

HAVERHILL — Keni Garcia told police he intended to use the 30,000 bullets they found in his car and home for target practice.
That is hard to believe, the prosecutor at Garcia's arraignment said, because if he were to fire a gun for eight hours a day, it would take weeks for him to use all of it.
Garcia, who allegedly bought thousands of rounds of ammunition and had 10,000 bullets in his car when he was stopped by police Thursday, was ordered held on $500,000 cash bail yesterday.
(Shah Marai/AFP/Getty Images)
The Obama administration’s policies are making another terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland “inevitable,” according to a former FBI agent. In an interview with Newsmax, John Vincent said the U.S. administration is repeating the mistakes of the past, leaving the country vulnerable.
Tim Geithner Attended Bilderberg

Author sheds light on 'backbone' of U.S. support for Jewish state
3:07 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
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JERUSALEM – Christians are the "backbone" of grassroots U.S. support for the Jewish state and could be crucial in lobbying lawmakers against supporting White House policies that may be detrimental to Israel, according to a Mideast reporter and author.
"Most American Jews seem to have either abandoned Israel or endorse suicidal Israeli land concessions to the Palestinians. It is the Christians in America who are the real backbone of support there for the Jewish state," exclaimed WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein in a full-house speech at the prestigious Israel Center in Jerusalem.
But Klein warned most Americans – both Christians and Jews – are not aware of the full dangers the Obama administration poses to Israel, including specific ways the U.S. is helping to physically divide Jerusalem and exclusive information on how the White House may open dialogue with the Hamas terrorist organization.
Klein was speaking about the under-reported threats faced by the Jewish state as documented in his blockbuster new book, "The Late Great State of Israel." .
He urged all supporters of Israel to immediately read the book to fully realize the "shocking" truth.
The great Mideast democracy is headed down a road that, if not altered, may result in catastrophe, warned Klein.

*************************************************************************************************Top aide says Iranian threat central to highly anticipated White House meeting
4:07 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Binyamin Netanyahu, Barack Obama |
JERUSALEM – There may be "some differences in approach" between the White House and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli leader's national security adviser acknowledged ahead of a highly anticipated meeting between the two tomorrow.
"There are many hurdles on the road to living side by side in peace with the Palestinians," continued Uzi Arad, pointing to the takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007 by the Hamas terrorist organization.
"That is the presence of a huge terrorist infrastructure that was put in place, established precisely at the time when Israel evacuated Gaza and allowed the Palestinians to rule themselves," he said.
Arad, a close Netanyahu aide, said the threat posed by Iran will be central to tomorrow's discussions.
"This is an existential matter," he said. "Iran is constantly advancing toward a nuclear capability, and joint efforts with the [Obama] administration to prevent this will be at the center of the discussion."
He said Netanyahu and Obama will discuss formulating policies working to diminish the Iranian threat.
"Both countries' goal of blocking Iran from achieving that capability definitely will be at the heart of the talks, and I imagine there will be a detailed discussion of the most effective means to achieve this aim," Arad said.
"There is a sense of urgency on our side" said Arad, adding Netanyahu will be "emphatic in emphasizing that sense of urgency."
An aide to Netanyahu, speaking to WND from Washington, said the Israeli leader does not expect any public clashes with Obama. He did say, however, that Netanyahu will express his concern that Obama's talks with Tehran could be used by the Iranians as a smokescreen to develop nuclear weapons. The aide said Netanyahu will recommend setting firm deadlines for Iran to show serious progress.
US Treasury targets Syria-based al Qaeda facilitator for Iraq
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 18, 2009, 1:57 PM (GMT+02:00)

US Marines patrol al Qaeda Syria-Iraq river route
DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources report that Saad Uwayyid Ubayd Mujil al Shammari aka Abu Khalaf - named by Washington as the senior leader of al Qaeda's Syria-based support network – has been permitted by Damascus Syrian intelligence to step up the flow of suicide bombers into Iraq to 20-30 a month.
Abu Khalaf is a threat to "the safety of Coalition forces and the stability of Iraq," said Stuart Levey, US Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial intelligence.
Our sources add that in the early diplomatic exchanges between Washington and Damascus during February and March 2009, Syrian president Bashar Assad ordered his intelligence, which regulates terrorist smuggling, to reduce the flow of foreign al Qaeda terrorists into Iraq. But when he saw US presidential envoys visiting Damascus on a regular footing and the start of a thaw in relations, the Syrian ruler felt he could safely lift restraints on the al Qaeda infiltrations to Iraq organized by Abu Khalaf.
In April, therefore, the number of US military deaths in Iraq shot up to 18 in April - double the March figure.
On May 1, after several months of calm, two US marines and a seaman died in a firefight in Anbar province, W. Iraq with a group of al Qaeda suicide killers sent into Iraq from Syria.
The US command in Iraq tried to keep the episode quiet. However, DEBKAfile's sources disclose that it was painful evidence that al Qaeda, enabled by the Syrian regime, had gone back to smuggling suicide bombers, weapons and explosives through its old route from eastern Syria along the Euphrates River into Anbar.
The terrorists use the dense vegetation on the river banks to move by water and land safe from ground and aerial surveillance. Special US Marine forces patrol the river by boat to intercept al Qaeda gangs as they slip through to Anbar. On May 1, one of those patrols was ambushed.
The US command in Iraq warned president Barack Obama, defense secretary Robert Gates and secretary of state Hillary Clinton that the continued flow of suicide jihadis from Syria could jeopardize the June 30 deadline for the first US troops to leave Iraq.
In response, on May 8, the president renewed US sanctions against Syria for "providing support to terrorists." DEBKAfile's Middle East and military sources strongly doubt that Assad will heed the message and put a stop to the activities of Abu Khalaf, who since last year has also been recruiting North Africans for al Qaeda's Iraq networks. Tehran and Damascus believe that stepping up the military pressure on the United States in Iraq will foist their negotiating terms on the Obama administration instead of letting Washington call the shots.
Isaiah Chapter 17
א מַשָּׂא, דַּמָּשֶׂק: הִנֵּה דַמֶּשֶׂק מוּסָר מֵעִיר, וְהָיְתָה מְעִי מַפָּלָה. | 1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. |

