THE GENERAL - http://www.youtube.com/user/thegeneraltenn
Caesar Obama – by Robert Spencer Posted By Robert Spencer On November 2, 2009 |
Deuteronomy Chapter 23 דְּבָרִים
ג לֹא-יָבֹא מַמְזֵר, בִּקְהַל יְהוָה: גַּם דּוֹר עֲשִׂירִי, לֹא-יָבֹא לוֹ בִּקְהַל יְהוָה. {ס} 3 A bastard shall not enter into the assembly of the LORD; even to the tenth generation shall none of his enter into the assembly of the LORD. {S}
SafeLink Wireless is a government supported program
that provides a free cell phone and airtime each
month for income-eligible customers.

At the time of the Nazi attack on Jews known as Night of the Broken Glass, Heinrich Himmler, head of the Nazi SS and Police, ordered Jews disarmed. People's Observer (Völkische Beobachter), November 10, 1938.
Jews Forbidden to Possess Weapons
By Order of SS Reichsfuhrer Himmler
The SS Reichsfuhrer and German Police Chief has issued the following Order:
Persons who, according to the Nuremberg law, are regarded as Jews, are forbidden to possess any weapon. Violators will be condemned to a concentration camp and imprisoned for a period of up to 20 years.
Obama lifts ban on US entry for those with HIV
..........................................................................................................................................................................Obama Girls Get Swine Flu Shots
..........................................................................................................................................................................Lord Monkton explains how the Copenhagen treaty will destroy the US Economy

Orly Taitz interview with The Conservative Monster.com - Obama has 39 different Social Security Numbers
Orly Taitz states in this interview that Obama has 39 different SS#'s and 149 different addresses. What a disgrace that this is allowed to happen and the evidence is being suppressed; which is even worse. 
Obama Meltdown

FIRST lady Michelle Obama was reduced to tears by an explosive presidential tirade, say political insiders. In a world exclusive, sources tell GLOBE why Barack Obama has gone berserk and rip the lid off the details of his secret meltdown.
Barack Obama: The Destroyer |
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Bullets used by British soldiers 'too small to defeat Taliban'
Bullets used by British soldiers are too small to defeat Taliban fighters, according to a report of a study of ammunition used on the front line.
A survey of more than 50 servicemen who have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan concluded that the 5.56mm calibre rounds used by British soldiers 'tailed off' after 300 metres yet half of all Helmand firefights are fought between 300 and 900 metres.
..........................................................................................................................................................................The Generals' Revolt

Visitor Records
As part of President Obama's commitment to government transparency, we are providing records of White House visitors on an ongoing basis online. In December 2009, we will begin posting all White House visitor records for the period from September 15th onwards under the terms of our new voluntary disclosure policy. In addition, as part of our new policy, we will post records dating from January 20th that are specifically requested on an ongoing basis. For more information, read the White House blog post announcing the new policy.
Why did UK's Tony Blair start the last week of October 2009 as front-runner to be the Council of Europe's first President, and end it as a widely broadcast no-hoper for the EuroSoviet throne? Was his bid trashed by Angela Merkel? Or did British intelligence play the paedophile card?
Who has the legal authority in the US to arrest President Barack Obama for Treason?
The US Provost Marshall General? Or his senior line manager, the Chief of Staff - US Army? Or is the US Judge Advocate General the key man?
As Iran-European gap widens over overseas enrichment, Ahmadinejad boasts: "We rule world opinion"
DEBKAfile Special Analysis
October 31, 2009, 1:22 PM (GMT+02:00)

Ahmadinejad plays "same old tricks"
Mounting opposition leaves only two leaders in favor of the UN-brokered plan for Iran to send most of its enriched uranium to Russia and France for further processing: US President Barack Obama and Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who Friday praised the proposal "to have Iran withdraw its enriched uranium, or a good portion of it, outside Iran as a positive first step." He commended the US president's efforts to deal with Iran's nuclear program
But Saturday, European leaders struck the opposite note. In Vienna, European officials called the new Iranian ultimatum for a balance between sending uranium abroad and receiving a fresh supply as "unacceptable."
In Brussels, European leaders began drafting a communiqué expressing "grave concern" over Iran's nuclear enrichment activities and persistent failure to meet its international obligations.
The "counter-proposal" incorporating this ultimatum, which was conveyed by Iran's nuclear negotiator to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna Friday, cancels out the whole point of the plan offered, to reduce the level of uranium stocks usable by Iran for making a nuclear bomb. Tehran also called for more negotiations before Tehran delivered its final response.
Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, rotating presidency of the European Union, told AP that Iran's approach of "back-and-forth talks" were reminiscent of its "same old tricks."
Saturday, president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued a veiled warning: "We hope the negotiations continue and evil powers don't indulge in mischief because the Zionist regime and other domineering powers are unhappy with the talks," he said in an Iranian state TV interview: "Today, Westerners know that without engaging Iran, they cannot rule the world, because Iran… rules world public opinion."
Within hours, fellow hardliners in Tehran chipped in: Deputy parliament speaker Aleddin Boroujerdi said the second time this week: "We are completely opposed to the proposals. We have deep mistrust of Westerners."
Qazem Jalili, a member of the Iranian parliament's foreign affairs and security committee (who is related to Iran's nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili) dismissed the world powers' proposal as "completely out of the question."
Netanyahu's words of praise for president Obama when he met Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell Friday followed an informal message from Washington asking Israel's political, military and intelligence spokesmen to align their conduct and statements on the Iran issue with the UK, France and Germany.
The Israeli prime minister made no reference to Iran's negative response to the compromise it was offered in the framework of Obama's engagement policy. Nor did he indicate where this left Israel.
That Iran's counter-proposal was a resounding "no" to an initiative backed by the world's powers and the UN was far from clear in secretary of state Hillary Clinton's tortuous remarks Friday: "We are working to determine exactly what they are willing to do, whether this was an initial response that is an end response or the beginning of getting to where we expect them to end up," she said, urging: "The process must play out."
She may be in denial, but Tehran's rebuff will certainly play out in Obama's other diplomatic initiatives.
After being badly mauled in Pakistan over US drone attacks on Taliban bastions and US policy in general, Clinton arrives in Jerusalem Saturday, Oct. 31, to administer yet another push for getting Israel-Palestinian peace talks restarted.
When he met her earlier in Abu Dhabi, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas made it clear that he stood by his precondition for talks: Israel must halt settlement construction on the West Bank and Jerusalem. Netanyahu, whom she meets Saturday night, will probably agree to negotiations without preconditions.
Republicans warn: Rationing medicine has already begun
Obama extends health care act blamed for costing AIDS patients their lives
Investigate 'Muslim Mafia,' new petition tells Congress
'Where there's smoke, there's fire,' says longtime Arab television anchor
Judge Carter on Obama Eligibility - Alan Keyes and others still have a case

Rep. Bachmann - Come to DC on Nov. 5th to tell Pelosi NO to health care takeover

Lord Monkton challenges Al Gore to a debate on Global Warming - Glenn Beck Show

Never happen....Gore is a fraud, this guy is the real deal.


Detroit Jihad – by Robert Spencer
Posted By Robert Spencer On October 30, 2009 @ 12:24 am In FrontPage |