Israel Pounds Gaza Hard: ‘Whoever Tries to Murder Children Will Pay With Their Life’
Donald Trump: "Obama Has Been The Worst President Ever"
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
O'Reilly falsely claims Conn.
was residence for Obama Sr.

Fox News host tries to explain anomaly
in president's Social Security number
Arizona legislature OKs eligibility proof demand

Guv's signature would make state 1st to call for candidates' documentation
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP Photo
BATF Raid of Indiana Gun Shop or Entrapment?
They are After Our Guns!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First panic in Assad regime: High Syrian officials evacuate families
Sweating yet? Eligibility verification just 1 vote from governor

Busted: TSA lied about promise not to grope children
Parents Threatened by TSA Before 6 Year Old was Groped, Girl then Broke Down in Tears
Paper: Obama’s Speech Most ‘Dishonest in Decades’
Jesse Ventura Talks TSA Groping With Lou Dobbs
Is the US cabal hiding a nuclear weapons programme inside Japanese GE reactor plants such as Fukushima?
The Rockefeller-controlled General Electric Company has several Trojan Horses in Japan. Is Fukushima now outed as one of them?
Confused and conflicting reports coming out of the Fukushima 1 nuclear plant cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns, bungling or miscommunication. Inexplicable delays and half-baked explanations from TEPCO (the Tokyo Electric Power Company) and METI (the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) appear to be driven by some unspoken factor. The smoke and mirrors at Fukushima 1 seem to obscure a steady purpose, an iron will and a grim task unknown to outsiders. The most logical explanation is that the nuclear industry and government agencies are scrambling to prevent the discovery of atomic-bomb research facilities hidden inside Japan's civilian nuclear power plants.
A secret nuclear weapons program is a ghost in the machine, detectable only when the system of information control momentarily lapses or breaks down. A close look must be taken at the gap between the official account and unexpected events.
TEPCO initially reported that three reactors were operating at the time of the 11th March 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Then a hydrogen explosion ripped Unit 3, run on MOX (plutonium-uranium mixed oxide). Unit 6 immediately disappeared from the list of operational reactors, as highly lethal particles of plutonium billowed out of Unit 3. Plutonium is used in small, easily-delivered nuclear warheads.
A fire ignited inside the damaged housing of the Unit 4 reactor, reportedly due to overheating of spent uranium fuel rods in a dry cooling pool. But the size of the fire indicates that this reactor was running hot for some purpose other than electricity generation. Its omission from the list of electricity-generating operations raises the question of whether Unit 4 was being used to enrich uranium, the first step of the process leading to extraction of weapons-grade fissionable material.
The bloom of irradiated seawater across the Pacific comprises another piece of the puzzle, because its underground source is either untraceable or unmentionable. The flooded labyrinth of pipes, where the bodies of two missing nuclear workers (never before disclosed to the press) were found, could well contain the answer to the mystery: a GE nuclear weapons lab which none dare name.
In reaction to Prime Minister Naoto Kan's demand for prompt reporting of problems, the pro-nuclear lobby has closed ranks, fencing off and freezing out the Prime Minister's office from vital information. A grand alliance of nuclear proponents now includes TEPCO, GE, METI, the former ruling Liberal Democratic Party and the US White House.
Cabinet ministers in charge of communication and national emergencies recently lambasted METI head Banri Kaeda for acting as both nuclear promoter and regulator in charge of the now-muzzled Nuclear and Industrial Safety Commission. TEPCO struck back quickly, blaming the prime minister's helicopter fly-over for delaying venting of volatile gases and thereby causing a blast at Reactor 2. For "health reasons,” TEPCO's president retreated to a hospital ward, cutting Kan's line of communication with the company and undermining his site visit to Fukushima 1.
Naoto Kan is furthered hampered by his ongoing feud with underworld powerbroker and rival Ichiro Ozawa, the only Japanese political operator with the clout to challenge the formidable pro-nuclear coalition. But Ozawa, an ex-President of the Democratic Party of Japan, appears to have been bought-and-paid-for by others. In the past he has been very obedient to his City of London Crown Temple syndicate controllers. Ichiro Ozawa is said to have had a special satellite-operated microchip installed in his heart which can induce a fatal ventricular fibrillation at the flick of a London switch. More background here (20.10.09).
The London Crown moneymen control the US cabal through the US Federal Reserve nexus. But do they still have de facto control of GE? Or is an élite, fissiparous, end-time row about to break surface? Japan may yet prove to be Western civilisation's final catalyst.
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Poll: Even left
leaving Obama

Look how many voters want
new White House occupant
Trump popularity skyrockets as he questions eligibility
Nuclear Nightmare Getting Worse, Yet Propaganda Continues
Top Scientist: Fukushima Meltdown Could Trigger Atomic Explosion
65 Ways That Everything Is Being Systematically Taken Away From You

The uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad is still spreading. Tuesday, April 12, it reached the Assad family's own Alawite tribes and the key Sunni city of Aleppo, where more than 10,000 marched for his removal. Assad fought back by mobilizing all his military and security resources, including the loyal young thugs of the shabbiha gangs. They are ordered to shoot to kill and not permit ambulances to collect the wounded. Tanks seal the restive towns of Daraa, Banias, Latakia and Hama.
Read more...................................................................................
Donald Trump: I'm Obama's Worst Nightmare
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
1st Quran,
now this?

Controversial pastor reveals plans
if Muhammad found 'guilty' next
Game-changer: The next eligibility shoe to drop

Another Earthquake, Tsunami Hit Japan
I'm aware of no one-piece barrels for the Hi Power that came from FN after the early '60's. So far as I know, they've all been two-piece, at least since the time in which the locking lug dimensions were changed. I do have a couple of early Bar-Sto match barrels that are one-piece, but later ones are two-piece. I've noticed no increase in accuracy of the one-piece barrels over the conventional two-piece barrels, nor have I noticed them coming apart or being less durable than the one-piece barrels.
In this picture, you can see the seam on the FN factory barrel. I have no exact reason for the use of two-piece barrels, but suspect strongly that it was for ease of manufacturing.
Some years ago, a gun magazine did a test on various 1911 barrels that ranged from GI surplus to the match barrels from some really good makers. They fired the barrels via a device that locked the barrel firmly in place. To cut to the conclusion, there was very, very little difference between any of the barrels in terms of their purely inherent accuracy. I believe this included a two-piece Springfield Armory barrel as well as some other factory barrels.
There are reports of Browning Hi Power barrels failing after a great number of shots, but I don't recall any of them separating. There very well may be some such incidents, but I'm betting that they're statistically rare. With as many Hi Powers in use around the world, if it was a real problem, it would have been addressed by now.
I don't think it matters.
People Think Head Scars Prove Obama’s Had Brain Surgery

He has been plagued with questions and doubts concerning his background throughout his first term as President.
Questions like - is Barack Obama actually American? Is he a Muslim? Is he actually an alien from another planet? - have frequently been asked.
The next question circulating on the internet - has President Obama had brain surgery?
Internet blog sites, conspiracy theorists and forums are awash with rumours as to what those mystery scars on the president's head are from.
In pictures, Obama appears to have a long scar which goes up the side of his head and over his crown.
Some conspiracy theorists claim they are scars that you would see on someone who has had brain surgery.