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New GM Chairman declares: 'I don't know anything about cars'...
Just three weeks before he died David Carradine stocked up at a LA sex shop.

Obama move would eliminate 8 of 10 pocketknives
'If this were to pass and you cross the state line with one, it's a felony'
8:40 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
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The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency is proposing a new definition that could be used to eliminate 8 of 10 legal pocketknives in the United States right now, according to activists who are gearing up to fight the plan.
The federal bureaucracy is accepting comments – written only – that must be received by June 21 before its planned changes could become final, but Doug Ritter of, said the implications of the decision would be far-reaching, since many state and federal agencies depend on the agency's definitions to determine what is legal in the United States.
For a long time, those switchblades that have long stiletto blades that are spring-ejected powerfully from the side or end of the handle have been illegal in the United States, but now a review by the agency of its own approval in 2008 of a particular type of knife for import is raising serious alarms.
Ritter said the effect of the proposed change would be that the new design in knives, many of which contain a tiny spring to help the user pull open the blade and lock it into position, would be classified alongside those true weapons where the user just presses a button and the blade is ejected.
Footprints of president's own history either vanish or remain covered up
8:34 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Obama's alleged kindergarten class (photo: Maui News) |
While nearly 400,000 concerned citizens demand President Obama present his elusive "long-form" birth certificate, more than a dozen other documents remain unreleased or otherwise blocked from the public eye.
Numerous documents which have yet to be surrendered include the following.
Obama kindergarten records
The Maui News reported that Obama attended kindergarten at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu during the school year 1966-67. It released a photo of two teachers, Katherine Nakamoto and Aimee Yatsushiro, with five students. The teachers claim one of the children is Barack Obama.
According to the Hawaii Department of Education, students must submit a birth certificate to register. Parents may bring a passport or student visa if the child is from a foreign country.
So far, no records have been released by the school. Noelani Elementary School officials have not responded to WND's request for comment.
Punahou School records
![]() Punahou's alleged 1979 yearbook photo of Obama playing basketball |
Though from a modest background, Obama began attending the prestigious Punahou School in Honolulu, one of Hawaii's top private institutions. He reportedly received a scholarship and attended the school from the fifth grade until he finished high school, though no financial records have been released.
The Boston Globe reported, "In 1979, the year Obama graduated, tuition for high school students at Punahou was $1,990, a sizable expense compared with Hawaii's median family income of $22,750 that year.
Obama, reportedly a "B" student, studied among the island's richest and most accomplished students. According to the school's website, he also played forward on Punahou's 1979 state championship basketball team.
Occidental College records
Obama arrived at Occidental College, a small liberal arts school in Los Angeles, Calif., in the fall of 1979. He only briefly mentions the school in his 1995 memoir, "Dreams from My Father."
Obama attended the school on a scholarship. Some question whether the financial aid he received was reserved for foreign students. Financial records have not been released.
In a legal action, handled largely by Gary Kreep of the U.S. Justice Foundation, officials at Occidental College were served with a demand to produce records concerning Barack Obama's attendance there during the 1980s because they could document whether he was attending as a foreign national.
Kreep petitioned the college with a demand for its records concerning Obama.
![]() Occidental College library |
"The gravamen of the petition is the question as to whether United States Senator Barack Hussein Obama, of Illinois, is eligible to serve as president of the United States pursuant to the requirements for that office in the United States Constitution," he wrote. "The records sought may provide documentary evidence, and/or admissions by said defendant, as to said eligibility or lack thereof."
College officials then contacted Obama's lawyers, who argued to the court that the election was over and that future concerns should be addressed to Congress.
The motion stated that the records, which could reveal on what name Obama attended classes at Occidental and whether he attended on scholarship money intended for foreign students, "are of no relevance to this moot litigation."
The motion also claimed the petitioners failed to serve the subpoena properly.
Get your "Where's the birth certificate?" bumper sticker here.
"The subpoena directed to Occidental College should therefore be quashed. Alternatively, this court should issue an order directing that the deposition of the custodian of records of Occidental College not take place," the firm working on Obama's behalf stated.
"The central issue in this lawsuit … is whether any Respondent had a legal duty to demand proof of natural born citizenship from Democratic Party's nominee," the motion said. "None of the documents sought by petitioners could possibly assist in answering this question."
A judge granted a motion to quash the subpoena.
"Obama's attorneys bent over backward to block us," Kreep told WND. "Obama doesn't want anyone to see those records. He's trying to hide them."
Mitchell presents US land swap plan that leaves Israel settlement blocs in place – report
DEBKAfile Special Report
June 10, 2009, 2:44 PM (GMT+02:00)

US Middle East envoy George Mitchell comes with new plan?
Western sources report that President Barack Obama's Middle East envoy George Mitchell presented Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas with a new American plan for swapping territory when they met in Ramallah Wednesday June 10. DEBKAfile's sources report that this plan holds the prospect of leaving the major Jewish West Bank settlements blocs under Israeli sovereignty in return for handing Israeli land to the Palestinians.
This plan indicates that expectations of a major crisis between the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government over the settlement issue were exaggerated. It means that if the large Jewish blocs and East Jerusalem districts are to stay in Israeli hands, Washington will have no cause to object to their expansion to accommodate population growth.

Says Mikhail Gorbachev essentially endorsing Barack's plan
9:56 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
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Talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh says Barack Obama has become the Mikhail Gorbachev of the United States, overseeing its destruction.
"Mikhail Gorbachev presided over the collapse of his country like Barack Obama is presiding over the collapse of his," Limbaugh said on his program today. "And so a man who knows how to collapse his own economy is now advising us on how to collapse ours.
"Ladies and gentlemen, there can be no other way to say this now. The gloves have to come off. It's time for people to sober up. The president of the United States, Barack Obama, is destroying the United States economy. There is no other way to describe this, systematically destroying it," he said.
"'Rush, are you saying he's destroying it on purpose?' I'm not going there, it doesn't matter. What matters is the United States economy is being destroyed. Even the Associated Press, government-run Associated Press with a headline: 'Big Government Spending Programs Have Opposite Effect on Economy.' They are concluding that you cannot spend yourself out of a recession. So what is President Obama planning to do? Spend even more, even sooner," he said. "Here is the AP story: 'The Federal Reserve announced a $1.2 trillion plan three months ago designed to push down mortgage rates and breathe life into the housing market. But this and other big government spending programs are turning out to have the opposite effect.' It is not just that they aren't working, they are hurting, they are harming."
Beware! That folding knife in your pocket may turn you into a
criminal if the Obama administration gets its way. Although there has
been a lot of fear and speculation that the new administration wants
to take your guns, the most pressing threat now is actually to your
pocket knives. With the changing of the guard at U.S. Customs, that
agency has now embarked on redefining "switchblades" under federal
law to include a wide variety of one hand opening knives that never
were intended to be prohibited. In fact, many of the knives U.S.
Customs now seek to prohibit under the Federal Switchblade Law had
not even been invented at the time of its enactment! Furthermore,
four previous U.S. Customs ruling letters (prior administrations)
specifically determined "assisted opening" knives not to be defined
as switchblades.
This new proposed U.S. Customs regulation is so broad that thousands
of pocket knives will fall under its sweep and millions of knife
owners will be affected. The problem is not simply that imports will
be banned (which is bad enough), but that the "agency determination"
will be used by domestic courts and law enforcement to determine what
a "switchblade" is under both federal and state laws. Many states,
including New Hampshire, fail to define switchblades and simply rely
on the federal definition.
Luckily, the two premiere knife organizations in the US, American
Knife and Tool Institute (AKTI) and, are fighting
hard on this issue, but they both need your immediate help. Customs
is attempting to jam this new regulation though at record speed.
America a weapons supermarket for terrorists, inquiry finds
Undercover inspectors manage to buy high-grade gear including nuclear triggers and evade export bans
FNH Gun Blew Up In Owner's Hand Because He Used Reloaded Ammo
The makers of Five-seveN handguns finished their evaluation of the gun the blew up in an owner's hand and have determined that it was due to his error and not theirs.
Initially, the owner, going by the handle "f3rr37" speculated in an online forum that the gun had fired "out of battery," which is when the weapon fires and the slide or bolt is not fully closed and all sorts of parts of the gun going flying in the wrong directions. After he sent the gun back, FNH found that the gun failed because the owner used "reloaded ammo," bullets ammo that he packed himself rather than using factory issued ones. In this case, he packed the bullet with double the amount of necessary powder. The owner says he accepts these findings. Despite the maker's initial lack of followthrough when f3rr37 tried to escalate the issue through normal channels, FNH eventually sent him a brand new gun free of charge after he sent the busted one back. The uproar f3rr37's story created in online forums may have helped spur them to action quicker.
Is Obama eligible? 'We cannot respond to your inquiries'
9:26 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A door has been slammed on the hunt for confirmation of President Obama's birth in Hawaiian hospital records, with officials at two prominent Honolulu facilities either declining to return WND telephone calls or refusing to comment.
Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children and Queen's Medical Center both have been cited – by various sources including Obama's half-sister – as the birth place in 1961 of Barack Obama.
