Bring everything - and every prophecy to God. Posted: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - written by jerry golden | | |
It seems that every day the war drums beat louder, and one thing is certain, the Iranian Nuclear threat grows stronger and closer - not only for For all we know Iran has already planted a few bombs in innocent looking fishing boats in a New York harbour marina - or that same scenario could be playing out up and down both coasts of the US and the Gulf of Mexico. But all I hear is that The Islamic Jihad is fully underway and will not be stopped by the present tactics now being applied by way of apologies from Obama and his desire to destroy
Along the Gaza Border here in
About 5 years ago I remember several news reports about a weapon called T.H.E.L. (Tactical High Energy Laser) this was a joint US and Israeli venture, and was reported to be 100% effective against incoming missiles. But for some reason we hear little to nothing about these tests that were conducted in the The only reason I bring this up is to make us think about what we are not being told -and question why. All we see over the Internet are dates and times of impending disaster, and the announcing of bank closures. What we are not being told is the fact that the dollar is in serious trouble and it doesn't take a prophet to tell you that the
We should have learned from the Y2K scare that most of these kind of rumours are leaked out by the US Government in an attempt to give reason to their insanity. For example Y2K made the Internet we enjoy today possible by coordinating the computers around the world, but I wouldn't want to leave out mentioning Al Gore for his wonderful invention (just joking). There is another phenomenon that demands further thought - the current and deliberate desensitizing of the general public with spin and misinformation. There must be a reason for that - and I believe it is to numb your mind and get you to the point where you just don't believe anything any more.
For those who walk with the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) know something really big is about to happen, and God is sending prophecies to you in order for you to prepare, at least in the Spirit if not in the natural, as well. God will give you the discernment to know the difference between the genuine prophecy and the false, if you ask Him for that gift of discernment. The Devil however, would have you pay no attention to these warnings and blame God for your situation. But you will have no one to blame but yourself. There are instructions all over the Internet even on my site and We all have a lot on our plate, and for those of us who are called by God to certain endtime ministries are faced with many challenges. But we should know that it is not by our might or power but by His Spirit that He will bring us through to success. Even moreso for those whom God has called to bless the Apple of His Eye ( Connie and I just returned from another trip into Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, for our son and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it. Shalom, Jerry Golden |


The entire 974 generations (Hagiga 14.) which are `Erev Rav which are the souls from the world of chaos, G-d transplants them every generation, and they are the bold-faced of the generation. Our Sages said that in the period of "messiah's footsteps" impudence will become great... and the `erev rav will return to be the shepherds of Israel" - Safra ditz'ni`utha, chapter 1, beginning with the words "They were not watching" (3).
"You should know that there are five kinds of `erev rav. The first kind are argumentative and libelous people; the second kind are those who pursue passion and fornication; the third kind are those who are deceitful, who pretend to be righteous but whose hearts are not whole. The fourth kind are those who pursue honor in order to make a name for themselves; the fifth kind are those who pursue money... and the argumentative kind are the equivalent of all of them: they are called `Amalekim, and the son of Dovid will not come until they have passed out of this world, for it is of them that we recite timche et zekher `Amalek - "You shall erase the memory of Amalek" - Adderet Eliyahu, commentary on Deut. 1:1 (325), his words being based on Zohar 1:25, 27; 3:125: and see the Gaon's commentary on Tikkunei Zohar 86,91, 97.
Ben Shalom Bernanke[1] (pronounced /b?r'næ?ki/ b?r-NANG-kee) (born December 13, 1953) is an American economist, and the current Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve. Bernanke succeeded Alan Greenspan on February 1, 2006.
How Bush went from hero to zero in the eyes of Dick Cheney
White House, Congress project record US deficits
..........................................................................................................................................................................As I write this article, Germany is just weeks from electing a new chancellor. That election and events to unfold from it are going to bring devastating consequences to this world. A dangerous political structure has been built in the European Union, and it’s about to get a lot worse. History thunders its strongest warning ever! It’s time that people understood that history.
