Alaska on alert as volcano
expected to erupt
![]() 4.4-magnitude quake rattles southern California A moderate, 4.4-magnitude earthquake shook a sparsely populated area of southern California Saturday, according to the US Geological Survey, with no immediate reports of injuries or major damage. The epicentre of the 2109 GMT jolt, some four miles (seven kilometers) underground, was 98 miles (157 kilometers) northeast of Los Angeles near the town of Ridgecrest and not far from Death Valley National Park, the USGS reported. The tremor did not appear to be felt in Los Angeles, where millions of residents live with the risk of a cataclysmic quake striking along California's volatile San Andreas Fault. Scientists say there is up to a 70 percent chance of a 7.8-magnitude quake -- a 6.0 earthquake on the Moment Magnitude Scale is considered strong -- devastating parts of California within the next 30 years. The last quake of such a magnitude along the San Andreas Fault was the Fort Tejon earthquake of 1857, estimated to have been a magnitude 8.0 temblor. |
by Staff Writers
Anchorage, Alaska (AFP) Jan 30, 2009
Alaska was on alert Friday as scientists
warned that a volcano rumbling near the
state's largest city Anchorage was likely
to erupt.
more pics
Volcanoes Erupt in Japan and Russia, Spreading Ash (Update2)
By Takahiko Hyuga and Stuart Biggs
Feb. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Two volcanoes in Japan and another in eastern Russia erupted overnight, spreading ash as far as the Philippines and Vietnam, the Japan Meteorological Agency said on its Web site.

'I am the Speaker of the House'

The Next Catastrophe
Think Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were a politicized financial disaster? Just wait until pension funds implode.
46 Of 50 States Could File Bankruptcy In 2009-2010
Thursday, January 29, 2009
*****World Food Prices Are Rising Fast*****
Bill creates detention camps in U.S. for 'emergencies'
Sweeping, undefined purpose raises worries about military police state
7:19 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla. |
Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., has introduced to the House of Representatives a new bill, H.R. 645, calling for the secretary of homeland security to establish no fewer than six national emergency centers for corralling civilians on military installations.
The proposed bill, which has received little mainstream media attention, appears designed to create the type of detention center that those concerned about use of the military in domestic affairs fear could be used as concentration camps for political dissidents, such as occurred in Nazi Germany.
The bill also appears to expand the president's emergency power, much as the executive order signed by President Bush on May 9, 2007, that – as WND reported – gave the president the authority to declare an emergency and take over the direction of all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments without even consulting Congress.
As WND also reported, DHS has awarded a $385 million contract to Houston-based KBR, Halliburton's former engineering and construction subsidiary, to build temporary detention centers on an "as-needed" basis in national emergency situations.
************************************************************************************************Hizballah terror teams fan out in six countries prompting maximum Israeli alert
DEBKAfile Special Report
February 2, 2009, 8:18 AM (GMT+02:00)

Hassan Nasrallah
DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources report that last week the Lebanese Hizballah put together a large number of terrorist teams and deployed them in six countries for attacks on Israeli targets.
This intelligence prompted the counter-terror bureau in Jerusalem to publish Sunday, Feb. 1, an exceptionally high alert for traveling Israelis to be on the lookout for terrorist attacks including abductions. Security is also high in Israel and at embassies and Jewish institutions worldwide.
The Shiite terrorists have sworn to avenge the death of their military chief Imad Mughniyeh whom they accuse Israel of killing in Damascus a year ago. They also hope to disrupt Israel's general election on Feb. 10. Hizballah's secretary general Hassan Nasrallah is recently quoted as say that the Israeli poll could be cancelled by the assassination of one or more senior officials – and not only overseas.
Israeli officials were advised to be especially vigilant, but all nationals are warned to take precautions. The danger, the counter-terror bureau warned, is concrete, immediate and serious.
According to our sources, most of the terrorist teams were sent out from places outside Lebanon, drawn from the covert spy and terror cells Hizballah maintains in other parts of the Middle East as well as Africa and Europe. A large number were deployed in the hope that if most of them miss, at last one will achieve a spectacular hit.
Last week, Nasrallah told a news conference in Beirut that revenge for Mughniyeh's martyrdom was not enough. He pledged never-ending retaliation "that would never be put behind Hizballah, but always be ahead."
Israeli travelers were specifically warned to avoid Arab and Muslim countries – especially Sinai - watch out for unusual occurrences, refuse tempting offers and invitations from strangers, rendezvous with contacts only in public places along with trusted companions and avoid patronizing the same locations, such as hotels and restaurants, with predictable regularity.
Israeli holidaymakers in Sinai are warned to leave at once; there are plots to snatch them off its beaches and smuggle them into the Gaza Strip.
Israel's Channel 2 TV reported that the first Hizballah attack against an Israeli target in a European country had been foiled already thanks to shared intelligence with its authorities.
OF COURSE EVERYONE WILL BLAME BUSH 43 for ever but in reality only G-D could have done this so quickly.
It has long been coming in prophecy as in DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 28.
People will find every excuse not to believe it, but there is no other answer but the WRATH OF G-D IS NOW UPON US.
ג וַאֲבָרְכָה, מְבָרְכֶיךָ, וּמְקַלֶּלְךָ, אָאֹר; וְנִבְרְכוּ בְךָ, כֹּל מִשְׁפְּחֹת הָאֲדָמָה. 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.'
Rockets hit Israel, Prime Minister Olmert vows 'disproportionate' response
Israel has vowed a 'disproportionate' response after Palestinian militants fired upto four Qassam rockets from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel.
Ezekiel Chapter 39

