French strikes: Violence erupts as thousands gather to protest on 'Black Thursday'
Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched through French cities, with violence erupting in some places, as part of a day of national strikes demanding pay rises and better protection for jobs.
************************************************************************************************Strikes spread across Britain as oil refinery protest escalates
Unofficial strikes break out in support of protest over use of foreign workers to carry out building project in Lincolnshire
Governments across Europe tremble as angry people take to the streets
prez from White House
'Defendants had to ensure
the Constitution is upheld'
12:00 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A new lawsuit is challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president, and this one targets Congress as a defendant for its "failure" to uphold the constitutional demand to make sure Obama qualified before approving the Electoral College vote that actually designated him as the occupant of the Oval Office.
It is being brought on behalf of Charles F. Kerchner Jr., Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James Lenormand and Donald H. Nelson Jr. and names as defendants Barack Hussein Obama II, the U.S., Congress, the Senate, House of Representatives and former Vice President Dick Cheney along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
As WND has reported, dozens of lawsuits have been filed over Obama's eligibility to assume the office of the president. Many have been dismissed while others remain pending.
The cases, in various ways, have alleged Obama does not meet the "natural born citizen" clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, which reads, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."
Some of the legal challenges have alleged Obama was not born in Hawaii, as he insists, but in Kenya. Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.
Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born.
Several details of Obama's past have added twists to the question of his eligibility and citizenship, including his family's move to Indonesia when he was a child, his travel to Pakistan in the '80s when such travel was forbidden to American citizens and conflicting reports from Obama's family about his place of birth.
Geithner presided over Wall Street collapse as regional Fed president
9:35 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Timothy Geithner |
On Nov. 17, 2003, Geithner became the ninth president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank, a position he held until he was nominated by President Obama as treasury secretary.
The Federal Reserve's charter makes it responsible for the strength of the financial institutions operating in each of its 12 regional districts. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York presides over Wall Street-based financial institutions.
************************************************************************************************Bibi: Qaeda to blow up holiest Christian site
Netanyahu, who claims he had predicted an Islamic extremists attack on the World Trade Center six years before the actual attack, said terrorists will target Church of the Holy Sepulchre also known as the Church of the Resurrection - Christianity's holiest site.
North and South Korea stand on 'the brink of war'
The confrontaion between North and South Korea has escalated with Kim Jong-il's regime claiming it was on the 'brink of war' after tearing up a non-aggression pact signed in 1991.
Japanese economy hit by "perfect storm"
The outlook for the Japanese economy is bleaker than ever after employment, production and retail figures, all posted severe falls.
The New Washington, DC Paradigm Does Not Bode Well for Economic Recovery or Gun Ownership
Friday, January 30, 2009
Do you think that people are finally realizing that something is UP?
LEE COUNTY, GA (WALB) - South Georgia gun dealers say there is a growing shortage of certain types of high powered rifle ammunition.
Solo Archery says they can't fill the large requests they have for .223 caliber, .308, and 762 by 39 caliber shells.
Those are high powered bullets used in military style weapons.
Solo Archery manager Phillip Colson says there has been a growing shortage this fall, as more ammo goes to the Middle East, manufacturers make less, and now speculators have become involved.
Colson said "They've lost their money in the stock market, so they are buying both ammunition and hardware. Guns, magazine,s, and accessories for speculation. Potentially six months down the line they can resell the stuff for twice what it's worth right now."
Adolf Hitler
AKA 'Der Führer' (The Leader).
Country: Germany.
Kill tally: Directly responsible for the deaths of over 46 million Europeans as a result of the Second World War.
************************************************************************************************Resistance to Nazi oppression was hampered by the lack of civilian arms possession. One of the most notable exceptions was the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943, which began with a few incredibly brave Jews armed with handguns. They were able to temporarily stop deportations of Jews to Nazi extermination camps.
Date published: 1/29/2009
Kidnapping is OK, but gun ownership is not!
Sportsmen and gun owners should be prepared to lose their Second Amendment rights.
President Obama, along with his gun-hating vice president, have stacked the deck with the appointments of Rahm Emanuel
These four, along with Nancy Pelosi and a Democratic Congress, spell certain death for the Second Amendment. They are strong advocates of banning gun ownership by citizens and are now in position to carry out their fervor.
As deputy attorney general under President Clinton, Mr. Holder worked hard to restrict gun ownership. However, he had no such compunction to restrict their use in the predawn kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez in 2000.
************************************************************************************************(Jean-Pierre Clatot/AFP/Getty Images)
Hundreds of thousands of French workers are going on strike this afternoon as unions and opposition leaders protest their government’s handling of the economic crisis. Train drivers, air traffic control operators, teachers, postal workers, bank employees and ski lift operators, to name a few, will refuse to work.
These protests will cause massive disruption. In some places, only one in five trains will be operating. Despite this, the general strike is very popular. One poll found that almost 70 percent of those surveyed support, or sympathize with, the strike.

