Kenyan Parliament On
Obama's Birth There
From Devvy Kidd
1-26-9This is the official web site of the Kenyan Parliament:
This is from a session November 5, 2008:
"Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the President-elect, Mr. Obama, is a son of the soil of this country. Every other country in this continent is celebrating the Obama win. It is only proper and fitting that the country which he originates from should show the same excitement, pomp and colour. I, therefore, seek leave of the House that we adjourn to discuss the issue...."
"What I have in mind is the famous Kennedy airlifts of the 1960s when many Kenyans were, due the friendship with the then Government and the late Tom Joseph Mboya, given the opportunity to travel to the United States of America as a result of [The Vice-President and Minister for Home Affairs] which we now have an African American of Kenyan origin being President-elect. This is momentous. At 4.00 o'clock this morning, Senator Barrack Obama called me at midnight and told me: "Mr. Vice President, could you make sure you sort out this problem?" I want to assure him that the problem has since been sorted out...."
"Kenya is going to receive a lot of attention, but let it not be negative because we are the home of the President-Elect of the USA."
"Could we allow him to move a Motion for Adjournment so we could also continue the celebrations of having a Kenyan ruling the USA?"
"..than a time when the Great America has a President-elect who has his roots in the great Republic of Kenya."
There is discussion about Obama's "homecoming."
These records are somewhere on Orly's site 'cause I've seen them:
"Excerpts of Ca Assembly show Soetoro from Indonesia receiving foreign exchange student aid. Maybe AP should stop drinking Obama cool aid for a minute or two and start serious investigative reporting about him."
Saudi royal family arranged $6.2 trillion loan for Queen of England using Citibank derivatives as collateral
The loan was designed to move forward the implementation of the NESARA-related Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols. The Bush-Cheney White House blocked the implementation of the Protocols and called on the loan. When payment was not forthcoming, they stole the Queen's gold from a vault at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Queen secretly visited the United States demanding that her gold be returned. The US Vice President Dick Cheney told her to go away.

The High Cost of Recovery
By: Alyssa A. Lappen
Can America really spend its way out of recession? More>
Gloom deepens as 76,000 jobs go in a day
By FT Reporters
Published: January 26 2009 14:50 | Last updated: January 27 2009 09:21
Corporate bellwethers in the US and Europe on Monday slashed more than 76,000 jobs from their payrolls to confront the deepening economic downturn, marking one of the most brutal days yet for workers on both sides of the Atlantic.
US corporate groups such as Caterpillar, General Motors, Sprint Nextel. Texas Instruments, and Home Depot led the retreat, as the domestic recession coupled with tough export markets continued to take a heavy toll on their businesses. Pfizer, the drugs group, added to the tally saying jobs would be lost in its takeover of Wyeth.
Large European companies such as Philips, the Dutch electronics company, financial group ING and the Anglo-Dutch steelmaker Corus, which is owned by India’s Tata Group, struck the same downbeat tone as they unveiled plans to axe staff.
More clashes in store after Palestinian bomb blast kills an Israeli soldier, injures three
January 27, 2009, 2:23 PM (GMT+02:00)

Palestinian bomb blows up Israel patrol outside Gaza fence
A week after Israeli forces exited the Gaza Strip, Palestinians Tuesday, Jan. 27, detonated a large explosive device against a routine Israeli military patrol near the Kissufim crossing. One soldier was killed and three were injured, one seriously. DEBKAfile's military sources expect further clashes after defense minister Ehud Barak warned that Israel would respond to the Palestinians' unacceptable breach of the ceasefire.
According to those sources, Hamas initiated the clash for the benefit of US president Barack Obama's Middle East envoy George Mitchell the day before he arrives for his first visit to the region. It was a reminder to Washington that hostilities in Gaza would not end so long as Washington ignores Hamas. The Palestinian Islamist terrorists will probably continue their attacks including resumed missile fire against Israel, to which the IDF is bound to respond.
But Hamas will be heartened by Israel's failure to respond at once. Israel's war planners, after declaring at the end of Operation Cast Lead that the IDF's deterrent strength had been repaired and it would take Hamas a very long time to revert to violence, ought to have kept instant reprisal plans ready to whip out for contingencies such as Tuesday's attack.
It was obvious quite soon that Hamas had not thrown in the towel, as DEBKAfile reported in its exclusive analysis Saturday Jan. 24. Click HERE.
They are reigniting the flames in Gaza to show the US president that his instruction to his envoy to stabilize the ceasefire is meaningless because neither he, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak or Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert can make a ceasefire hold without Hamas' concurrence.
So, whether or not Israel opts for restraint, Hamas will seek to underscore this point by escalating the violence, at the same time seeking to refute Israel's claim of restored deterrence. For these Palestinian extremists, the war on Israel is nowhere near over.
The time-lag between the Palestinian attack and Israel's response exposes Jerusalem's commitment to consult with Washington and Cairo before taking any further action under the understandings the reached over the Gaza operation. These understandings, reached by Israel's war troika, the prime minister, defense minister and foreign minister Tzipi Livni, are proving now too ungainly and unclear to fit the realities of Gaza and therefore ill-judged for the sort of rapid response Israel must make to stamp out Hamas' war initiatives.
Earlier, we reported that Israeli tanks fired shells into southern Gaza at the outset of the incident. The Palestinians reported one person killed.
Arab and Western media report Israeli infantry troops have entered the Gaza Strip and IDF helicopters are overhead.
This was the first major clash since Israel and the Palestinians declared separate ceasefires last week. After the Palestinian bombing attack Tuesday morning, the Israeli army closed the Gaza crossings to aid convoys scheduled to have transited Tuesday, as they did throughout the 22 days of Israel's Gaza operation.
More Than 40,000 U.S. Workers Lost Their Jobs Today…
"We're Just Seeing The Tip Of The Iceberg"

Egypt cracks the whip for Hamas in long-term truce talks
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
January 25, 2009, 11:10 PM (GMT+02:00)

Egyptian Gen. Omar Suleiman, chief negotiator with Hamas
The Hamas delegation to the long-term truce talks for Gaza in Cairo Sunday, Jan. 25, was given no leeway by Egyptian intelligence minster Gen. Omar Suleiman, Cairo's senior negotiator, DEBKAfile's military sources disclose. This contradicts the impression given by Hamas.
Either accept our terms, he told them with exceptional brusqueness, or wait two-three months and take your chances on a new Israel government to rise after its Feb. 10 general election.
Their only other option now, said Suleiman, was to return to Damascus, implying that he was throwing Hamas on the mercies of Syrian president Bashar Assad.
When Hamas asked for Turkish monitors to be posted at the Rafah crossing, Suleiman said: Here's the Turkish prime minister's phone number. Call him yourselves.
So saying, the Egyptian minister left the conference room, leaving junior officials behind to hear Hamas' responses, which were uniformly negative.
These are the conditions Cairo put before the Palestinian Islamist organization:
1. Hamas must pledge to halt all smuggling into the Gaza Strip, including arms.
2. It must accept a long-term truce for Gaza. DEBKAfile reports Israel is demanding 10-15 years, to be renewed every three or four, while Suleiman proposed a 10-year period.
3. Hamas armed men will respect a 1 km-off limits belt inside the Gazan-Israeli Israeli border fence, refrain from sniper fire and planting explosives.
4. Hamas must keep its distance from all Gaza's crossings – 6 on the border with Israel, and one, the Rafah gateway to Egyptian Sinai.
5. The verbal abuse of Egypt must stop forthwith.
The Hamas delegates were summarily brushed aside when they asked for Egyptian help to reconstruct the Gaza Strip. Suleiman said assistance would be forthcoming when the Palestinian factions healed their feud and formed a national unity government – meaning when Hamas accepted the Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority rule in the Gaza Strip.
DEBKAfile adds: Hamas came to the Cairo negotiating table in an inferior position. Most its top leaders in Gaza have not ventured to come out of hiding since before Israel's Gaza operation began on Dec. 27, for fear that the people will vent their fury over the calamity the Hamas-government brought down on the enclave.
MOORESVILLE, N.C., Jan. 23 (UPI) -- The government of Kuwait has contracted Internet-based radiation emergency products suppler Nukepills.com for a citizen protection initiative.
U.S. company Nukepills.com was awarded the contract from the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health. Under the approximately $1.4 million deal, Nukepills.com will supply 5.4 million of its trademarked ThyroShield potassium iodide doses.
Kuwait awarded the contract for the ThyroShield doses as part of an effort to stockpile nuclear radiation emergency protections. Officials say the ThyroShield is a liquid medicine that has thyroid-blocking capabilities to prevent thyroid cancer during radiation emergencies.
"This sale is the first large-scale order of ThyroShield from a foreign government," Troy Jones, Nukepills.com president, said in a statement.
"We are currently working on additional potassium iodide orders from other countries in the Middle East, Europe and Asia. We hope the new U.S. administration follows Kuwait's lead and reinstitutes the potassium iodide distribution plan to protect its citizens."
© 2009 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Democrats' game plan
Posted: January 26, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009
I am now convinced President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, other key leaders in the Democratic Party and the new administration realize they have no viable solutions to the economic crisis, know their own plans are going to exacerbate the problems and have concluded the only hope of maintaining absolute power beyond 2010 will depend on their ability to demonize their opponents and the Bush administration.
So much for hope and change.