Closeup of the Holland poster banning guns. Citizens had 24 hours to surrender all firearms to the Nazis or face the death penalty. Printed in German on the left and Flemish on the right. For translation, see sidebar. From Die Deutsche Wochenschau, May 15, 1940.
.....................................................................................................................................................................DR. JAMES D. MANNING
Cyprus fears if Iran arms ship is released, Israeli navy will seize it
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
January 31, 2009, 11:12 PM (GMT+02:00)

Iran arms ship in Limassol
Israel informed Washington, Cairo and Nicosia that surface missiles bound for Hamas are concealed in the steel holds of the Cypriot-flagged Iran Hedayt which the US intercepted but did not stop in the Red Sea last week.
DEBKAfile's military sources report that after neither the US nor Egypt laid hands on the cargo when they had the chance, Cyprus finds itself stuck Saturday, Jan 31, with hard choices: the US and Israel are pressing Nicosia not to let the ship go without a further search for fear Israel will seize it and precipitate an armed clash with Iran. Tehran on the other hand threatens Nicosia with diplomatic and economic retribution if the vessel is not released forthwith.
Friday, Cyprus president Demetris Christofias said a ship anchored off Limassol was being searched carrying cargo that contravenes UN resolutions. Cyprus state radio reported the vessel may have been traveling from Iran to Syria with weapons destined for Hamas.
Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni informed Nicosia that the cargo aboard the Iran Hedayt contravened the UN Security Council Resolution 1747 which forbids Iran to export arms under international sanctions.
But foreign minister Markos Kyprianou later backpedalled by saying the authorities were still trying to determine if the ship's cargo contravenes United Nations resolutions.
After Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen said on Jan. 28 that the US Navy had no authority to seize the weapons aboard the Iranian vessel –"The US did as much as we could" - Nicosia too is reviewing its options.
As the arms vessel made its way from Bandar Abbas to the Red Sea, tracked by DEBKAfile's sources from Jan. 20, Jerusalem counted on the Livni-Rice memorandum of understanding for a joint effort to stop Iranian arms smuggling to Hamas kicking in. There was a precedent.
On Dec. 2, 2002, American warships helped two Spanish warships halt a North Korean cargo vessel and confiscate Scud missiles bound for Saddam Hussein hidden beneath sacks of cement.
But the Iranian cargo for Hamas was not touched and the ship was allowed to proceed.
Jerusalem is watching tensely now to see what the Cypriots do next. If they let the arms ship go without confiscating the missiles aboard, Tehran will be encouraged to send more arms ships to Hamas and the entire international effort to stop Hamas rearming, which was implicit in Israel's unilateral ceasefire, will cave in before it ever took off.
This Iranian arms ship was first revealed exclusively by DEBKAfile on Jan. 20 and tracked further on Jan. 23 and Jan. 25. Click HERE.
‘Jimmy Carter’ tag has Obama wincing
Republicans are fighting back by branding the president as naive abroad and wasteful at home, like one of his party’s predecessors
Violent clashes in Russia as angry protesters call for Putin to resign over economy
By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 2:34 PM on 31st January 2009
Russia was rocked today by some of its strongest protests yet as thousands rallied across the vast country to attack the Kremlin's response to the global economic crisis.
The marches, complete with Soviet-style red flags and banners, pose a challenge to a government which has faced little threat from the fragmented opposition and politically apathetic population during the boom years fuelled by oil.
Pro-government thugs beat up some of the protesters.

