They are all dropping like flies...
Monster Meter Poll Reveals 34 Percent of U.S. Workers Surveyed Have Only One Week or Less of Savings to Cover Expenses if Laid Off from Work
$49.9M US Contract for 300 Winchester Magnum Ammo
Nahum Chapter 1
British Medical Journal: Half Of Health Workers Reject H1N1 Vaccine
A study published in the world’s foremost peer-reviewed medical journal has found that around 50% of Hong Kong’s health workers will refuse to be vaccinated against swine flu for fears over the safety of the shot.
.........................................................................................................................................................................FROM JOSEPH FARAH
The real Ted Kennedy legacy
Thursday August 27, 2009 by Joseph Farah -- I know there's an old adage that one shouldn't speak ill of the dead. But I don't subscribe to the idea that when evil and foolish people die we should pretend they were something other than evil and foolish. And Ted Kennedy was evil and foolish. He wasn't just a pol ...
Dominick Dunne, a best-selling author and special correspondent for Vanity Fair, died today at his home in Manhattan. He was 83.
The cause of death was bladder cancer, said his son Griffin Dunne.
America F*** Yeah: Chesterfield Hummer Dealership Also Sells Assault Rifles
.........................................................................................................................................................................9:30 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Will President Obama "seize power overnight" in a move to consolidate White House control of the U.S. government?
That's the fear of Fox News anchor Glenn Beck who discussed the issue at length today with another broadcasting powerhouse, radio's Rush Limbaugh.
"I fear this government, this administration has so much framework already prepared, that they will seize power overnight before anybody even gives it a second thought," Beck said.
His comment came as he was analyzing the changing nature of the media since Obama's election, citing the administration's close ties with the NBC network, owned by corporate giant General Electric:
If you watch what could only be called the administration's organ – anything involved with GE or NBC – you've got [GE CEO] Jeffrey Immelt on the board of the Federal Reserve, you have him in the Oval Office consulting not only on health care, but the financial situation, and they are an organ.If you watch MSNBC, I contend that you will see the future because they are laying the ground for a horrible event ... anything from the right, there's some awful event and I fear this government, this administration has so much framework already prepared, that they will seize power overnight before anybody even gives it a second thought.
Limbaugh responded, "I don't think they're going to be able to seize it overnight without anybody knowing about it."
Get the book that exposes the secret blueprint for ending free speech: "Shut up, America!"
The pair analyzed Obama's appointment of Mark Lloyd, the nation's first "chief diversity officer" at the Federal Communications Commission, and both agreed he is looking to severely limit free speech in America through a series of new initiatives without ever having to revive the "Fairness Doctrine" that was abandoned in 1985.
WND recently reported that Lloyd believes the policy was never actually repealed, and he is said to advocate crippling $250 million fines for radio stations whose programming does not meet with the government's approval.
He's also reportedly pushing for private broadcasters to pay licensing fees equal to their total operating costs. That money would then be used to enhance funding of government-subsidized networks such as National Public Radio.
"Citizen access to popular information has been undermined by bad political decisions," Lloyd wrote in his 2006 book, "Prologue to a Farce: Communications and Democracy in America." "Corporate liberty has overwhelmed citizen equality."
"What they're trying to do here to communications is simply stifle dissenting voices. They're trying to wipe out any opposition," Limbaugh explained. "The things he's talking about doing to shut down radio are simply un-American. ... It is a dangerous time. It's the most dangerous time in my life for freedom and liberty in this country."
Limbaugh maintained every action thus far by Obama has been designed to intentionally hurt, rather than help the nation.
"Look at what they're doing to the U.S. economy," he said. "Anybody with a sense of economic literacy would know this is not how you create jobs. You do not rebuild the private sector. This is being done on purpose. All of these disasters are exactly what Obama wants. The more crises, the better. The more opportunity for government to say, 'Let us in and fix the problem.'"
*************************************************************************************************US, Israel have 80 % of West Bank construction deal in the bag - much less on Jerusalem
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 26, 2009, 11:04 PM (GMT+02:00)

They dickered for four hours in London
A high-ranking US source told DEBKAfile Wednesday night, Aug. 26, that some areas of understanding could be said to have come out of the four-hour meeting between British prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US Middle East envoy George Mitchell earlier in London. He put it this way: The Obama administration and Netanyahu government have attained an 80 percent of an accord on a settlement construction freeze although they also agreed not to make this accord official. Meanwhile, 2,500 agreed building starts can go forward.