But there is a lot more than history involved in understanding European politics.
What is happening in the European superstate is a mystery to most of the world. But that mystery is beginning to be removed.
..........................................................................................................................................................................By Nancy Matthis | Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 at 9:30 pm
Congress may confiscate every state pension fund into the bankrupt social security system. Indications that this strategy is being discussed in Washington have come in to us from several sources over the last few days.
Tonight, a correspondent who has just come home from a Tea Party Townhall Meeting in Salado, Texas with US Representative John Carter (R-Round Rock) issued the warning. She said, “Representative Carter informed the crowd that talk has been bandied about Congress to appropriate every state’s pension plans into the bankrupt Social Security System.” She is absolutely 100% sure that she understood him correctly.
US President George Bush Jnr isolated and alone on his Prairie Chapel Ranch at Crawford, Texas. Mental breakdown reported; cocaine and alcohol addictions involved.
Move would mark major escalation of Arab activities in Jerusalem
10:06 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
JERUSALEM – Palestinian Authority security forces directed traffic several times this month in the eastern sections of Jerusalem, according to multiple witnesses speaking to WND.
The moves, if verified, would mark a major escalation in PA activities in Jerusalem.
PA President Mahmoud Abbas three times this month quietly visited Beir Hanina, a largely Arab town in eastern Jerusalem. Each time, his convoy passed through French Hill, a northeastern Jerusalem community that is largely Jewish.
One local witness driving through French Hill last week while Abbas' convoy passed told WND he was stopped by uniformed Palestinian police, who asked him to wait until the motorcade passed.
Two witnesses in Beit Hanina earlier this month also said they personally witnessed uniformed PA police direct traffic in that area for Abbas' two previous visits there. While Beit Hanina is largely Arab, it falls entirely within the Jerusalem municipal district, with security provided by the Israeli police.
According to Israeli law, the PA is not allowed to operate in Jerusalem.
NY Post: Bernie Madoff Dying From Cancer

By Phil Stewart
WASHINGTON, Aug 23 (Reuters) - The situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating along with U.S. public support for the war, Washington's top military officer said on Sunday as he left open the possibility of another increase in troops.
"I think it is serious and it is deteriorating, and I've said that over the past couple of years -- that the Taliban insurgency has gotten better, more sophisticated," said Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff.
U.S. combat deaths have risen since U.S. President Barack Obama ordered a troop buildup to confront a resurgent Taliban, with a record 44 U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan in July.
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll showed a majority of Americans believe the war in Afghanistan is not worth fighting, and just a quarter say more troops should be sent there.
"Certainly the numbers are of concern," Mullen said on NBC's "Meet the Press." But he later added, "this is the war we're in."
Mullen said the new commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, was "wrapping up" his assessment of the situation and would submit it in a couple of weeks.
Mullen said he would evaluate whether more troops were needed after reviewing McChrystal's report.
"We'll see where that goes once the assessment is in here," he said. "And I've had this conversation with the president, who understands that whatever the mission is, it needs to be resourced correctly."
McChrystal's report, originally due in mid-August, was expected after the Afghan election process is completed. Counting is under way following Thursday's election, which drew allegations of vote rigging Sunday from Afghan President Hamid Karzai's main challenger. [ID:nSP74288]
A credible election result is important for the country and for U.S. President Barack Obama, who has made stabilizing Afghanistan a top foreign policy priority.
Obama already plans to increase the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan to about 68,000 by year's end, more than double the 32,000 the United States had there at the end of 2008.
Mullen declined to comment on U.S. media reports that McChyrstal might recommend additional increases of 15,000, 25,000 or 45,000 troops.
He said the United States faced a multi-year effort to establish security and enable Afghan forces to maintain it.
"I don't see this as a mission of endless drift. I think we know what to do, we've learned a lot of lessons from Iraq, focusing on the Afghan people," Mullen said.