Biden Reveals Location of Secret VP Bunker
The vice president, well-known for his verbal gaffes, confirms at a dinner the existence and location of a secret hidden bunker that Cheney is believed to have used after the 9/11 attacks.




Deuteronomy Chapter 28

1:00 am Eastern
© 2009
I've said it all along.
Sooner or later, the truth is going to come out about Barack Obama's eligibility – or ineligibility – to serve as president of the United States.
It might take 20 years to get to the bottom of this mystery. But, eventually, the American people will find out whether he is indeed a "natural born citizen," as required by the Constitution.
I've been told a thousand times by smart people to let this matter go. It's just considered a hot potato. If you talk about matters like this publicly, I'm warned, you run the risk of being marginalized as a whacked-out kook job. It's risky, they say, because, at any moment, Obama might just pull out the long-form, vault-copy of the birth certificate and make you look stupid. He's president, they say, whether you like it or not – and nothing is going to change that.
None of that resonates with me, because, as an American, I believe the Constitution is the law of the land. Once I give up on that basic premise, America no longer even has the potential of pulling itself up by the bootstraps out of the lawlessness it has embraced and rediscovering all that made us great and different.
At odds with Obama, Netanyahu heads to U.S.
Saudi inventor applies for rights to GPS-linked lethal security device
Posted: May 16, 2009
11:00 pm Eastern
By Jay Baggett
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
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You can run, but you cannot hide ... and if you try, one push of a button will cause a lethal poison to immediately begin flowing through your body.
That's the Orwellian future a Saudi inventor was seeking to bring to Germany until that nation's patent office announced last week it was rejecting his request to patent what has been dubbed the "Killer Chip."
The tiny semiconductor device is intended to be surgically implanted or injected into the body, according to the patent application, for the purpose of tracking visitors from other nations by global-positioning satellites and preventing them from overstaying their visas.
A German Patent and Trademark Office spokeswoman told Deutsche Presse Agentur the inventor's application, titled "Implantation of electronic chips in the human body for the purposes of determining its geographical location," was submitted in October 2007 and published 18 months later, as required by law, in a patents database.
Under Germany's patent law, inventions that are unethical or a danger to the public are not recognized.
************************************************************************************************Jordan's Abdullah to name his 9-year son crown prince, sack Hazme
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
May 17, 2009, 1:10 PM (GMT+02:00)

Prince Hussein tapped as next in line for throne
Jordan's King Abdullah II has been hyperactive on the Palestinian issue in the last few days, announcing "new initiatives," to draw attention from his highly controversial royal decision which has taken Amman by storm.
According to DEBKAfile's Middle East sources, the king is about to appoint his 9-year old son, Hussein, crown prince, after summarily sacking from the post his 27-year old half-brother Prince Hazme, son of the late King Hussein and US-born Queen Noor who lives in America.
This decision has aroused a major to-do in the royal court as well as opposition in Jordan's government and military elite. They fear Abdullah has plunged the kingdom into a period of instability and criticize his appointment of a young child as first in line to the throne as inappropriate and irresponsible.
They also accuse him of breaking a deathbed promise to his father.
When King Hussein knew he was dying of cancer in 1999, he pulled the post of crown prince from his brother, Prince Hassan, and passed it to his own son, Abdullah, against a pledge to appoint Prince Hamze next in line to the throne.
Whaddya mean, 'America is not a Christian nation'?
Congressmen challenge Obama assertion by drafting 'spiritual heritage' legislation
8:45 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
While Barack Obama has repeatedly claimed that the U.S. is "no longer a Christian nation," several members of Congress have taken a stand to boldly disagree.
A bipartisan group of 25 members of the House of Representatives earlier this month submitted H.Res. 397, which calls on Congress to affirm "the rich spiritual and religious history of our nation's founding and subsequent history" and to designate the first week of May as America's Spiritual Heritage Week for "the appreciation of and education on America's history of religious faith."
Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., specifically challenged the president's claims that America is not a Christian nation in a news conference announcing the bill immediately following last week's National Day of Prayer observance.
"The overwhelming evidence suggests that this nation was born and birthed with Judeo-Christian principles," Forbes told reporters, "and I would challenge anybody to tell me that point in time when we ceased to be so, because it doesn't exist."
The bill itself cites over 70 historical references and quotes from past presidents, Founding Fathers and Supreme Court decisions as proof that Judeo-Christian principles have been the foundation of our nation.
H.Res. 397, which has now accumulated 41 cosponsors, not only calls on Congress to affirm the nation's spiritual heritage, but also resolves that the U.S. House of Representatives "rejects, in the strongest possible terms, any effort to remove, obscure or purposely omit such history from our nation's public buildings and educational resources."
Video of Forbes presenting his argument for the bill's passage on the floor of the House can be seen below: