Here's something to give you heartburn. . . and maybe a little bit more!
Nidal Hasan on Obama's Security Task Force..............
Now we have a little insight into why Obama said to not jump to conclusions about Nidal Hasan and why Congressmen were not briefed before the press leak.
This murdering Muslim Terrorist who killed and wounded the soldiers and civilians at Ft Hood, Texas was an advisor to Obama's Homeland Security team. Look on page 29 of the Homeland Security Institute link below.
I wonder how many more skeletons there are to come to of the cupboard. Who else is there in the government or its numerous advisors or Czars that will harm our country and citizens?
http://www.gwumc.edu/hspi/old/PTTF_ProceedingsReport_05.19.09.pdf Go to page number 29, scroll down toward the bottom on the Left Column
He is listed under "THINKING ANEW- SECURITY PRIORITIES FOR THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION", as Nidal Hasan, Uniformed Services University School of Medicine (8TH DOWN ON LEFT COLUMN PAGE 29).
Please send this link to everybody on your email list.
The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society
David DeGraw
The economic elite have launched an attack on the U.S. public and society is unraveling at an increased rate
Report Contents:
U.S. Societal Breakdown | |
Environmental Crisis | |
The Obama Myth | |
Economic Coup - Theft of Trillions | |
National Emergency |
You may have missed it in the mainstream news media, but statistical societal indicators are reading red across the board. Before exposing the root causes of this breakdown, let’s look at some vital statistics and facts:
FOR CONTINUATION CLICK ON THE TITLE........................................................................................
Israeli News - Rumors that Hillary Clinton will resign soon?
Iran launches 'huge' war games amid threats to strike Tel Aviv
Alan Keyes - "Let Rev. Manning be heard!"
Congress awash in warnings from citizen-employers
VIDEONETDAILY WorldNetDaily 'SNL' scorches Obama policies NBC comedy show ruthless in satire of president's plans --WND |
Comcast takes hard line against spam
401(k) as Dangerous as the Dollar
Denied Russian S-300 missiles, Iran cannot protect nuclear sites
DEBKAfile Special Report
November 22, 2009, 12:24 AM (GMT+02:00)
Russian S-300 - denied
Iran launches its huge Modafean-e (Defenders) Aseman-e-Velayat air defense exercise Sunday, Nov. 22, to protect its nuclear sites, after failing to persuade Russia to deliver the linchpin of its air defenses, S-300 missiles. For two weeks, high-ranking Iranian politicians and generals bombarded Moscow to make good on its contract to supply the key weapon, to no avail. Saturday, Nov. 21, Iran's air force commander Brig. Gen. Ahmad Mighani spoke at length about the highly sophisticated S-300, without which, DEBKAfile's military sources say, Iran has no real defense against US and Israeli aerial or missile strikes against its nuclear installations.
Iran will hold its war games in the western and southern regions, which Iran estimates will be selected by the Americans and Israelis for attack, and cover an area of 600,000 sq. km. Iranian warplanes will simulate enemy jets zooming in to strike.
Our sources report that, aside from the Russian-made Tor-M 1 short-range interceptor, Iran's air defense systems are outdated and pretty useless against US stealth bombers or the Israeli air force's electronic jamming instruments. Syria likewise lacked the weapons for stopping Israel attack its North-Korean-made nuclear reactor two years ago. The Iranian air force has nowhere near the capacity to take on US or Israeli air might.
Lacking the crucial S-300, a senior Revolutionary Guards officer was reduced to threatening: "If Israel attacks Iran, Iranian missiles will explode in the heart of Tel Aviv!"
Iranian strategists are trying to make do with four devices:
1. As many nuclear installations as possible are being moved to secret subterranean sites - among them most of the research laboratories working on the development of nuclear weapons and missiles.
2. Bogus installations have been planted not far from genuine plants to mislead assailants.
3. Tehran's most powerful defense is the deterrent strength of its ballistic missiles and the missiles distributed to its Middle East allies, Syria, the Lebanese Hizballah and the Palestinian Hamas. Therefore, Iran's first response to attack will not be to attack Israeli population centers as the Revolutionary Guards officer threatened, but to strike the home bases of its air force, missile and radar as well as the Israel-based US military facilities, so that Israeli warplanes will have no facilities to come back to and its missiles are knocked off their launch pads.
4. Iran's means its air defense war game as a rejoinder for the joint US-Israel Juniper Cobra 10 anti-ballistic exercise which took place for two weeks earlier this month. Iran's leaders had to make good on their vow not to leave any American or Israeli military step in the region unanswered, although the anti-air exercise will expose the big hole in their defenses. Even if every last anti-air measure and device they possess is deployed, Iran's nuclear facilities will still be susceptible to attack, be they the uranium enrichment center at Natanz, the Isfahan fuel plants in Isfahan, the facilities in northern Tehran, or the reactors going up in Arak opposite the Straits of Hormuz.
.....................................................................................FROM STEVE QUAYLE
America's economic pain brings hunger pangs
WND FREEDOM INDEX POLL Democrats worry about damage from Obama agenda 'Initiatives in Washington come with steep political price tag'
HEAT OF THE MOMENT Coca-Cola leads cheering section for 1-world climate change taxes 100 companies push '16 days left to seal deal' on $10 trillion treaty
S&W, This email is intended to express my disappointment with the quality of a product and the lack of customer /support service. I guess I am old fashioned in the sense that pride in workmanship and thereby ownership meant something. Recently I returned via mail a "Performance Center" shooting bag given to me by my brother. I have enjoyed SW products for years and this was a wonderful gift. After moderate use over the course of a few years, by no means abuse, this product simply ripped and failed to close ( the zipper ripped off the bag) After closer inspection, I noted that this product was made in China. Long story short, SW customer service told me today, Nov. 20, 2009, that this product will not be replaced. It probably cost SW $10, it cost us $60. So long SW I am switching to RUGER Have a nice one.
CLAUDE BALLS, NEW YORK CITY, NY Former proud owner of SW products
US Government website says US government's economic stimulus measures have created jobs in nonexistent Congressional Districts
On Friday 13th February 2009, the US Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act at the urging of US President Barack Obama. The President signed it into law four days later. One of the information-providing spinoffs of that legislation was this federal website here. It was set up to track spending from the Obama administration's $787 billion economic stimulus programme. The website reports that the programme has created thousands of jobs in congressional districts that do not exist. According to the Recovery.gov website, California has seven Congressional Districts more than the fifty three it actually has, including a ninety ninth. In South Carolina, the Recovery.gov website reports that $40.7 million in economic stimulus funds have gone to seven spurious congressional districts, including district numbers 00 and 25. South Carolina has just six US House districts.
Who is Dragi Emseriev? And which organisation is he working for?
A Turkish agent identified as Dragi Emseriev is due to arrive in Japan with the intention of carrying out economic sabotage using large denomination bonds. Who is running him? And what are the coordinates of the bank accounts being used to support his economic terrorism?