crowd
'I'm here with a simple message: I'm here with you in that fight'
Posted: October 10, 2009
11:30 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
WASHINGTON – President Obama last night received a warm welcome at the annual dinner of the homosexual support group Human Rights Campaign, promising to sign hate crimes legislation, to repeal both Don't Ask, Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act and to continue supporting his besieged appointments as "safe schools czar" and head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
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WND revelations about Kevin Jennings, the safe schools czar, and Chai Feldman, his EEOC nominee, have resulted in criticism in Congress and from group's concerned about their actions and statements from the past.
A dozen members of Congress demanded Friday that Obama dismiss Jennings following WND disclosures about his past, including an incident in which he counseled a 15-year-old student to keep quiet about being seduced by an older man.
WND disclosures that Feldman proclaimed "gay sex is morally good" have also made her a target for criticism.
"I'm here with a simple message: I'm here with you in that fight," Obama told the homosexual activist group. "For even as we face extraordinary challenges as a nation, we cannot and we will not put aside issues of basic equality. I greatly appreciate the support I've received from many in this room. I also appreciate that many of you don't believe that progress has come fast enough. I want to be honest about that. Because it's important to be honest amongst friends."