Firefighter suspended for refusing to peel American flag sticker from locker
.................................................................................................................2009 Agenda for Disclosure
The opening of Pandora's suitcase
From The Desk Of Gary G. Kreep

Barack Obama is sweating it out after his Department of Justice (“DOJ”) attorneys walked into court expecting United States Federal District Court Judge David Carter to dismiss the birth certificate case. Why you ask? Simply because they “think” Obama is President. Their arguments were hollow and unconvincing. and after hearing hours of argument, the Judge Carter “took the matter under submission.” He has still not issued a ruling, 10 days later!
(there is much more to this story, click on the link above)
Iran accuses Pakistan over attack

The Sabotage of Capitalism, Freedom and the U.S. Military by the American LEFT
FBI cites 'people in positions of power within the organization directly connected to terrorism'
Communications chief offers shocking confession to foreign government
Iran threatens to invade Pakistan, "crushing response" for US, UK
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 19, 2009, 2:41 PM (GMT+02:00)

Iranian Revolutionary Guards chief Mohammed Ali Jafari
The commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafary, Monday, Oct. 19, threatened "crushing" retaliation against the US, UK and Pakistan including the invasion of its eastern neighbor. Tehran links all three to the suicide bombing attack in Sistan-Baluchistan Sunday, Oct. 18, which killed 42 people including seven senior Guards officers. One was Gen. Nur Ali Shoustari, Jafari's deputy, who was identified by DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources as commander of the al Qods clandestine terror bases in Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.
Jafary said: "Behind this scene are the American and British intelligence apparatus and there will have to be retaliatory measures to punish them."
DEBKAfile's Iranian sources note that is the first time in Iran's 30-year Islamic revolution that a military leader has gone to the extreme lengths of threatening to strike US and British military targets, a measure of the damage the regime and Guards suffered from the suicide attack, which has since been condemned and denied by Washington.
Jafari expanded on his charge by saying: "New evidence has been obtained proving the link between yesterday's terror attack and the US, British and Pakistani intelligence services." He spoke of evidence showing that all three supported the group. "A delegation would soon travel to Pakistan to present it," he said.
A military official in Tehran then suggested Iran might launch a military thrust into Pakistan against the group blamed for the attack. Lawmaker Payman Forouzesh said: "There is even unanimity that these operations (could) take place in Pakistan territory."
Tehran accuses the Sunni secessionist terrorist group Jundallah of Baluchistan, which is fighting for the predominantly Sunni province's independence, of carrying out the suicide bombing in provincial town of Pisheen near the Pakistan and Afghanistan borders. In the past, Tehran has charged the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence agency and the CIA of supporting the group. It has carried out a string of terrorist attacks on regime and Shiite targets including in 2007 a failed assassination attempt on president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
DEBKAfile's Iranian sources report that Tehran will have to make good on its threats without too much delay or lose face among the political and ethnic minority dissidents plaguing on the regime, especially those who rose up in protest against the tainted June 20 presidential election. Hesitation will be seen as weakness.
Past Iranian reprisals were usually carried against the US or Britain indirectly in the Persian Gulf or by local Islamic surrogates like Hizballah in Iraq. Jafari's words point to a more direct showdown this time by the IRGC or its terrorist arm al Qods.
Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?
..........................................................................................................................................................................DR. JAMES D. MANNING - PUBLIC VIDEO

Two Iranian generals among 31 killed by suicide bomber in southeast province
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 18, 2009, 1:16 PM (GMT+02:00)

Gen. Nur-Ali Shushtari, commander of al Qods foreign terror bases.
Two of the five senior Revolutionary Guards commanders killed by a suicide bomber in Sitan-Baluchistan Sunday, Oct. 18, were identified as Gen. Nur-Ali Shushtari, deputy commander of the IRGC ground forces, and Gen. Mohammad-Zadeh, chief IRGC commander of the province. The suicide bomber detonated his vest as the officers entered a hall in the town of Sarbaz to lead a peace conference between Sunni and Shiite tribal leaders of this predominantly Sunni province.
Iran state TV accused Britain of complicity in the attack Iran state TV accused Britain of complicity in the attack which left at least 31 dead and dozens wounded including 5 senior Iranian commanders.
The loss of top IRGC commanders is a grave blow to the elite corps. DEBKAfile's Iranian and counter terror sources report Gen. Shuhstari's covert position as commander of the Al Qods Brigades' bases abroad, in such places as Iran and Afghanistan and in support of the Hizballah in Lebanon and the Palestinian Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Al Qods runs the IRGC terrorist campaigns outside Iran.
Shushtari was also Gen. Qassem Suleimeni, the Revolutionary Guards' chief's deputy.
The Sunni Jundallah underground, which is strongly opposed to the Shiite government of Iran, appears to be behind the attack. The assassin would have mingled with the officers entering the hall and blowing himself up in their midst - a method used by al Qaeda in Iraq to blow away Sunni tribal leaders working with the US army.
Iran's state media did not immediately release separate numbers of dead and injured. Parliament speaker Ali Larijani made a special announcement to inform lawmakers of the attack, charging that "Western elements" were behind it.
Our sources describe Jundallah as a Baluchi terrorist group fighting for Baluchi independence of Iran. According to some Western and Iranian sources, it is supported by the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence agency and the CIA. In 2007, Jundallah staged a failed assassination attempt on president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Tehran has since pestered Islamabad to rein in the group to no avail.
'Rebels Assassinated Top Commanders In Iran'
Another Defeat at the Door
Michael Savage vs. Mississippi Woman
Corrupt World Court Judge Bruno Simma (Germany)
A photograph. Simma has been personally involved in an international criminal conspiracy with the German Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, to obstruct the lawful delivery of the prosperity programme trigger packs in America. In related actions in Washington DC on Friday 16th October 2009, US President Barack Obama used US Homeland Security to kidnap European security personnel with diplomatic immunity passes as they attempted to execute legitimate World Court delivery orders. Background here (16.10.09), here (16.10.09) and here (16.10.09).

