For years I have been trying to tell you that the old TESTAMENT lays out out future, most people would ignore me and think I was nuts but sadly its right before your eyes and so many of you still do not see the forest for the trees. G-D created this world and this was his plan all along because he knew the greed of men and women would over come the decency he laid out in the five books of MOSES.
Actually the PSALMS predict the future in years if you have the patience for a little belief and understanding. It makes me sick to see a once great great nation come to this point with the corruption in "DC" like it has. All you have to read is PSALM 109 right now very slowly and carefully and especially verse 2 where you will see we are being lied to. This was written thousands of years ago, its all in the PSALMS.
The WAR in Afghanistan has ulterior motives such as an overland pipeline that would contain oil from the Caspian Sea and the other obvious motive is money from the poppy fields. The entire country is not worth one American soldier being wounded much less killed because you can never win a war there in that terrain with tribal leaders running the country. This is all pre ordained by G-D and in LEVITICUS CHAPTER 26, VERSE 19, 20 it clearly says you will never win another war again.
I do not like to write commentaries like this because all my life I have seen this coming and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Human greed and their dis association with their only living G-D has brought them to this point in time and the very wrong innocent young people are paying the price. I do not understand why. Look at all the older people now that are coming down with cancer, with all EDWARD KENNEDY'S money he still died alone and went to Hell alone with no assets but MARY JO on his mind.
You are not being shown all the coffins coming out of Afghanistan. Did you think that Russia was not going to pay America back for arming the MUJAHEDDIN in AFGHANISTAN all those years with Stinger missiles to shoot Russian planes and helicopters down.. NOW ITS PAYBACK TIME FROM THE RUSSIAN BEAR... Are American leaders that stupid. Remember SO GOES RUSSIA, SO GOES THE WORLD...
As American cities implode from within we will be on our own, the only hope is faith in G-D, you do not have to believe one word I have written, it does not matter because in the end you will learn for your self and not from me. What happened to the fiery "CLINTON'S" that controlled the Democratic party, what made them now hide in the bushes, you tell me, I have no education like most of you. I can tell you only G-D the Father who created this universe is now in control.
I will try and continue this later, it just makes me sick because Americans are now a nation of fools.
AN AFTER THOUGHT - Having been brought up by Russian women as I have all Russian Blood but I am American born, these women are tough as nails. Let me bring you back to the battle of STALINGRAD (WWII) where five foot tall RUSSIAN WOMAN were snipers and each one took out some 300 to 500 of the best NAZI troops that Hitler had to offer and these women never flinched or backed up an inch. These women were beyond anything any American could ever understand, you never met my Mother or my Aunts or even my Grandmothers or you would have a small inkling of what I am trying to tell you... There are no rules of engagement, its that simple...


Nahum Chapter 1 נַחוּם


Not one more soldier to Afghanistan, says Sarkozy
France will 'not send one more soldier' to Afghanistan, President Nicolas Sarkozy told Le Figaro newspaper on Thursday.
He told the right-wing daily that he was sticking to a long-standing pledge not to send more forces.
Washington is considering sending up to 40,000 additional troops to Afghanistan ...
Ever wonder why there was a big push to get GPS readings at your front door?
Sean Penn visiting Cuba for Vanity Fair article

Deuteronomy Chapter 33 דְּבָרִים
Sharon Bribes Soldiers And Police
To Expel Yesha Jews
To Expel Yesha Jews


Clinton, McCain, Biden Dying Of Mystery Illnesses
Every white male in politics over the age of 50 has some awful illness, according to various rumors on the Internet. Joe Biden had two aneurysms operated on 20 years ago, so obviously he is due for another so that he can step down and Hillary Clinton can be Barack Obama’s vice president. Meanwhile, Bill Clinton’s thumb was shaking on various evening talk shows this week, so he’s about dead. Probably Parkinson’s.
And then John McCain…well, we all know he’s just a reanimated corpse anyhow, and his left eye is falling out of his face or something, which is why he had to hire that $5,000 makeup artist, to keep pasting bits of skin back onto his skull.
................................................................................................Morale dips for American marines in Afghanistan