Asked about an exit strategy, Mullen said: "I've said from a military perspective I believe we've got to start to turn this thing around from a security standpoint in the next 12 to 18 months."
"And I think after that we'd have a better view of how long it's going to take and what we need to do."
Sen. John McCain, the Republican who lost to Obama in last year's presidential election, said on Sunday he did not believe there were enough troops on the ground in Afghanistan.
McCain told ABC's "This Week" that the "clock is ticking" on American public opinion of the Afghan war.
"I think you need to see a reversal of these very alarming and disturbing trends on attacks, casualties and areas of the country that the Taliban has increased control of," he said. (Additional reporting David Lawder; Editing by Doina Chiacu)
Republican finds birth certificate sizzling topic at Arizona town hall
8:36 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz. |
WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Arizona, told a townhall meeting in Kingman yesterday he is considering a lawsuit to establish Barack Obama's eligibility for the presidency.
Franks said there is conflicting evidence on the question of Obama's status as a "natural born citizen."
His allusion to the possibility of a lawsuit forcing release of Obama's original, long-form birth certificate is as far as any member of Congress has gone on this issue.
The eligibility issue was one of the hottest topics at the town hall meeting that included concerns about national defense, stimulus spending, health-care bills and the "cash-for-clunkers" program.
Franks said it would take 34,000 years to pay off the indebtedness incurred by the Obama administration.
Demand the truth by joining the petition campaign to make President Obama reveal his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate!
Some 950 people attended the boisterous event in a local church.
“Fraud rolls across American history like waves move onto a beach” (Bob Jensen, History of Fraud in America).
Some years ago at a symposium at Oxford University, I listened to Sir Alfred Sherman, one-time adviser to Lady Thatcher, describe America as a deeply corrupt nation. At the time, I wondered how this very British gentleman, a brilliant thinker on the state of the world, could justify that statement. After all, it was well known that fraud and under-the-table payoffs were endemic to certain Asian countries. It was simply the way that one did business there. That was taken as a given. But America? The “city on the hill”? The bastion of Judeo-Christianity, this exemplar of free democracy and free enterprise, “deeply corrupted”? Surely Sir Alfred should have chosen his words more carefully!
Well, a decade or so later, Sir Alfred’s words are ringing in my ears.
It seems that each week, sometimes even day by day in any given week, the Wall Street Journal publicizes yet another case of corporate, financial or government fraud in America.
The Financial Crisis Pushes Europe to the Brink of Disaster
From Jerry Golden in ISRAEL:
In the natural there is NO chance for peace. 8-15-09 With America about to go into a full blown revolution over the Obama trashing of the US Constitution - thereby enslaving the American people - it is now necessary for this administration to establish more smoke screens in order to divert the attention of the populace. Not to mention the engineered complete collapse of the US Dollar which will finally necessitate the imposition of Martial Law - giving Obama even more power over the lives of the With the eyes of the world on Israel's possible attack upon the Iranian nuclear reactors, many in Israel are asking why it is necessary for Israel to do this - when everyone knows Iran is a threat to the entire free world - not just to Israel. The fact still remains; it is In the meantime, here in When you couple this with the recent Fatah Conference held in Bethlehem - during which they declared that they will not accept Israel as a Jewish State, nor will they agree to Jerusalem being the Capital of the Jewish State -you can see nothing but trouble ahead. They will never give up on their demand that hundreds of thousands of Arabs migrate to The Islamists are simply taking over European Jewry is living in daily fear, yet many are still trying to hold onto their property and wealth -much like those who waited until it was too late in the 30's and 40's in Hitler's Germany. But today it is possible for them to simply get on a plane and leave and come home to The door will soon close on the ability to just fly to Today there are tens of thousands of private yachts moving around in the These trips are costly, and the larger boats will cost at least 400 thousand. I am asking you to be with us in prayer and to support us before your dollars become worthless. We need you. This is a Body Ministry and this letter is addressed to that Body into which God has so graciously placed us. Pray for the peace of Shalom, Jerry Golden .........................................................................................................................................................................