But officials at Kapiolani today declined to return any of at least four WND messages requesting a comment on what perhaps would be the facility's most significant claim to fame, and officials at Queen's said in a prepared statement, "Due to patient privacy laws we cannot respond to your inquiries."
They said that statement could be attributed only to a hospital "spokesperson."
Lamar Outdoor says 'it's misleading to indicate there's question about president's birth certificate'
9:21 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
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WASHINGTON – Lamar Outdoor, one of the largest providers of billboard space in America, has become the second major company to reject an advertising campaign raising questions about Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility for office.
Lamar joins CBS, the No. 1 outdoor advertising company, in prohibiting its salesmen nationwide from accepting leases of billboards for a campaign that asks the simple question, "Where's the birth certificate?"
"We're just not going to accept that copy," Lamar spokesman Hal Kirshaw told WND. "We think it's a settled matter. We think it's misleading to indicate there's any question about the president's birth certificate. We looked at it and we made the call."
Kirshaw said he read "independent media reports" and unnamed "newspaper articles" to make his decision.
*************************************************************************************************Terrorism not ruled out in Air France crash mystery
DEBKAfile Special Report
June 9, 2009

Divers pull Air France tail fin out of Atlantic Ocean
A week after Air France A330's unexplained fatal dive into the Atlantic June 1, DEBKAfile reports from Paris that US, French and Brazilian investigators have begun going through the list of more than 200 passengers on the flight from Rio to Paris with a tooth comb. They are looking at the victims' countries of origin, family, social and denominational associations for possible clues to the mysterious disaster.
After the recovery of 24 bodies, some personal possessions and large sections of the doomed aircraft, there is still no understanding of what happened aboard the craft in the few short minutes before the crash when its automated monitoring systems transmitted a series of 24 error messages indicating the shutdown of critical systems.
As long as the fog surrounding the tragedy remains impenetrable, a man-made disaster cannot be ruled out. Both the French defense minister and Pentagon have said there were no signs that terrorism was involved in the crash. This was short of an outright denial. But some terror experts are not excluding a terrorist attack.
Saturday, June 6, when the French and US president held a news conference at Caen, Barack Obama commented, apparently off the cuff: "…it's not clear yet what happened to the plane but the two countries want to find discover what caused the plane to be lost."
This sort of comment by a US president and America's active involvement in the investigation of a foreign air disaster when the plane is not of US manufacture and no Americans were aboard are unusual - unless a serious crime or terror is suspected. So too is Sarkozy's request to Obama for active US participation in the search without consulting with Air France.
Aviation authorities recall that another Air France flight from Buenos Aires to Paris was grounded temporarily on May 27 because of a telephoned bomb threat. The tri-border region where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet is home to a large Muslim population with a history of militancy.
Aviation experts were first puzzled by the time the airline took on June 1 – an hour and a half - to disclose that the plane had failed to land at Charles de Gaulle after dropping off radar screens. Later, Paris radio announced that there was no hope of survivors among passengers and crew, but offered no information to support this presumption. The delays, according to our Paris sources, indicated that French government and security officials were themselves scrambling frantically for information to establish the cause of the tragedy. They tried to impose a news blackout until they were wiser, but the dearth of facts only gave rise to wild rumors, such as a bolt of lightening or extreme turbulence. Both theories were quickly dismissed; large airliners are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions.
The French government came out with its first official statement only when it was forced to admit it was stumped.
Later, French investigators suggested that the cockpit was empty when the plane dropped without warning into the ocean. They offered no theories about whether the pilots had left the cockpit voluntarily or not.
The auto-pilot was also disengaged shortly before the stream of error messages went out.
In a detailed analysis published Tuesday, June 9, a BBC aviation expert wondered whether it was "an un-commanded disengagement prompted by some other systems failure, or whether the pilot took control in a valiant but ultimately failed attempt to rescue his aircraft."
Sophisticated American sonar equipment will be deployed Thursday to trace the black boxes in several hundred square kilometers of deep Atlantic Ocean 1,000 km north-east of Brazil's Fernando de Noronha islands. The locators can detect pings to a depth of 6,000 meters. They will be working against the clock since these signals begin to fade after 30 days. After July 1 the recorders will be lost.
If found in time, French deep-water unmanned subs aboard the oceanographic survey ship Pourquoi Pas will be lowered to retrieve the boxes from the ocean floor
Meanwhile, the recovered vertical stabilizer which must have sheared off the plane shows no signs of burn marks. One expert says this does not mean much since an explosion or fire in the fuselage would not necessarily reach the tail section.
Investigators are also looking at the possibility that external speed monitors iced over and gave dangerously false readings to cockpit computers in a thunderstorm. The sensors aboard flight A330 had not been replaced as Airbus, the manufacturer, had recommended.