Malachi Chapter 1 מַלְאָכִי

Former KGB Agent Mikhail Kryzhanovsky Claims There is a CIA Conspiracy to Build a Socialist America.


It's All Coming Together! Posted: Thursday, July 08, 2010 - written by jerry golden | |
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War seems to be on everyone's mind here in the We are reminded often by the Ruach Ha Koddesh (Holy Spirit) not to be distracted from the things God has called us to - but to keep our eyes on God and His Righteousness; for not only lives, but eternal relationships, are in the balance. Like so many others, I find myself leaning toward the negative things that seem to overwhelm us. Yet the truth is that God's Word is moving forward as prophesied in His Word - and for this we know our redemption is near. |

Genesis Chapter 11 בְּרֵאשִׁית
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
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Zbigniew Brzezinski: "It is easier to kill one million people, than it is to control them
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis July 10, 2010, 12:55 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: US-Russian spy swap

Friday, July 9, 10 Russian agents were deported by the United State and put on a plane to Vienna where it was met by a Russian plane carrying the four US spies to be swapped. The Russians flew back to Moscow. Two of the four received by the US were dropped off in Britain; the rest flew on to Washington.
So ended a spy episode every colorful detail of which the clandestine agencies concerned freely shared with the Western public, allowing themselves be caricatured as the outdated survivals of bygone Cold War days.
Like most other experts, debkafile's intelligence sources have no doubt that what the public saw was only a fragment of the full story. For instance, why if the White House was briefed in February about a possible deal to swap 11 Russian agents, was all the hoopla over their capture staged only six months later - or at all?
It would have been more normal for the eleven "moles" to be quietly picked up, tried behind closed doors and sent back to Moscow in a swap before the affair was published.
The Russians must have been sounded out on an exchange deal some time ago and its details negotiated well ahead, such as which agents the FBI would detain, the severity or lenience of the charges against them and, most importantly, which American agents the Russians would release in return. It does not stand to reason that this transaction was put in place as claimed only three or four days before the actual trade.
Our sources believe that hard bargaining was tough and spread over weeks, if not months, because what Moscow really wanted from the deal were not just the 11 semi-dormant moles who had done nothing important except living it up in the US, but two real heavyweights, the two most damaging Russian moles ever to undermine the CIA. Aldrich Ames was finally caught in the mid-1990s after climbing its ranks to become a senior officer and betraying the secrets of most US secret agencies to the KGB; and the FBI's Robert Hanssen, who was believed to have taken over from Ames as Moscow's top illegal agent in America.
Both were sentenced to life without parole.
Russia has never given up on securing the release of these two master-spies and most probably initiated the swap with the United States for this goal, our intelligence sources believe. Washington's refusal to play explains the apparent inconsequentiality of the final deal, which ended up benefiting neither the US nor Russia and had to be cleared away in a hurry before the new "reset" in US-Russian relations was affected.
Moscow's part of the deal was to release four agents accused of spying for the CIA and the British MI6: Igor Sutyagin, who was serving a 15-year sentence, Sergei Skripal, a former Russian army colonel and two former officers of the SVR, the post-Cold War version of the KGB, Alexander Zaporozhsky and Gennady Vasilenko.
The entire affair unfolded as though it was the last remaining leftover of - or possibly a prologue to - a bigger transaction - more like the opening chapter of a John Le Carre novel than its final denouement.
It also looked as though someone in Washington was more interested in the hype over the capture of 11 Russian spies than the feat per se. Their low value in terms of espionage gave Western media a chance to parody Russia's spy service as a comical anachronism stuck in the good old 1960s and 1970s, with no real missions to assign its once glamorous "illegals" in this day and age.
The Washington Post ridiculed the Russia's intelligence service and Vladimir Putin, its former chief, in this comment: "The operation must have made for a superb briefing in the Kremlin: 'Comrade leader, we have a (whisper) network in American awaiting your instructions.'"
This sort of parody presents Russian security agencies as bumbling apparatchiks when, the truth is that Moscow runs a highly competent, up-to-date spy service in many parts of the world, including the Middle East. Its undiscovered networks are poles apart from the bon vivant network rolled up in the United States.