According to our sources, the fairly slow construction of these units, some of which are still in the design stage, would take both President Barack Obama and Netanyahu to the end of their terms in office.
This program will permit Netanyahu to present West Bank communal leaders with an expansion plan, of which Part One can go forward, in return for which they will refrain from making a fuss and embarrassing his government.
The other part of the US-Israeli understanding reached in London Wednesday provides for Israel to carry on building Jewish housing in Jerusalem on a limited scale. Projects in some parts of East Jerusalem will go forward, others will be frozen, as decided by Israel.
Both parties will retain some leverage in case the understandings attained do not hold up. In other words, if Washington sees Israel neglecting to respect their West Bank understandings, the US will turn up the heat with regard to construction in Jerusalem.
Conversely, if Israel feels the Americans are not respecting their part of the deal, the Netanyahu government will step up construction in Jerusalem.
One American diplomat commenting on this emerging US-Israeli accord said: "Whoever has the bad luck to be put in charge of getting this deal up and running will have very little hair left on his head by the time Obama and Netanyahu end their first terms in office in 2012.
'This is an issue where the federal government has no business'
10:21 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Montana statehouse |
Supporters of a first-of-a-kind law in Montana that declared weapons or ammunition made and kept in the state were exempt from federal rules are preparing for a court challenge to the federal government's insistence it will regulate those items.
The Montana Shooting Sports Association and the Second Amendment Foundation have formed a strategic alliance with plans to litigate over the Montana Firearms Freedom Act.
The bill was passed by the 2009 Montana Legislature and signed into law by Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer.
כב יַכְּכָה יְהוָה בַּשַּׁחֶפֶת וּבַקַּדַּחַת וּבַדַּלֶּקֶת, וּבַחַרְחֻר וּבַחֶרֶב, וּבַשִּׁדָּפוֹן, וּבַיֵּרָקוֹן; וּרְדָפוּךָ, עַד אָבְדֶךָ. 22 The LORD will smite thee with consumption, and with fever, and with inflammation, and with fiery heat, and with drought, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.
Obama Plays Dangerous Political Game with Our National Security |
Six Kamchatka Volcanoes Exhibit Activity Simultaneously For the First Time in Sixty Years
'Cash for Refrigerators' Debuts in Fall.
Sometime around midnight, on July 18, 1969 Kennedy drove his Oldsmobile 88 off of a small bridge on Chappaquiddick island, into eight feet of chilly water. The vehicle landed upside-down. While Kennedy managed to free himself from the wreck and swim to safety, his passenger, 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne was left in the car to drown.
RIP Mary Jo.

Chappaquiddick: No Profile in Kennedy Courage

'Liberal lion' of Senate loses lengthy battle with brain cancer at Massachusetts home
7:31 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Sen. Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009 |
Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy died late Tuesday at his home in Hyannis Port, Mass., after a lengthy battle with brain cancer. He was 77.
His family announced his death in a brief statement released early Wednesday.
"We've lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever," a family statement said. "We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice."
To the American public, Kennedy, nicknamed "Ted," was best known as the last surviving son of America's most glamorous political family. He was the younger brother of slain President John F. Kennedy and New York Sen. Robert Kennedy, who was gunned down while seeking the White House in 1968.
Born in 1932, Edward Moore Kennedy was the youngest of Joseph and Rose Kennedy's nine children. He attended Harvard in 1951, playing on the freshman football team before he was caught cheating on an exam and expelled after arranging for a classmate to take a freshman Spanish exam for him. He was later re-admitted to Harvard after joining the Army and serving during the Korean War.
He went on to get a law degree from the University of Virginia Law School and served as an assistant D.A in Suffolk County, Mass. Kennedy married Virginia Joan Bennett, known as Joan, in 1958. They had three children before divorcing in 1982; a daughter, Kara Kennedy Allen; two sons, Edward Jr. and Patrick, a congressman from Rhode Island.
Kennedy was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1962, filling his brother John's seat and serving longer than all but two senators in history.