If I had any doubts about their own perceptions, they were dispelled over the weekend when Democrat leaders went into overdrive lowering expectations – expectations that had been raised so high during the 2008 election.
For instance:
- Biden said: "There's been no good news, and there's no good news on the immediate horizon."
- Lawrence Summers, head of the president's National Economic Council, told NBC's "Meet the Press" that Americans will need to be patient: "These problems weren't made in a day or a week or a month or even a year, and they're not going to get solved that fast. The next few months are, no question, going to be very, very difficult and it may be longer than that."
- Pelosi told George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week" that "some increased investment" may be necessary and that spending the money would likely be tied to more government involvement in the banking sector: "Whatever you want to call it, if we are going to put money into the banks, we certainly want equity for the American people. In other words, if we are strengthening them, then the American people should get some of the upside of that strengthening. Some people call that nationalization … I'm not talking about total ownership."
The only ideas being put forward by the Democrats are the very ideas that created the crisis in the first place – more government intrusion into the economy, more bailouts of failed financial and industrial institutions, more command-and-control policies from Washington, more picking of winners and losers among businesses and, of course, more spending and more debt.
All of this is doomed to failure, and the Democrats know it.
Their only hope is to buy enough time for themselves until the economy can turn around on its own in cyclical fashion. But they clearly recognize that is not going to happen in the next two years – and probably not in four.
Imagine how horrifying that realization is to them – not just because of what it portends for America between now and 2012, but, more importantly, what it means to the political fortunes of a party that has just succeeded in getting a monopoly grip on power it has not experienced in 14 years.
That leaves only four options for the Democrats:
- lowering the expectations they raised so high in 2006 and 2008;
- blaming Republicans for everything for the next four years;
- seducing and compromising Republicans to join them in their plans;
- attempting to criminalize past policy decisions by Republicans through an endless series of partisan investigations and demonizations;
Democrats now in control, say economy to get worse 'There's been no good news and there's no good news on the immediate horizon'
7:46 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Vice President Joe Biden |
Democrats on television this weekend acted quickly on the heels of Obama's inauguration to temper hopes that a change in administration necessarily means a swift economic recovery.
"There's been no good news," said Vice President Joe Biden on CBS' "Face the Nation," "and there's no good news on the immediate horizon."
Lawrence Summers, head of the president's National Economic Council, told NBC's "Meet the Press" that Americans will need to be patient.
"These problems weren't made in a day or a week or a month or even a year, and they're not going to get solved that fast," Summers said. "The next few months are, no question, going to be very, very difficult and it may be longer than that."
Instead, the newly empowered party is asking for more time, money and power to attempt its fix on the nation's economic woes.
Congress has already given Obama permission to spend the second $350 billion of a bailout package approved last fall, and the president is pushing Congress to pass an additional $825 billion economic recovery package.
House Speaker Nanci Pelosi further told George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week" that "some increased investment" may be necessary and that spending the money would likely be tied to more government involvement in the banking sector.
Violent protests and growing dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of the economic crisis caused Iceland’s Prime Minister Geir Haarde to call for early elections Friday.
Iceland had its worst street riots in 50 years as 2,000 protesters—out of a population of just 320,000—took to the streets of Reykjavik on Thursday, hurling paving stones at Iceland’s parliament building. The day before, protesters threw eggs and soft drinks at Haarde.
Iceland’s economy has been hit hard by the financial crisis, and the people are holding the government responsible. Unemployment has risen sharply; inflation is also rising. Economists predict the economy will shrink by 10 percent.
In 1785, Dey Muhammad of Algiers declared war on America’s fledgling confederation of colonies by abducting several American merchant ships in the Mediterranean and holding their crews for ransom or selling them into Moroccan slave markets.
Before the Revolution, America’s oceangoing vessels had relied solely on Great Britain’s naval and diplomatic power for protection against pirate brigades. After winning independence from Britain during the Revolution, however, American ships were left to themselves in facing the perilous dangers of traversing the sea along the Barbary Coast.
Alarmed by the hijackings and fearing it would be perceived as weak by its enemies, America’s earliest reformers argued for a more powerful central government. In “The Federalist No. 41,” for example, James Madison wrote that a stronger federal government was needed to “maintain a navy” that would “be a principal source of her security against danger from abroad.” America’s international trade and commerce, Madison wrote, “the great reservoir of its wealth, lies every moment at the mercy of events, and may almost be regarded as a hostage for ignominious compliances with the dictates of a foreign enemy, or even with the rapacious demands of pirates and barbarians” (emphasis mine throughout).
In replacing the Articles of Confederation with the United States Constitution in 1789, the founders gave the federal government the power it needed to levy taxes on its citizenry, to raise and support a national army, to provide and maintain a navy and to declare war on enemy combatants.
