Infantryman based at Fort Campbell leaks shocking directive ordering soldiers to submit information on registration, location of weapons as well as Concealed Carry permits, order was stopped according to base officials
'Every passing day impacts lives of Americans'
8:18 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
An attorney handling one of the many lawsuits challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office is urging a court to deny a demand from a lawyer for the president for still more time to answer simple questions such as whether Obama was born in Hawaii, citing the dangers of having an president many identify as a "usurper" in office.
"Whether or not the president of the United States is eligible for the office he currently occupies is of utmost national important," wrote attorney Mario Apuzzo of New Jersey in a motion opposing Obama's request for more time.
"Every passing day Mr. Obama takes executive action, that significantly impacts on the lives of Americans," he continued.
"It can be argued that Mr. Obama is currently the most powerful human being on the planet. He could conceivably end all life on earth in a single day. Every executive action that Mr. Obama takes impacts not only the plaintiffs but also every other American," he said in the legal document submitted in the court case yesterday.
.........................................................................................................................................................................Campaign strikes chord on presidential eligibility issue
7:31 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
WASHINGTON – A national fund-raising campaign to erect billboards around the country questioning Barack Obama's eligibility for office was an instant hit with WND readers in its first 24 hours, said Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of the company and the man who came up with the idea.
"One thing I can say for certain after Day 1 of this campaign – billboards will soon be going up around the country," said Farah.
More than $10,000 has been raised thus far from many hundreds of donors – more than enough to begin putting up the first billboards. The average donation was $25. WND will keep viewers up to date when billboards are erected.
Farah said the campaign was born of frustration with timid elected officials in Washington, corrupt judges around the country and a news media that show a stunning lack of curiosity about the most basic facts of Obama's background – especially how it relates to constitutional eligibility for the highest office in the land.
*************************************************************************************************Iran stops funding for Russian MiG-31E Interceptor sale to Syria
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 20, 2009, 1:00 PM (GMT+02:00)
DEBKAfile's military and Iranian sources report that Moscow cancelled the $1 billion dollar sale because Tehran withheld funding as a cautionary step for Damascus against its going too far in its flirtations with Washington and Ankara.
The transaction signed in 2006 provided for Russia to sell the Syrian air force an unspecified number of advanced MiG-29M/M2 fighter-bombers and 8 MiG-29M/M2 fighters.
Wednesday, May 20, the official Russian arms export company Rosoboronexport announced the deal was off without explanation. Industry sources then released a mixed bag of pretexts.
One, that Moscow had never contracted to sell MiG planes to Damascus (even though on March 30, Russian military sources announced that 5 of the eight planes had been delivered.)
Another claimed that Moscow was unable to stand up to Israeli pressure to call the sale off.
A third that Syria had run out of funds to pay for the Russian warplanes because of the world economic crisis: "We never give them away gratis – even to our friends," said this Russian source.
Our sources disclose the real reason was Iran's refusal to pay for this important augmentation for the Syrian air force –partly because it was short of funds but mostly to caution Syrian ruler Bashar Assad that he had better stop or at least moderate his dialogue with the US and Turkey.
The MiG 31 E is rated one of the most effective interceptor aircraft in the world. Its Russian manufacturers boast that only four of these aircraft are enough to shield a territory 800-900 kilometers long from hostile aerial penetration. The stretch of land between the Israeli-Syrian border at its connecting point with Jordan and the Israel-Syrian-Lebanese border junction is 120 kilometers. Damascus had banked on a close formation of MiG 31 E warplanes to protect the country from Israel aerial encroachments across this border, through Lebanon or the Mediterranean from the west.
Israeli air force hits Hamas-Gaza hard amid Lebanon border tensions
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 20, 2009, 8:40 AM (GMT+02:00)

Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter-bombers
In response to twin Qassam missile attack on Sderot from Gaza Tuesday, May 19, the Israeli Air Force went into action early Wednesday against a range of Hamas positions in Rafah, Khan Younes, Zeitun and Tufah suburbs of Gaza city and, Deir Balakh. DEBKAfile's military sources report that several Sinai-Gaza smuggling tunnels, missile foundries and three Hamas command posts in Gaza City were struck in Israel's most extensive Gaza raid since its major offensive ended in January.
The Palestinians reported casualties.
Tuesday night, the Palestinians fired a twin Qassam volley at Sderot. One missile injured a man and damaged his home. That morning, Shin Bet director Yuval Diskin told the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee that Hamas needed a respite for rearming and regrouping after the Israeli offensive. Hamas launched Qassams against Sderot to prove him wrong and show US president Barack Obama and the Israeli prime minister Netanyahu in Washington who really called the shots in the Gaza Strip.
After Sderot was hit, defense minister Ehud Barak hurriedly consulted with Netanyahu at the tail end of his Washington visit. They decided on powerful aerial retaliation. This was all the more necessary as Hamas was deemed to be testing the new Israeli government's military reflexes and resolve.
Another factor was the Hizballah leader's decision of May 18 to raise border tension with Israel to boost its campaign to sweep Lebanon's election on June 7.
Also Tuesday, the Obama administration urgently consigned vice president Joseph Biden to Beirut. He arrives May 22 to openly back the pro-Western government parties' bid for re-election against Iran's Hizballah and pro-Syrian factions, led by Gen. Michel Aoun. Lebanon's fall into Iranian-Syrian hands would drastically set back Washington's Middle East positions and plans.
Biden will be coming from the Balkans, another touch-and-go region for the US. Tuesday, he warned Muslim members of the Bosnian-Herzegovinan parliament to stop provoking a revival of tensions among Bosnians, Serbs and Croatians.

Jim Rogers: Obama will Devastate the Economy
Obama embraces Muslim world
Bibi’s from Mars,
Obama’s from Venus
Yitzhak Benhorin
WASHINGTON - Something like this was unheard of in Barak Obama’s White House. Since his inauguration on January 20, the young president met with more than 50 heads of state, yet there is no precedent for such lengthy meeting. Not at a time where the American president is forced to deal with a plethora of grave problems that do not allow him to waste time on a meeting without taking a tough decision in its course. Barack Obama changed the rules of the diplomatic game in Washington, in the spirit of his pledge for change during the election campaign. He received Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a tête-à-tête that ran for longer than expected, while shunning protocol. Overall, the two leaders spent four hours together, mostly on their own and some of the time with their aides. Obama entered the meeting with Netanyahu convinced in his ability to develop a personal relationship of trust, which is critical for any progress. He decided to do the job on his own, and only let in the aides later to put things in order. Both leaders wanted us to think this was a successful meeting. Both of them have a clear interest in conveying a sense of success. Obama said the talks were exceptionally productive. For Netanyahu it was important that it be understood that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. An Israeli prime minister cannot survive over time if the Israeli public thinks he is ruining the special relationship with the US. Netanyahu and Obama seemed at ease as they sat next to each other in the Oval Office facing the journalists and photographers. They leaned towards each other and exchanges pleasant smiles. Yet positive body language cannot cover deep gaps, and these were revealed quickly.
Who will stop smiling first?The Iranian issue was at the focus of the meeting. Obama stressed that until the end of the year it will be clarified whether there is someone to talk to on the Iranian side. This is a partial achievement for Israel, to have an American president set a timetable, even though he rushed to clarify that he will not set a target date for the Iranians. Netanyahu said he left the meeting with Obama more encouraged than he entered it in respect to the Iran issue. Are you satisfied by this timetable? I asked the prime minister. He turned his head as if he didn’t hear the question.Netanyahu’s predecessor, Ehud Olmert, also left his meetings with President Bush happy and satisfied on the Iranian issue. Every time, he left the meetings in the Oval Office with a smile on his face. Yet Iran continued to fool the world and cross one red line after another. If on the Iranian front we could recognize some kind of forward movement, on the Palestinian issue Obama and Netanyahu are still stuck in the bunker. One is from Mars and the other is from Venus, and both of them landed in the Oval Office. It is quite clear that Barak Obama does not intend to shift America’s basic positions: Two states for two nations and a freeze on settlement construction. Obama intends to embark on a new and broader peace initiative in an effort to advance Israeli normalization vis-à-vis Arab states. |
(Dominique Faget/AFP/Getty Images)
New economic data released on Friday shows that Europe’s economy is actually doing far worse then many economists originally thought. Germany is now in the deepest recession of any major economy. Italy, Austria, Spain and the Netherlands are suffering the worst slump since World War ii.
Biden Reveals Location of Secret VP Bunker

