

The Department of Homeland Security Plans To Build A High-Risk Virus Research Center In The Heart Of America: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is set to begin construction on a new high-risk bio-weapons research facility on the campus of Kansas State University in Manhattan, though critics say the decision is fraught with risk because of the potential for damage from nearby earthquake fault lines. In a statement on its Web site, DHS said it needs the new facility to replace an aging one located at Greenport, N.Y. That facility, known as the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, has been in operation since 1954 and is nearing the end of its useful life. more
Brent At $126 As Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 To Attack Iran: Looking at the tranquil sea that is the S&P one may be forgiven to ignore the rapid intraday surge in Brent which was up over $3 in a few hours, approaching $126 once again. But why? After all the FOMC minutes were oh so very slightly hawkish, and not to mention that the Fed's scribe Hilsenrath told everyone at best the Fed would proceed with sterilized QE which would leave risk prices untouched. Maybe it has something to do with this. According to Israel's NRG, in a just completed cabinet vote, for the first time Netanyahu has gotten a majority (8 over 6) supporting an Iran attack. more
Iran Threatens Hormuz and World Oil Supply After Trade Links Cutoff: Former Intelligence Minister Ali Falahian, Iran’s senior spokesman on sanctions, said Sunday, March 18, that if the US and Europe think they can ignore international law to promote their interests, they should know that Iran will respond in kind everywhere it can. “I suggest that the West take seriously our threat to close the Strait of Hormuz,” he said in Tehran’s first response to the SWIFT decision to sever ties with Iranian banks to enforce European sanctions on its nuclear program. A large fleet of 4 US and French nuclear aircraft carriers and eight minesweepers and mine-hunting helicopters have piled up on both sides of the Strait of Hormuz, through which 17 percent of the world’s daily oil supply passes, and Israeli naval vessels have deployed in the Red Sea. more
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Iran threatens Hormuz and world oil supply after trade links cutoff
Vets Angry Over American Flag Featuring Obama: Tempers are flaring over a version of the American flag flying in Lake County. A veterans group says the flag is an outrage. The flag, which features a picture of President Obama, was taken down Tuesday afternoon. Korean war veteran Don Van Beck said his blood was boiling. "I can't describe how upset was because you just don't do that to the American flag," Van Beck said. Van Beck found it flying outside Lake County Democratic headquarters under the stars and stripes. Marine Corps vet John Masterjohn was seeing red. more
Remarkable Week-Long March Heat Wave Hitting U.S. A highly unusual week-long heat wave is building over much of the U.S., and promises to bring the warmest temperatures ever seen so early in year to a large portion of the Midwest. The exceptional heat will also be exceptionally long-lasting: record-breaking temperatures 20 - 30 degrees F above normal are expected today through next Wednesday for much of the Midwest and Northeast U.S. The weather system responsible is a large upper-level ridge of high pressure that is "stuck" in place--a phenomenon known as a "blocking pattern." more
Friends No More? Egypt’s MPs declare Israel No. 1 Enemy: Egypt calls Israel its number one enemy, saying it will “revise all its relations and agreements” with Tel Aviv. In a protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza, Egyptian MPs have voted to expel Israel's Ambassador in Cairo, and to halt gas exports. ?"Egypt will never be the friend, partner or ally of the Zionist entity [Israel] which we consider as the first enemy of Egypt and the Arab nation," reads the text of a report prepared by the Arab Affairs Committee of the People's Assembly, the lower house of Egyptian parliament. more
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Iran threatens N. Israel with bombardment from Lebanon

The Department of Homeland Security Plans To Build A High-Risk Virus Research Center In The Heart Of America: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is set to begin construction on a new high-risk bio-weapons research facility on the campus of Kansas State University in Manhattan, though critics say the decision is fraught with risk because of the potential for damage from nearby earthquake fault lines. In a statement on its Web site, DHS said it needs the new facility to replace an aging one located at Greenport, N.Y. That facility, known as the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, has been in operation since 1954 and is nearing the end of its useful life. more
Brent At $126 As Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 To Attack Iran: Looking at the tranquil sea that is the S&P one may be forgiven to ignore the rapid intraday surge in Brent which was up over $3 in a few hours, approaching $126 once again. But why? After all the FOMC minutes were oh so very slightly hawkish, and not to mention that the Fed's scribe Hilsenrath told everyone at best the Fed would proceed with sterilized QE which would leave risk prices untouched. Maybe it has something to do with this. According to Israel's NRG, in a just completed cabinet vote, for the first time Netanyahu has gotten a majority (8 over 6) supporting an Iran attack. more
Iran Threatens Hormuz and World Oil Supply After Trade Links Cutoff: Former Intelligence Minister Ali Falahian, Iran’s senior spokesman on sanctions, said Sunday, March 18, that if the US and Europe think they can ignore international law to promote their interests, they should know that Iran will respond in kind everywhere it can. “I suggest that the West take seriously our threat to close the Strait of Hormuz,” he said in Tehran’s first response to the SWIFT decision to sever ties with Iranian banks to enforce European sanctions on its nuclear program. A large fleet of 4 US and French nuclear aircraft carriers and eight minesweepers and mine-hunting helicopters have piled up on both sides of the Strait of Hormuz, through which 17 percent of the world’s daily oil supply passes, and Israeli naval vessels have deployed in the Red Sea. more