His own hopes of reaching the White House were damaged – perhaps doomed – following a 1969 auto crash in which he drove off a bridge at Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts and failed to promptly seek help for his passenger Mary Jo Kopechne, who died. Kennedy swam to safety and only alerted authorities to the accident hours later. The senator told investigators he panicked.
"That tragedy will live with me for the rest of my life ... every day for the rest of my life," he said.
An investigation later absolved Kennedy of responsibility. He received two months suspended jail time for leaving the scene of an accident, but questions about his character haunted his political ambitions for the nation's highest office.
Nonetheless, Kennedy staged a 1980 primary challenge to then-President Jimmy Carter that ended in defeat. That failure prompted him to reevaluate his place in history, and he dedicated himself to fulfilling his liberal political agenda by other means, famously saying, "the dream shall never die.
Like his first wife, Joan, Kennedy struggled with alcohol, and through much of the 1980s he was viewed as a playboy with a bottle. His nephew, William Kennedy Smith, was charged and later acquitted of raping a woman he met at a bar while partying with his uncle in Palm Beach. Kennedy's "bad boy" image hurt his ability to fight the Supreme Court nomination of Clarence Thomas over allegations of harassment by former Thomas aide Anita Hill.
Kennedy credited his second wife Victoria Reggie, whom he married in 1992, for helping him turn his life around and redirecting him back to his political career and liberal agenda.
Over the decades, he put his imprint on every major piece of social legislation to clear Congress, compiling a long list of legislation on health care, civil rights, education, and immigration.
His Senate record included bills to provide health insurance for children of the working poor, the landmark 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, Meals on Wheels for the elderly, abortion clinic access, family leave, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Hugely popular among Democrats, Kennedy routinely won re-election by large margins. He was comfortable in his role as a thorn in the side of Republicans and leader of his party's liberal wing.
In May of 2008, he suffered a seizure at his Cape Cod home and was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor.
Kennedy remained involved after his diagnosis. He delivered a key address in support of President Obama during the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August 2008 and attended Obama's presidential inauguration, where he had to be taken away on a stretcher.
Though absent from the Senate for much of this year, his name is attached to health-care legislation and he wrote an op-ed piece in Newsweek in support of President Obama's health-care plan.
eBay birth certificate called fraud
Hospital refuses to authenticate document
Syria, Iraq recall ambassadors in falling-out over Damascus' terror haven
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 25, 2009, 7:10 PM (GMT+02:00)

Death, devastation engineered from Syria
Damascus has turned aside a demand from Baghdad to extradite two Iraqi Baathist leaders (Saddam Hussein's party) believed to have orchestrated from their base in eastern Syria the deadly coordinated bombing attacks which rocked the Iraqi capital on Aug. 19, killing 100 people and leaving more than 1,000 injured. This is reported by DEBKAfile's intelligence and counter-terror sources.
The Iraqi security authorities named Mohammad Younis al-Ahmed, head of the Baath party's military arm based in Damascus and his operations officer Sattam Farhan.
The demand followed broadcast confessions by detainees held in Iraq on suspicion of taking part in the atrocity. They named the two Syrian-based chiefs as having ordered the bombing attacks and providing the explosives.
The Assad regime responded to the Iraqi demand by recalling its ambassador from Baghdad. Iraqi reciprocated by summoning his ambassador home from Damascus.
DEBKA file reports that this row is highly relevant to the Obama administration's ambition to improve relations with Damascus.
On Aug. 13, a high-ranking US delegation headed by Fred Hoff, head of the Mitchell group's Syrian desk and Gen. Michael Moeller of the US Central Command arrived in Damascus. They were there to find out if president Bashar Assad was ready to put a stop the flow of terrorists and weapons from his country into Iraq and the smuggling of Iranian arms to the Hizballah in Lebanon? That willingness is perceived in Washington as the litmus test for a possible rapprochement. But almost two weeks have gone by and Assad has still not answer those questions.
A few days later, on Aug. 18, prime minister Nouri al-Maliki went to Damascus with the same query. He told the Americans that Iraq was a sovereign state and their intercession on its security problems was unnecessary. This time Assad flatly denied that Syria was permitting Iraqi Baath terrorists to operate from its soil. The following day, Baghdad suffered one of the worst terrorist attacks in his history. Maliki was thus treated to a test of his neighbor's two-faced attitude on terrorists. While promising to fight terrorists, Assad gives them free rein to operate undisturbed from bases in his country.