
Latest:Iran admits 50 cities had more votes than voters
Trade group headed by Democrat donor discouraged acceptance of eligibility ad
7:14 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
OAAA chief Nancy Fletcher |
WASHINGTON – A fourth billboard company has rejected a campaign designed to raise visibility on questions surrounding Barack Obama's eligibility for office – this time by claiming the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, a trade and lobbying group that claims to promote freedom of speech, actually discouraged acceptance.
The OAAA, headed by President and Chief Executive Officer Nancy Fletcher, a Hillary Clinton financial contributor in 2008, reportedly advised some members not to accept ads from WND that asked, "Where's the birth certificate?"
Fletcher, who refused to respond to WND inquiries about the action of the OAAA, points out on the group's website that "outdoor advertising is regulated by multiple layers of government."
"Yet while there are so many changes in the industry and in American lifestyles, certain principles haven't changed," Fletcher writes." For more than two centuries, the American republic has drawn strength from its Bill of Rights and the Constitution. The Founding Fathers put a premium on freedom as they wrote clear safeguards against an overbearing government. In particular, the First Amendment protects free speech and the Fifth Amendment protects property rights. Debate is honored and encouraged in a free society. Indeed, people have debated outdoor advertising regulation since the first postings, and debate will continue. As the world changes around us – in ways we perhaps cannot contemplate – we know Americans share deep respect for free expression and for private property."
Iran crisis tightens top-level Israel-Egyptian-Saudi strategic interaction
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
June 21, 2009, 8:49 PM (GMT+02:00)

Mubarak and Barak - plenty to discuss
Israel's defense minister Ehud Barak said his talks in Cairo Sunday, June 21, with President Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian defense minister Gen. Tantawi and intelligence minister Gen. Omar Suleiman were interesting and wide-ranging. They covered Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, US president Barak Obama's Middle East peace initiative
and the case of the abducted Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit, now three years in Hamas captivity.
A round meeting of all four was followed by separate discussions with the key officials of the two governments five weeks after Binyamin Netanyahu traveled to Sharm el-Sheikh for a conference with the Egyptian president on May 11 shortly before he took office as Israeli prime minister.
DEBKAfile's political sources report The Cairo conference further solidified the understanding forged between Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia six months ago, which none of the parties acknowledge formally.
One of its aspects is Israel's willingness to take its Arab partners' interests into account in its military policy. This consideration guided Israel in ending its Gaza offensive in January short of wiping out the Palestinian extremist Hamas.
The three neighbors are bound by the common objective of halting Iran's Middle East expansion and curtailing its nuclear aspirations by means of diplomatic, military and intelligence cooperation, or alternatively, to minimize the menace posed the region from Tehran.
For most of the time, the three partners have worked together quietly and ad hoc. Then US President Barack Obama and Netanyahu used their speeches to bring the arrangement out in the open when they spoke of a breakthrough in Israel-Arab regional relations to accompany Israel-Palestinian peace talks.
There are no direct Israel-Saudi official contacts, DEBKAfile's Middle East sources report. They use Cairo as a letterbox with Gen. Suleiman hopping over to Riyadh to deliver messages as needed. Israeli and Saudi intelligence chiefs are thought to have had one secret meeting in an Arab capital.
Iran obviously figured high on the agenda of Barak's talks with Egyptian leaders. In fact it was the first time that the two governments had ever admitted to discussing regional affairs unrelated to bilateral or Palestinian issues. There is no doubt that both Jerusalem and Cairo urgently needed to trade views, intelligence input and evaluations on where the unrest in Iran is heading next.
Regarding Lebanon, Egyptian leaders and the Israeli minister explored the implications of the pro-Iranian Hizballah's loss of the March 8 election to the pro-western majory.
On the Palestinian issue, they talked about mending the fences between Fatah and Hamas, a sine qua non for progress in Israel-Palestinian peacemaking.
The Israeli prime minister remarked Sunday as Barak was on his way to Cairo that the demands he made of the Palestinians in his June 14 speech as necessary for peace were not pre-conditions was meant to smooth the way for the minister's talks in Cairo. In that speech, Netanyahu said he would accept a Palestinian state alongside Israel provided it was demilitarized and the Palestinians recognizes Israel as a Jewish state.
Pocket knives now in feds’ gunsights
Temporarily stymied in its efforts to move a gun control agenda forward because of strong public backlash, the administration of President Barack Obama is shifting its regulatory focus to pocket knives. No kidding. In a little noted proposed regulatory decision issued in May by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (”CPB”), the administration is seeking to ban the import of any pocket knife that partially opens with a flick of the wrist.