The 'Where's the birth certificate?' campaign
Would you like to see this billboard in your town?
9:33 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
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Would you like to see more awareness of the serious questions about Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president of the United States? Are you frustrated by the lack of media coverage of this constitutional issue? How would you like to join in a campaign to generate public debate and discussion?
WND, the only news agency in the world that has relentlessly pounded the eligibility questions, is ready to up the ante – with your help.
Labor could loom large in mid-term elections
9:45 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Unemployment in March was 20 percent higher in so-called "blue states" won by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in last fall's presidential election than in "red states" won by Republican candidate John McCain, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
If unemployment numbers in the blue states do not begin improving soon, the Democratic Party may start expressing concerns about 2010 mid-term election losses in both governor races and in Congress, many political observers say.
The baseball statistician and political predictor at FiveThirtyEight.com already has forecast that Obama will need to sustain a 65-percent approval rating to avoid losing the House of Representatives in the 2010 elections in which voters traditionally weigh economic issues particularly strong.
************************************************************************************************Diskin: Hamas will not give Mid East peace a chance
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 19, 2009, 1:31 PM (GMT+02:00)

Shin Bet Director Yuval Diskin
US president Barack Obama's plan to launch a fresh Middle East initiative is a non-starter as long as the extremist Hamas rules the Gaza Strip, said Shin Bet (internal security agency) director Yuval Diskin Tuesday, May 19. He was commenting to the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee on the extensive talks the US president held with Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu at the White House Monday.
Hamas will not let go of the Gaza Strip or its fundamentalist ideology, Diskin warned, while the Palestinian Authority is equally determined to hold on to the West Bank. But if elections were held on the West Bank today, Hamas would win.
After meeting Netanyahu, Obama reaffirmed his belief in a Palestinian state alongside Israel as the solution for the Middle East conflict. Netanyahu said the Palestinians should govern themselves but warned that the West Bank could easily deteriorate into a "Hamastan."
In Gaza City, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum, in a statement denouncing the Obama-Netanyahu summit, accused the US president of failing to bring change to US policy or counter the prime minister's demand for Israel's recognition as a Jewish state. Hamas forbids the PA to resume negotiations with the "Zionist enemy" because of "the great danger they would pose for the Palestinian people."
Hamas and Fatah delegates wound up the sixth round of their power-sharing talks in Cairo Monday without breaking their impasse.
Genesis Chapter 12
US-Israel summit shadowed by Obama's soft stand on Iranian enrichment
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
May 19, 2009, 12:08 AM (GMT+02:00)

Iran has consistently fooled international nuclear monitors
DEBKAfile's Washington sources report that the gap between US president Barack Obama and Israel prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Iran was wider even than on the Palestinian issue. Overshadowing their outwardly easy conversation was the US president's growing inclination to meet Iran halfway on uranium enrichment and call off UN and American sanctions if Tehran allows international monitoring of the process.
Our intelligence sources report that Obama is seriously considering taking up the Anglo-German proposal for an international monitoring mechanism strict enough to preclude Iran's attainment of weapons-grade enriched uranium.
The president was convinced by American intelligence and nuclear experts that this can be done. He also believes that nothing will persuade Tehran to cede its right to enrichment activity on its soil.
Israeli intelligence and military experts take the opposite view. They believe the Anglo-German plan gives Iran the perfect cover for concealing its race for a nuclear bomb, a misgiving shared by the political and military establishments of the moderate Arab governments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.
It is their view that if Obama adopts this plan, Iran can be sure of arriving at a nuclear weapon capability by the end of 2010.
This dispute did not come up in the Obama-Netanyahu conversation. Both skated around the Iranian nuclear threat separately without touching on options outside diplomacy. The US president said he was in the process of "reaching out" to Iran and was confident he could persuade Tehran's rulers that a nuclear weapon was not in their best interest if they wanted to be fully accepted as part of the international community. He did not mention uranium enrichment or a military option against Iran. Neither would he accept a deadline for negotiations with Tehran, except to say that at the end of the year, "we will see where we stand."
But asked later to comment, Netanyahu said: "We will defend ourselves."
Seen from outside Washington, by Iran's neighbors, Israeli and Arab alike, President Obama has made Iran the gift of seven clear months for developing its nuclear capabilities and enrichment undisturbed.
The only thing left to the Israeli prime minister was to commend "the president's firm commitment that Iran will not attain a nuclear weapon."
Pelosi's approval rating plummets

The bombshell that Mel Gibson's mistress is pregnant EXPLODES in media-land today - but ENQUIRER readers knew the scoop two weeks ago!