Zechariah Chapter 14 זְכַרְיָה

Tonight was the "Bold and Fresh" Glenn Beck/Bill O' Reilly show in Westbury, NY. Thousands of their loyal fans showed up and they were greeted by an enthusiastic crowd from Pastor Manning's church as they entered the parking lot. The Fox fans were met with leaflets and church songs, it was quite a site to see. There were about 50-60people, but their spirit was strong.
There should have been 5,000 people protesting tonight, but too many people are brainwashed by Fox News and the Tea Party movement that the Obama eligibility issue is a non-issue. I have heard so many excuses and I am not buying any of them. This issue is bigger than Watergate and that is why there is a news blackout on the entire issue on all networks.
I almost did not make this protest due to sheer exhaustion, but I knew that I had no choice to make it to Westbury, NY. Why? Because thepeople need to be informed of this 'news' that is being blacked out by all networks and print in the media. If I did not report about this protest, it would have gone unreported. I was the ONLY journalist there covering this protest.
I want everyone to know that I do like Fox and Beck, but not as much as I used to like them. Beck's Jan. 4th attack on the American people (many of them his fans) that dared to ask Obama for evidence that he is a natural born citizen was not only betrayal, it was suspicious.
Many of the Fox fans did not even know why we were out there protesting. One of them shouted "Communism does not work." I approached him and I told him "We are here because Beck and O' Reilly are part of a news blackout on the Obama eligibility issue and we want that blackout lifted." I explained other details briefly and in under 30 seconds the gentleman said "Wow, that is interesting indeed."
More facts
There are multiple felonies alleged against Obama regarding his ineligibility to be president and I suspect that many other powerfulpeople around him would also be charged in this conspiracy to protect the 1st Kenyan president. If this were G.W. Bush or Sarah Palin being accused of an eligibility question? They would have been in handcuffs already and the coverage would be 24 hours a day on all news channels.
I have never seen such media silence on an issue in my entire life, this is without a doubt a conspiracy and not a conspiracy theory. The name calling against anyone that dares to question Obama's eligibility is so frantic and it reeks of desperation to keep this issue from being spoken in public. There are also allegations that all networks were threatened to not report about this issue or face a FCC crackdown.
The popular rant is "crazy birthers". This is being done to discredit the movement and it resembles tactics that were done in the Soviet Union to dissidents that dared to speak out against communism. Why is the media blacking out this issue, if we are so crazy? Why are they afraid to even mention PENDING lawsuits? Prove us wrong, if we are so crazy. Name calling is all they can do, because they know they can not produce evidence to prove us wrong. This is how communists behave when their back it facing the wall and they are caught in a lie.
Where was all of the name calling when leftists were screaming for Bush and Cheney to be arrested for war crimes? They still are screaming ...but we are crazy? No, we are not crazy, we have Obama cornered like a rat and he has his little Soviet thugs in the media protecting him, Fox News included.
What happened to transparency Obama? The best you could produce is a photoshopped certificate of live birth with no doctors name or hospital on it? Try bringing that bogus document into a court room, rather than posting it on a Soros left wing site and you will be leaving in shackles. Now you understand why Obama is fighting this to prevent it from going to court.
Obama will not even release his school records, because he seems to have plenty to hide. That is why he has reportedly spent over $2 million fighting these allegations rather than releasing any documents at all. Now that he is president, he is fighting this lawsuit with TAX DOLLARS. Time to wake up sheep....
Beck and O' Reilly BOTH claim that Obama was born in Hawaii, yet they have offered not one shred of evidence on their shows. They have intentionally tried to undermine and sabotage the eligibility movement to score points with the Obama regime.
Obama does not care for one second what Beck draws on that blackboard, but that would change if he started drawing questions about Obama NOT being a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN that has allegedly used 39 different social security numbers under various names.
- Why is the name Barry Soetoro banned from the news media? Can someone please answer that question for me? (Steve Dunham is another name that has come up recently).
- Barry Soetoro was the name that Obama had when he lived in Indonesia as an INDONESIAN citizen. I bet if you went to 50 people on the street and asked them "Who is Barry Soetoro?" Not one of them would be able to answer the question. This ignorance is due to the media blackout...
- WE are demanding that a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate this matter once and for all. The left run for cover once the words "special prosecutor" is mentioned, because they know Obama has nothing to show. He would have to resign. Obama has put this country in grave danger with his disregard for the U.S. constitution.
Glenn Beck, Bill O' Reilly, countless others in the media and both political party's need to be held accountable if any violence breaks out when Obama is removed from office. I allege that THEY knowingly covered up this issue prior to the election to protect Obama and they betrayed this nation in the process.
FYI - Fox news was attacking Congressman Deal today on the show Cashin' in. He is the only one in congress with the guts to send Obama a letter asking that he release his birth and school records to the public.
Pastor Manning - Beck and O' Reilly are trying to sabotage the Obama Eligibility movement
Pastor James Manning doing an exclusive interview with Steve Cooper from The Conservative Monster outside of the Beck and O' Reilly"Bold Fresh Show" in Westbury, NY.
APD Admits It Is Legal to Buy and Sell Firearms in Texas
.....................................................................................Ron Paul Warns Of Coming “Social And Political Chaos”
.....................................................................................THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS
Haiti earthquake - starving survivors reduced to eating grass
Bin Laden threatens more attacks like failed Delta bombing
DEBKAfile Special Report
January 24, 2010, 11:56 AM (GMT+02:00)