Israeli police storm Jerusalem's holiest site
................................................................................................Is China waving the US dollar goodbye? Harvard economist, Niall Ferguson, says the US currency is dying a slow death.
Swine flu emergency! What does that mean?
Is president's proclamation formality, or institution of Obama martial law?
The Qom enrichment facility is not Iran's only hidden nuclear plant
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
October 24, 2009, 8:34 PM (GMT+02:00)

Site of Qom tunnel enrichment plant
Four International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors were due in Tehran Sunday, Oct. 25 for their prearranged visit to the newly-discovered uranium enrichment facility near Qom. Aside from that inspection, not much else is left of the Obama administration's pursuit of engagement on Iran's nuclear program. Saturday, Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani threw out IAEA Director Mohamad ElBaradei's overseas enrichment plan the day after it was hailed by the big powers.
Soon after Larijani's rejection, President Obama put in hurried calls to the Russian and French presidents on the new crisis.
DEBKAfile's military sources point out that even the UN watchdog visits may lead nowhere, depending on how much access they are allowed to the facilities tunneled deep in a mountain near Qom and how much incriminating evidence was removed in the two weeks since Tehran approved the visit. Some sources in Washington take the existence of this hidden plant as evidence that Iran has got several more secret facilities running - and not just for enrichment but possibly even for covertly constructing nuclear bombs and warheads. Reporting from US sources on Iran's nuclear program tends to be conflicting, fashioned to fit the policy of the moment. For instance, the Qom tunnel hiding place which the US president "first revealed" in Pittsburgh on Sept. 26 was in fact known to intelligence services, including the CIA, as far back as 2004.
In December 2005, the National Council of Resistance of Iran called a news conference to expose details of "an installation under construction in deep tunnels near Qom."
Yet in 2007, a US National Intelligence Estimate stated that Iran had halted its military nuclear program in 2003! DEBKAfile's intelligence and Washington sources believe that story was fabricated at the time by US undercover agencies to hold George W. Bush and Israel back from a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
A similar mechanism was at work Friday, Oct. 23. After Moscow, Paris and Washington approved the ElBaradei plan proposing that Iran send its partially enriched uranium to Russia and France for further enrichment - there was a thunderous silence from Tehran. Despite initial negative signals, sources in the Washington and Vienna quoted Iranian officials as favoring the plan but seeking only a few days until the middle of next week for its final answer.
It was Larijani's task to dispel this piece of wishful thinking. He said the West insists on pursuing "chicanery" or "imposing some of its demands" on Iran. "They say we will provide you with 20 pc enriched nuclear fuel when you hand over to us your enriched material, whereas we see no relation between these two issues."
His deputy Alaeddin Boroujerdi repeated an earlier Iranian state television report asserting that Tehran wanted to buy enriched uranium not send it overseas.
The IAEA inspectors' visit to Qom goes well, it may establish four key facts:
1. Iran's nuclear program is military - not just peaceful as Teheran insists;
2. The hidden plant, built to house 3,000 fast centrifuges of the new IR-4 mark, is designed to produce 90 pc (weapons-grade) enriched uranium in an amount sufficient for two to three bombs a year.
3. The US 2007 NSI was made of whole cloth.
4. The most intriguing question which the nuclear watchdog inspectors need to go after now is the provenance of the uranium hexafluoride (UF6) destined for further enrichment at Qom. The Natanz enrichment facility is too closely monitored by the IAEA to be able to able to ship this material out undetected. This means that one or more secret enrichment facilities, still unknown to Western intelligence, are turning out enriched uranium somewhere in Iran in the service of its covert weapons program and remain to be discovered.
Diplomatic engagement with Tehran has not even begun to plumb the depths of Iran's deceptions.
Rev. Manning Accuses Beck, Hannity and O 'Reilly of deal to discredit Obama Eligibility Lawsuits

Child vaccinated at school AGAINST PARENTS WISHES !

Update on the Redskins Cheerleader that was Crippled by a FLU VACCINE