Banned: Supporters of the National Bolshevik Party carry flares through Moscow's streets
************************************************************************************************By Ari Levy
Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Banks in Florida, Maryland and Utah were closed yesterday as regulators wrapped up the busiest month for failures since the housing slump began in 2006.
........................................................................................................................................................................What will the Bend Over Republicans do with tax cheat Tom Daschle?
Before we get to tax cheat Tom Daschle, let’s recall the names of the Bend Over Republicans who pooh-poohed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s tax troubles and accused critics of “thinking in small political terms.”
On the Senate Finance Committee, B.O. Republicans Mike Crapo, Orrin Hatch, John Cornyn, Olympia Snowe and John Ensign all determined that Geithner’s “tax goofs” worth $43,000 did not disqualify him from the job of overseeing everyone else’s taxes.
On Jan. 26, when the full Senate voted, 10 B.O. Republicans cast their votes in the affirmative for the serial tax evader and bailout failout architect. Those 10 B.O. Republicans were:
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
Ensign (R-NV)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hatch (R-UT)
Shelby (R-AL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Voinovich (R-OH)
What, pray tell, will these apologists for tax evasion do with Tom Daschle? Like Geithner, Daschle pleads ignorance – and only paid back taxes and interest during the vetting process for his Health and Human Services Secretary nomination:
prez from White House

'Defendants had to ensure
the Constitution is upheld'

1:00 am Eastern
© 2009
You know about ACORN – the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – the shakedown artists currently under investigation for violations of election laws in at least 12 states.
This racketeering operation probably played a significant role in getting Barack Obama elected, not to mention Democratic members of the House and Senate, in 2008.
ACORN's shock troops have been linked to or already convicted of perjury, forgery, identity theft and election fraud.
With a track record like that, you might think the organization would be forced to disband, or that its tax-exempt status would be revoked, or that its entire leadership would be prosecuted.
But you would be wrong.
In fact, under Democratic rule in Washington, there are plans to redistribute up to $5.2 billion of taxpayer money – that's your money – to ACORN.
And why not? The Democrats who control the federal purse strings got a lot of bang for the buck out of ACORN. Now they hope to use the ACORN nuts to maintain permanent power – doing what they do best: registering dead people, registering illegal aliens, registering pets and other animate and inanimate objects to vote, for Democrats, of course.
Portable Cell Phone Jammer
Product Description
This powerful pocket-sized portable cell phone jammer will jam all nearby mobile phones, including the new 3G band, within an effective range of up to 25 meters. If you're looking to buy a cell phone jammer, this is an excellent choice for a personal, portable unit. This portable cell phone jammer is one of the most highly copied cell phone jammers on the market. Beware of cheap imitations.This portable cell phone jammer can be easily concealed in a pocket or purse, and is ideal for meeting rooms, restaurants, examination rooms, or anywhere you want to avoid the distraction of cellular calls.
A rechargeable Ni-MH battery and a universal charger are included with this great value priced jammer.
Range: Aprox. 15-25 Meters
Dimensions: 110x60x30mm (LxWxD)
Signal Jammer Tip: How do Cell Phone Jammers work?
In order to better understand how a Portable Cell Phone Jammer works, it is beneficial to first understand how your cell phone functions.
In short, every cell phone utilizes two different frequencies. One of the frequencies is used to transmit information, while the other is used to receive information. Regardless of the frequency used, the signal must first originate from one phone, and then get sent to the base station. From the base station, it is relayed to the receiving cell phone.
When you use a Portable Cell Phone Jammer, the signals transmitted by the cell phone actually collide with the signals transmitted by the phone jammer. When the two signals collide, they are essentially canceled out, and the link between cellular base station and cellular handset is disconnected - providing the cell phone with no service / no signal. When the cell phone jammer is turned off, the cell phone signal is instantly returned.
As a result, the cell phone user is unable to make or receive phone calls while the cell phone jammer is turned on. Additionally, any calls in progress will be disconnected when the cell phone jammer is turned on.
In order to block out a desired area, it is important to choose the right type of Portable Cell Phone Jammer. Some are able to transmit signals in a far larger area than others. Many of our competitors products, which are actually considered novelty items, only transmit over a 2 meter (6 foot) area - therefore, you need to assess your needs and the amount of coverage desired, so that you can select the cell phone blocker that is right for you.
Cell Phone Jammer Info How does a Cell Phone Jammer work?
Getting peace with a cell phone blocker
Maintaining emergency contact when cell phone jamming
Understanding your cell phone blocker
Reasons to use cell phone jammers
Small cell phone zappers
Cell phone jamming in the classroom
Using an adjustable cell phone jammer
How to buy cell phone jammer products
High power cell phone jammer applications
Understanding your mobile phone blocker
How does a GPS jammer work?
The Signal Jammer Links Page
Cell phone jammers - Cell phone blockers - Mobile phone blocker - Mobile phone signal jammer