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Arizona sheriff launches immigration sweep

3 million congressional 'pink slips' hit mark!
'I want my constituents to know I hear them loud and clear'
UN endorsement of anti-Israel report on Gaza war buries peace process
DEBKAfile Special Analysis
October 16, 2009, 9:00 PM (GMT+02:00)

Binyamin Netanyahu - personal defeat
The UN Human Right Council's endorsement Friday, Oct. 16, sent the anti-Israel Goldstone war crimes report to the UN Security Council. It was approved by a majority of 25 of the 47 HRC members with 6 voting against - the US, Holland, Italy, Ukraine, Hungary and Slovakia - with 11 abstentions; France and the UK were among the 5 nations who did not vote. Ultimately, this step could expose Israeli leaders to prosecution for war crimes.
The UN body administered one of the most damaging blows Israel diplomacy has suffered in recent years, condemning Israel for alleged war crimes in its 22-day Gaza operation last January - but also for work in East Jerusalem such as housing construction and archeological excavations.
The damage was compounded by Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu's personal involvement in spearheading the campaign to have the report buried. Its endorsement has instead buried the stalled peace process between Israel and Palestinian Authority.
In any case, Mahmoud Abbas refused to come to the negotiating table when challenged for the umpteenth time by President Barack Obama's special envoy George Mitchell in Ramallah last week, bringing the US president's entire Middle East peace venture tumbling down.
Netanyahu failed even to persuade French president Nicolas Sarkozy - described by President Shimon Peres as "a great friend of Israel," and the British prime minister George Brown, with whom he had a heated telephone conversation Thursday night - to vote against the HRC motion.
That neither was prepared to oppose Israel's condemnation for war crimes means that Jerusalem cannot count on French or British support for curbing Iran's drive for a nuclear weapon.
While Abbas and his close circle celebrated their victory, Israel spokesmen tried to soften the blow by maintaining that the Goldstone report is not home and dry yet. Its impact on the US-led NATO war on terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq must be considered. However, no NATO nation has yet been hauled before a UN commission of inquiry or faulted by the world body for killing civilians. Israel's operation to protect its population against terrorists embedded in civilian locations was.
Israel cannot be expected to sit down and talk to Abbas in this situation, even if the Palestinian leader were willing, which he is not. In any case he has lost the right to speak for his people.
DEBKAfile's Middle East sources note that the Palestinians have reached a point of no return, to which Washington and Jerusalem are turning a blind eye: Hamas has finally rejected any unity deal with Abbas' Fatah and thus blocked the formation of an agreed delegation for peace talks. The West Bank and Gaza Strip have parted for good: they are distinct Palestinian entities and Abbas' authority is recognized by less than half of his people in those territories.
The hammer-blow from Geneva came at a bad time for Israel: Turkey has turned on the Jewish state tooth and claw. Israel finds itself up against the entire Arab world, even Egypt and Jordan, with whom it has signed peace treaties. It now finds itself abandoned by presumed friends Britain and France as well.
'Moderate' CAIR to feature
radicals at annual banquet
After dismissing jihad charges in new book,
showcases imam cited in '93 WTC bombing
9:00 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Imam Siraj Wahhaj
CAIR currently features Imam Siraj Wahhaj's name on the opening flash page to its website, along with co-keynote speaker Dalia Mogahed, who sparked controversy of her own recently when she defended Shariah, or Islamic law, on a British television show hosted by a member of an extremist Muslim group, insisting the majority of women around the world associate Shariah with "gender justice."
Mogahed, senior analyst and executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, was appointed to President Obama's Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
Get "Muslim Mafia," autographed, from WND's Superstore
CAIR, which itself was designated an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror-financing case in U.S. history, responded Wednesday to a press conference at the U.S. Capitol in which four House Republicans called for an investigation of CAIR's activities on Capitol Hill, based on documents obtained in a daring undercover operation that formed the basis for the newly released book "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America," published by WND Books
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper, who is on record stating he hopes to see the U.S. become a Muslim nation, dismissed the lawmakers' claims.
"It's a shame to see elected officials take part in a smear campaign based on bigotry," Hooper told The Hill newspaper.
But the book by counter-terrorism investigator P. David Gaubatz and "Infiltration" author Paul Sperry produces evidence, based in part on 12,000 pages of internal documents, that CAIR's ultimate purpose is to transform the U.S. into an Islamic nation under the authority of the Quran.
The evidence affirms CAIR is part of an organized crime network in America made up of more than 100 other Muslim front groups that collectively comprise the U.S. branch of the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood.
In an attempt to prevent the press conference from taking place, CAIR's in-house legal counsel faxed a letter to the lawmakers alleging the book's authors had engaged in "criminal actions" and warning that a report already had been filed with law enforcement authorities.
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