Posted: January 29, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009
How ironic is it that the U.S. is embracing socialism at the very moment Europe and many other parts of the world are running away from it?
Somebody needs to ask Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi about this.
In the past five years, 33 countries, including 20 in socialist Europe, always held up as the example for a new American economic model by Democrats, have cut their personal income taxes, according to a study by KPMG, the giant accounting firm.
In the past four years, 60 countries have cut their corporate income tax rates.
Why have they done it?
They want to compete more effectively for capital and human resources.
Basically, the world has been turned upside-down – with territories even under Communist control recognizing that low taxes is what drives burgeoning economies.
Turkish premier storms out of Davos after run-in with Israeli president
January 30, 2009, 1:13 AM (GMT+02:00)

Turkish premier berates Israel at Davos
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Thursday, Jan. 29, reproached Israeli president Shimon Peres over the Gaza offensive, saying "You kill people," continuing the abuse he has leveled against Israel in recent weeks.
Israeli president Shimon Peres said, raising his voice, Israel's 22-day offensive was launched in reaction to eight years of rocket fire. Turning to Erdogan, who had said Israel had made Gaza an "open air prison," Peres asked: "Why did they fire rockets? There was no siege against Gaza. There was never a day of starvation in Gaza."
The former Norwegian prime minister, Khell Magne Bondevik, said he had never seen Shimon Peres so passionate. I think he felt Israel was being attacked by so many in the international community. He felt isolated."
The Turkish premier stalked out of the forum when the moderator, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, cut him short when he tried to reply. He complained Peres had spoken for 25 minutes while he had been allotted only 12 and shouted: "I remember two former prime ministers in your country who said they felt very happy when they were able to enter Palestine on tanks." He went on to protest the applause Peres had won: "You are applauding killing and war!"
Arab League secretary Amr Mussa said Erdogan's action in leaving the hall was understandable. Of Israel, he said: "They don't listen."
Peres read out passages from the Hamas charter which call for Israel's destruction. "I want to see what you would do if rockets landed on Istanbul every night. What would you say to the mothers?" he asked the Turkish prime minister. Since 2000, more than a thousand Israelis have been killed in terrorist attacks and more than 5,500 rockets have been dropped on Israel."
He again raised his voice when he said: "You talk about a non-existent reality and I am telling the truth. Can you understand a million people living in shelters? Are you mad? I cannot accept lies. Mubarak accused Hamas and he knows the situation as well as you, Mr. Erdogan. Hamas fired out of kindergartens and schools. How could we not respond?"
"All Peres said was a lie. It was unacceptable," said Erdogan as he left. He warned there would be repercussions on relations between Turkey and Israel. "I am a prime minister and no one shouts at me," he said.
The Israeli leader later called the Turkish premier and they agreed the incident would not affect relations between their countries.
Obama 'friend': End of Israel 'within reach' Activist boasts 'Western support, complicity' starting to crack
Posted: January 30, 2009
12:20 am Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Ali Abunimah |
In a piece earlier this month titled, "Why Israel won't survive," Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian online publication, accused Israel of war crimes and gloated, "Now, the other pillar of Israeli power – Western support and complicity – is starting to crack. We must do all we can to push it over."
"It is Israel as a Zionist state, not Palestine or the Palestinian people, that cannot survive this attempted genocide. Its problem is legitimacy, or rather a profound and irreversible lack of it," wrote Abunimah.
Bloomberg To Announce Bare-Bones, Doomsday Budget
Slew Of New Taxes On Tap, Higher Fees For Services, Plastic Bag Charge; City Workforce To Lose 23,000 Jobs
City Employees To Pay Part Of Healthcare; Pension Reform
Fewer Police Officers, Firefighters, Sanitation Workers & Teachers Expected
Alaska volcano expected to erupt soon


Prophesied cashless society: It's almost here
Posted: January 30, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009
When I read the headline to Jerome Corsi's story, "Economic meltdown excuse for 'new world'' at WorldNetDaily yesterday, my first thought was, "What took them so long?"
That thought was immediately followed by the realization that the timing is just about perfect. Corsi zeroed in on comments by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland – specifically, Schwab's comment that the global economic crisis was a "transformational crisis" useful in reshaping a "new world."
One of the scarier quotes in his piece was from a professor Nouriel Roubini who said the global banking system was "effectively insolvent," which, to my untrained ears, sounds a lot like "bankrupt."
The last time this happened was in 1933, forcing the federal government to ban private ownership of gold so it could be confiscated and used to satisfy the government's creditors.
That was the national bankruptcy that predicated the Great Depression, which allowed Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration to ram through the socialist "New Deal" policies that economic historians say made the Depression both longer and deeper than it needed to be.
**********************************************************************************************GreenSchwarzenegger: Calif. Headed For "One Of The Worst Water Crises In Its History"
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