Even after it adopted the Constitution, many of America’s founders remained wary of a powerful centralized government—particularly one with an established naval force. But the scourge of piracy in the waters of the Mediterranean helped tip the balance in favor of naval shipbuilding. “The majority of the members of Congress, irrespective of their feelings toward federalism, could no longer bear the disgrace of kowtowing to Barbary,” Michael Oren wrote in Power, Faith and Fantasy.
“The liberation of our citizens has an intimate connection with the liberation of our commerce in the Mediterranean,” said then Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. President George Washington added, “If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it.”
So Congress authorized the construction of six frigates, and the U.S. Navy was born. Soon after, the United States of America waged its first overseas war—against pirates of the Mediterranean.
Somalia Again Humbles American Might
Today, more than 200 years later, the United States has the largest, most powerful navy in the world—by far. Yet last November, Somali pirates aboard speed boats embarrassed the American superpower when they hijacked a massive oil tanker bound for the U.S. through a waterway patrolled by the U.S. Fifth Fleet.
Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, admitted to being “stunned” by the “extraordinary rise” in hijacking attempts. In a 12-day period in November, Somali pirates seized nine vessels passing through the Gulf of Aden. All totaled, as of mid-December 19 ships and at least 383 crew members were being held hostage by Somalia. Yet Vice Adm. William E. Gortney, who commands the Fifth Fleet, told the New York Times that there were no plans to rescue any of them.
The most powerful naval force in the world simply will not act!
Admiral Mullen complained about “legal and military obstacles” to fighting piracy. “One of the challenges that you have in piracy, clearly, is, if you are intervening and you capture pirates, is there a path to prosecute them?” Mullen said (New York Times, Nov. 19, 2008).
This is what most concerns America’s military brass—whether or not pirates can be prosecuted?
After some criticism had been leveled at the United States for not taking a lead role in defeating the pirates, Defense Department Press Secretary Geoff Morrell strenuously defended the Navy. “This notion that there’s inaction out there is just utterly false,” Morrell said at a press conference. Morrell admitted that the Navy was at least partly responsible for protecting international shipping lanes. “But the companies … also have an obligation to secure their ships to prevent incidents such that we’ve been seeing at alarming rates over the past several months,” he added, suggesting companies take additional precautions like adding armed guards.
What a comfort that must be to international shipping merchants: You’re on your own fellas! And think of the clear message America’s inaction sends to hostile powers.
In the days of Washington, Adams and Jefferson, America was concerned about being perceived as weak. Not anymore!
Regarding the oil tanker en route to America, the U.S. Navy knows where the captured ship is located. It even has permission from the United Nations to enter Somali waters in pursuit of the pirates.
But it lacks the will to act.
“We know where these guys live and where their ships and boats operate from—it’d be a simple mission to take them out,” a retired Marine general told Time. “There was talk of the U.S. military doing some kind of mission—the Navy would love to do it—but there’s no stomach for it right now” (Nov. 19, 2008).
Awesome military might—and pitifully weak willpower to go with it.
The pirates are hearing this message loud and clear. After capturing the oil tanker, they audaciously attacked an American cruise ship, one of 30 vessels they went after in a period of just two months. They know good and well America has “no stomach” to stop them. America’s top military brass no longer view aggressive action against murderous thugs as a commonsense approach to combating terrorism.
That approach, however, is now being employed by other, much less powerful nations. Take India, for example. On November 18, a pirate ship launched grenades on the Indian ship Tabar and then attempted to ram the vessel. But instead of running away from the would-be hijackers, the Indians fired back—sinking one of the pirates’ mother ships! It was the second ship the Indians sank in two weeks.
The Investor’s Business Daily noted that India’s approach “contrasts sharply with the handwringing helplessness of other navies patrolling the area under a United Nations mandate. Their mission is proving ineffective, and the enemy is growing bolder. …
“India showed that the only message with authority in this perversely incentivized void is force. The West may have bigger, more technologically advanced navies than India’s 118-ship naval flotilla, but only India has demonstrated the way to raise the cost of piracy” (Nov. 19, 2008).
The article predicted that from then on, ships flying the Indian flag would most likely pass through the Gulf of Aden without incident!
America used to have that kind of pride in its power, back when leaders were more inclined to act courageously against the forces of terror. When North African pirates, for example, demanded tribute from the U.S. government to ensure safe passage for American ships through the Mediterranean, Thomas Jefferson’s reply was unambiguous: “The style of the demand admitted but one answer. I sent a small squadron of frigates into the Mediterranean.”
And that was when the United States had a tiny fraction of the power that it has today. Like present-day India, there was much less power, but a lot more pride.
Biblical prophecy says this is exactly what would happen. There may still be plenty of power in America today, but the will to use it—as God prophesied in Leviticus 26:19—has been crushed. •