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US Dollar Refunding Project - élite financial sabotage in Washington DC. that if he authorities release of the Global Settlement funds,George Bush Snr threatens Barack Obama Bush will go to the US Supreme Court and have Obama’s US Presidency terminated with immediate effect. In related counter-actions, on Friday 2nd July and Saturday 3rd July 2010, Deutsche Bank (Frankfurt, Germany) and Bank of America (Charlotte, USA) were quietly foreclosed, cleared out and put under new management. The positive global stockmarket response during the week beginning Monday 5th July 2010 was energised by these foreclosures.
The text of a pertinent letter sent on Thursday 8th July 2010 by Pasadena attorney, Al Clifton Hodges, to the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, follows:
Telephone: (626) 564-9797
Facsimile: (626) 564-9111
A. Clifton Hodges
James S. Kostas
Donald W. Ricketts*
*Of Counsel
July 8th, 2010
Sent Via E-Mail and Facsimile
The Right Honorable George Osborne MP
Chancellor of the Exchequer
HM Treasury
Horse Guards Road
London SW1A 2HQ
Fax No. 020 7270 4580
Re: U.S. Dollar Refunding Project
Dear Honorable George Osborne,
I write to you once more in furtherance of matters raised in my prior correspondence of June 25, 2010; I understand that you have received instructions regarding my approach, and the various points raised in my earlier messages. Your assistance is most urgently required in addressing these matters, and the apparent disavowal of earlier agreements made and reaffirmed at previous G-8 meetings concerning the U.S. Dollar Refunding Project. I write on behalf of my clients Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., of Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, and his corporations: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Cottrell Securities Limited, registered in England and Wales.
The events of the past week are difficult to understand, and impossible to tolerate. I am advised and understand that the Lienholders executed a foreclosure and management takeover Fri-Sat 2-3 July of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, and of Bank of America in Charlotte, NC.
They "cleaned out" both banks of people working for the opponents and cleared toxic debt [including derivatives] off the bank balance sheets. Accordingly, they took DB out of the control of Angela Merkel and opponents in Germany, and they took BOA out of all possible control by the opponents in this country. As a result of these actions, it was expected that the World Global Settlement funds could be distributed this week.
These funds were available for distribution on Tuesday, July 6. Because George Bush Sr. was initiating interference, the Chinese authorities then had a “talk” with Bush Sr. By Wednesday afternoon a full Compliance Officer meeting had been conducted, and the appropriate parties were again prepared to initiate the transfers when Mr. Leon Panetta, pursuant to instructions from President Obama and George Bush Sr. issued instructions to the banking authorities to “placate but do not pay”; this prevented the authorities from making any such transfers. I am advised that the Chinese authorities then had another “talk” with Bush Sr., and all was ready again on today, July 7, and set to commence @ 3:00 PM EDT.
At approximately 3:00 PM EDT, I am told by several sources, George Bush Sr. apparently contacted President Obama and instructed him not to allow release of the funds. Bush Sr. then advised the President that if the funds were released, Bush would “go to the Supreme Court and have Obama’s Presidency terminated”. In accord with these instructions, the payout of the World Global Settlement funds has not proceeded.
THE PAYMENTS PREVIOUSLY AGREED TO AND SET FORTH ON THE BASEL LIST HAVE NOT BEEN MADE AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THESE CONTINUED DELAYS. Direct intervention through your good offices on behalf of the Royal Monarchal Power, is absolutely required to bring this matter to conclusion. To secure release of these Settlement funds, it is imperative that your power as one of the U.S. Treasury Lienholders, be exercised with such force as may be required to effect completion.
I respectfully plead that you utilize the inherent Royal Monarchal Power at the earliest possible moment to ensure completion of this funding. Thank you in advance for your assistance; please contact me directly if I can provide any additional information or help.
Cc: Lindell H. Bonney, Sr.
Colonel Dana Wilcox
Michael C. Cottrell, BA, MS
President Barack Obama
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Interpol, USNCB

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