Iran War Game Predicts Dire Consequences For US Forces After Israeli Attack
Ehud Barak to sign deal for delivery of sixth German-made submarine
Syrian ‘Protesters’ Carrying Out Torture, Executions
Dick Gregory Got Warning To Leave New York Night Before 9/11
The US Is Sitting On A 200-Year Supply Of Oil

Executive-order panic: Martial law in U.S.?
Obama Executive ‘Order’: US can seize any person, any resource, any time
The Obama Administration: All Your Privacy And All Your Stuff Belong To Us
Holder 1995: We Must ‘Brainwash’ People on Guns
If a President Has a Power to Assassinate You…
Poll: U.S. faces constitutional crisis on Obama
Gas prices up for 10th straight day
3-Year-Old Boy In Wheelchair Harassed By TSA
Medical terrorism in Michigan? Parents forced by the state to poison their child with cancer-causing chemicals
Iran threatens Hormuz and world oil supply after trade links cutoff
FEMA Corps To Be Brownshirts For Homeland Security Emergency Response?
Obama signed a new Exec. Order in the night that allows him to take over all libertys 3/16/12
Fires of Hate Burn on in Afghanistan
DHS and ICE Order 450 Million Rounds of .40 Caliber Ammo
Why Did The DHS Just Order 450 Million Rounds of .40 Caliber Ammunition?
Stunning video: GOP leaders cheat Ron Paul?
'Media establishment has no power over Rush'
Rush: Media ignoring Sheriff Joe death threat
"Massacre carried out by 15 to 20 soldiers"
Up to 20 US troops executed Panjwai massacre: probe
George Clooney: The Globalist Operative
Is God of Israel speaking to America?
Most of Israel security cabinet backs Iran strike
Carbonite crashing after Limbaugh trashing
Rush and the new blacklist
Racist Anti-Obama Sticker Makes Rounds On Facebook
Muslim chief demands destruction of churches
Is Ron Paul the victim of voter fraud?
Vets Angry Over American Flag Featuring Obama: Tempers are flaring over a version of the American flag flying in Lake County. A veterans group says the flag is an outrage. The flag, which features a picture of President Obama, was taken down Tuesday afternoon. Korean war veteran Don Van Beck said his blood was boiling. "I can't describe how upset was because you just don't do that to the American flag," Van Beck said. Van Beck found it flying outside Lake County Democratic headquarters under the stars and stripes. Marine Corps vet John Masterjohn was seeing red. more
Remarkable Week-Long March Heat Wave Hitting U.S. A highly unusual week-long heat wave is building over much of the U.S., and promises to bring the warmest temperatures ever seen so early in year to a large portion of the Midwest. The exceptional heat will also be exceptionally long-lasting: record-breaking temperatures 20 - 30 degrees F above normal are expected today through next Wednesday for much of the Midwest and Northeast U.S. The weather system responsible is a large upper-level ridge of high pressure that is "stuck" in place--a phenomenon known as a "blocking pattern." more
Friends No More? Egypt’s MPs declare Israel No. 1 Enemy: Egypt calls Israel its number one enemy, saying it will “revise all its relations and agreements” with Tel Aviv. In a protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza, Egyptian MPs have voted to expel Israel's Ambassador in Cairo, and to halt gas exports. ?"Egypt will never be the friend, partner or ally of the Zionist entity [Israel] which we consider as the first enemy of Egypt and the Arab nation," reads the text of a report prepared by the Arab Affairs Committee of the People's Assembly, the lower house of Egyptian parliament. more

Leviticus Chapter 26 וַיִּקְרָא
Iran threatens N. Israel with bombardment from Lebanon
Obama gets dubbed 'chief lunatic'
Businessman asked to remove American flag
Donald Trump: Say it is so, Sheriff Joe
Why Romney can't win
Netanyahu Talks of Full Scale Ground Invasion of Gaza
Severe Drought Threatens Texas Agriculture
Who Decided That It Was Okay To Replace The Stars On The American Flag With The Face Of Barack Obama?
US Delivers Iran ‘Final’ Ultimatum
Gun Shops Cite Obama Re-Election Fears As Sales Surge
Washington Plans War on Syria
Why Are Millions Of Americans Preparing For Doomsday?
It’s now illegal to know what’s in your food
‘US warns Iran: Accede or be attacked’
Major US Airport To Evict TSA Screeners
Congressman questions Obama birth certificate
Stunner! Balanced CBS report on Arpaio probe

O'Reilly: I'm too busy to report on Obama eligibility