The government is able to reach into the pockets of America’s millions of pocket knife users to limit the type of knife they can own, thanks to a novel and expansive interpretation of the 1958 “Switchblade Knife Act.” This half-century old law prohibited the importation into the U.S.of, or the interstate commerce in, automatic switchblade and stiletto knives. As recently as last August, the CPB interpreted the law with a common sense view, in approving requests by knife companies to import and market new products. Lawful, modern-day pocket knives do not have prohibited, spring-released blades, but many are able to be opened by one hand with a flick of the wrist; and for this reason are very popular, especially with hunters, campers, and handymen. Now, the new administration is moving to revoke “permission” it gave earlier to importers of these popular knives; deciding they are dangerous “switchblades” after all. This is assinine.
If the Obama Administration has its way, such pocket knives will no longer be lawfully imported into the country, and could not be sold or transported in interstate commerce; thus effectively outlawing their sale or shipment.
The Customs agency is playing hardball in this process. It just last week denied a request by the knife industry for additional time to respond to the initial revocation proposal issued in late May; such requests for additional time to comment on such rulings are usually allowed. The government also is allowing only written comments, as opposed to e-mail comments which are normally permitted.
The Obama Administration may be going slow with regard to gun control, but its knife-control effort is on a very fast track.
By Eileen McGann
How would you like to have a job that required only two or three days a week of work and paid $165,000 a year along with exceptional health care and pension plans?
That’s the deal members of Congress have.
It was supposed to change: Shortly after the Democrats won control of Congress, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced that House members would be subjected to the hardship of working a five day work week. Well, sort of.
According to Hoyer, the House would begin its session each week by 6:30 p.m. on Mondays and finish business by about 2 p.m. on Friday. Not exactly five days, but a big improvement over the average two day work week of the last Congress.
And the Senate promised to reform its schedule, too.
But it turns out that there’s not been much change at all.
Since the beginning of the year, the House has only been in session for 45 days – slightly more than three days a week. That’s better than the Senate’s record – it was only in session for 36 days, an average of less than three days a week.
So far, as of April 11th, neither House has been in session for a single day.
House members are paid $162,500 a year with additional increases for those in leadership roles. Nice work if you can get it, isn’t it?
How's that hope, change workin' out?
Saturday June 20, 2009 by Joseph Farah -- The economy is tanking. The Iranian people are revolting over a rigged re-election by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Barack Obama neither condemns the corruption nor encourages the protests. North Korea is threatening some real fireworks on Independence Day by firing a missile at Ha ...
Blair faces new calls to appear at public war inquiry
Demands for former Prime Minister to give evidence under oath after claims that he lobbied to have private hearing
************************************************************************************************Reports of at least 19 killed as protesters face
security forces armed with guns, batons, tear gas
11:48 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Private footage of crowd running from explosions, apparent tear gas |
TEL AVIV – Clashes between protesters and Iranian security forces heightened today as police reportedly beat protesters and fired tear gas and water cannons at thousands who rallied in defiance of Iran's Islamist government.
Unconfirmed reports put the death toll as high as 150 on the seventh day of post-election protests. Sources at one Tehran hospital confirmed 19 deaths Saturday, according to CNN.
Foreign journalists in Tehran, meanwhile, have been banned from reporting from the streets or attending mass rallies the past few days, prompting news agencies to appeal to Iranians to pass on information.
"Some reports could not be independently confirmed. Foreign news organizations – including the BBC – have been subjected to strict controls which prevent reporters from leaving their offices," read an online news report from the BBC.
The British network, along with other agencies like the Associated Press and the AFP, appealed to those on the streets in Tehran to pass along information and documentation, like photos and video.
The restrictions on the press have been in place since violent protests erupted following the announcement eight days ago of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election.
"If three days from now no journalists are able to testify on what is happening in Iran, it will pave the way for all sorts of abuses," warned Jean-Francois Julliard, secretary general of the Reporters Without Borders organization.
Julliard's group confirming at least 12 journalists have been arrested since last week. His organization staged a rally last week outside the Iranian embassy in France to demand and end to all media clampdowns in Iran.
President laughs at correspondents gala, crediting those who made him 'celebrity'
5:25 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() President Barack Obama joking with the media |
At the 65th Annual Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner last night, President Barack Obama openly acknowledged that mainstream journalists are to be credited with making him a celebrity and even joked that an NBC news anchor is in bed with him.
"Why bother hanging out with celebrities when I can spend time with the people who made me one?" Obama asked the crowd of black tie journalists and media personalities gathered at the Washington Convention Center. "I know where my bread is buttered."
Learn the media madness from behind the scenes: Read Joseph Farah's "Stop the Presses!"
The president's joke-filled speech included friendly jabs at political allies and foes alike, including Rahm Emanuel, Hillary Clinton and Fox News.
His joke about "NBC Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams, however, raised the ire of critics who have complained about the media's lack of objectivity in granting Obama favorable news coverage:
"I have to admit though, it wasn't easy coming up with fresh material for this dinner," Obama said. "A few nights ago, I was up tossing and turning trying to figure out exactly what to say. Finally, when I couldn't get back to sleep, I rolled over and asked Brian Williams what he thought."
Video of the president's gag lines, including the Williams joke at roughly the 4:40 mark, can be seen below.