Osama bin Laden remains invisible
In a new audio message aired by Al Jazeera TV Sunday, Jan. 24, Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the Dec. 25 attempt to blow up an airliner bound for Detroit and vowed there would be more attacks. In a voice message from "Osama to Obama," bin Laden said America would have no peace unless there was "security for Palestinians."
The al Qaeda leader described the described the failed attempt by Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to detonate a bomb on Northwest airliner with 300 passengers aboard "confirmation" of previous attacks, including Sept. 11.
Bin Laden promised further attacks if the U.S. continued to support Israel.
The message which has not yet been authenticated.
Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 קֹהֶלֶת

The Lies of Obama
Why Is The US Military Occupying Four Airports In Haiti?
![]() | Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US Occupation - by Marguerite Laurent - 2010-01-22 |
Latest News and Top Stories | |
![]() | The Crisis in Haiti Global Research Dossier of 50+ articles and reports - 2010-01-30 |
![]() | A Haiti Disaster Relief Scenario Was Envisaged by the US Military One Day Before the Earthquake - by Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-01-21 |
The holding of pre-disaster simulations pertained to the impacts of a hurricane in Haiti. They were held on January 11. |
Arms maker to remove 'biblical' gunsight messages

The US Feds invasion of Haiti was aimed at taking over the Haitian central bank
India Tightens Security Amid Warnings of Possible Hijack Attempt
UK Terror Threat Level Raised To 'Severe'
The Untold Story: Russian jets held military exercises on 9/11/01

Syria partially mobilizes reserves as tensions rise on Israel's northern border
DEBKAfile Special Report
January 22, 2010, 6:30 PM (GMT+02:00)

Iranian and Syrian defense ministers shake on a military pact
Friday, Jan. 22, Damascus ordered a Level 4 mobilization of Syria's army reserves for deployment to the Golan Heights on the Israeli border, to meet what it calls "IDF plans of attack." DEBKAfile's military sources interpret Level 4 as referring to Syrian armored and commando brigades.
In Lebanon, too, Hizballah has placed "all its forces" on a state of military preparedness. Our intelligence sources report that this order applies to the Iranian proxy's strongholds across southern Lebanon and the Beqaa Valley, but not to its command posts in Beirut and other Lebanese cities.
Damascus and Hizballah both claim that Israel has embarked on a large-scale military exercise along its northern borders to create a jumping-off point for striking Hizballah followed by raids into Syria.
However, Western and Arab sources confirm that Israel made a point of reassuring Damascus and Beirut via American and UN intermediaries at the beginning of this week that the military units massed in the north were engaged solely in maneuvers with no aggressive intent.
Far from being prompted by IDF war games, Syria and Hizballah are reported by our Iranian and military sources as acting out the secret military cooperation pacts they have just concluded with Tehran. The pacts were negotiated and signed during visits to Damascus by Iran's National Security Adviser Saeed Jalili on Nov. 3 and its defense minister Ahmed Vahidi on Dec. 17.
These treaties commit Syria to come to Hizballah's aid if it comes under Israeli attack, and all three signatories to respond to any Israeli military movement. Our military sources believe Hizballah and Syria are taking advantage of the Israeli war game to test their own preparedness for attack on orders from Tehran.
Ask Tea Party About Birth Certificate
Posted on 22. Jan, 2010 in Featured Videos
Recorded on Thursday, 21 January 2010. Follow us on twitter http://www.twitter.com/atlahworldwide Connect with us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/ATLAHWorldwide/150345810898